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Reviews for Changing of the Guard

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From X5927alpha on May 02, 2008
    Wow...things are starting to wrap themselves up. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on May 02, 2008
    It finally happened!!
    I was wondering how long Lucius was going to hold out. He really isn't all that cool as we think... Narcissa is more Slytherin than Lucius.
    Does Lucius really love Narcissa or is it a semi-fake marriage?
    Man, can't wait for the Draco-Harry confrontation!
    Great chapter!
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  • From avihenda on May 02, 2008
    Great read, as allways. So Draco is finaly disowned. Dose this mean that Harry will stop answering his owls and "fade away". He's finished with his contract. I'm looking forward to the rest of this fic! :)
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  • From sanda on May 02, 2008
    good story, I like it
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  • From ANON - ghot on May 02, 2008
    Wait, rereading what I wrote above I realized it was a bit, um, too little to analyze such a complex character (that's why I don't usually comment O.o). So I'll just say I love this fic and am anxiously waiting for next chapter and all 30+ others!
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  • From ANON - ghot on May 02, 2008
    I've been reading your stories for a while and lurking (and I *love* this one. You're the author that writes more and quicker (with quality) that I've ever seen! Mmm, do you work with something like psychology?)... but I can't help it anymore and gotta give my opinion: Really, it seems kinda impossible to me that Harry choose a single personality, cause they're *all* him! It looks like he just decided to separate and name them and, for some reason, decided to label his weaker, faulted side as the "true Harry" (ooo, what happened?). You know, er, like we all take different fronts, or 'personas', depending on the situation and who we're dealing with? His problem seems to be that he doesn't *want* to be who he believes Harry Potter is (poor Draco, this will be a challenge)... Yeah, that's it. :P
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  • From ANON - s2kitty on May 02, 2008
    Oh my god I love Narcissa so much right now. That was just such a well written chapter - and the image of Draco flinging the potion at the Aurors in the last chapter was perfect as well. Sorry I didn't review earlier, family stuff came up. I just really enjoyed reading this at a time when things are pretty stressful.
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  • From Mangacat on May 02, 2008
    My.. go out with a bang, eh?? Narcissa's really got her work in this time. But maybe that's just the hint Draco needs for the whole thing to turn out ok.. I can't wait!!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on May 01, 2008
    Yay!! I knew Narcissa would wind up being an ally...hopefully she can talk some sense into Lucius...who I'll have to admit, took a LOT longer to disown Draco than I thought he would. It makes me think that he's capable of changing his mind as well..especially after what you said in your author's note. Harry is gonna get it! I wonder what kind of wrath Draco will bring to his door for that letter. Not much to say this time around except that I hope this doesn't get much worse before it gets better...I can see it getting really bad for them before things get to the place Draco originally planned them to be...and now I'm starting to think that Draco really doesn't know his father as well as he thought he did and his plans may not turn out..I guess we'll see. It's funny because when Lucius told him he had an hour to leave, I was like Damn, this is what we've bee waiting for, but it didn't feel good you know? I think I'm feeling a bit too sympathetic for Lucius, and I don't know if that's your writing or if it's because Draco's image of him isn't measuring up to what I'm seeing...either way being disowned has become secondary or even third for Draco it seems, he has a lot bigger fish to fry. I just hope he comes out of it alive and happy for all of the shit he's put himself and his family through to get there....GREAT update, I gotta wait 3 more days? : (
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  • From Yume111 on May 01, 2008
    Well, that was quite impressive, both of them.
    I wouldn
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  • From ANON - Dani on April 30, 2008
    I ~SO~ love this story!!! I haven't been keeping up with your updates enough lately to review but I shall try much harder! Its what you deserve (at least!)for updating as fabulously as you do!!!! Thanks so much!!! How did Harry develop so many personas? Did the final battle do that or is he consiously doing it?... I'm a little confused... Just a bit! Ha!! Anyway, just wanted to thank you!!!
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  • From Lunatichero on April 30, 2008
    I don't think that Harry can help what happens when he gets into a battle situation. Its as if, while he's there,
    all of the angry parts of all of his personalities get together and decide to kick ass. And for him to be confronted
    with Draco so soon after a heady situation, it didn't give him a chance to re-seperate into his assorted people.
    It will eventually be the end of him, I believe, that he's trying to divide even the real him into so many different
    people to pull off the break up operation.
    Thank you,
    Lunatic with a Hero Complex
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  • From ANON - N/A on April 30, 2008
    Regarding the pensieve, that wasn't quite the point I was making. The point I'm making is that it seems Harry's main reason for not using the pensieve is the idea that doing so would stop him from doing his job because it would mess with his memories. The thing is, it wouldn't. It's the work of a few minutes to make a personality that *includes* the ability to keep Metamorphasis running, and any particular traits he likes along with the necessary memories etc to keep flitting from persona to persona.

    That's what I'm pointing out though. If Harry really sat down and started working on a persona to become, it wouldn't be a matter of *becoming* something so much as creating the same persona as he is, but replacing certain traits. Effectively, excising what he percieves as his flaws.

    I'm not suggesting he WOULD, just pointing out how easily an artifact like that pensieve can be abused by an intelligent person.

    All that aside however, this chapter has gone some of the way to convincing me that Harry's psyche is potentially bad, but on the other hand, I'm sticking to my guns. Harry has problems, but his problems are also his way out. As I've said, it takes extraordinary strength of character to, instead of buckling under your problems, attempt to circumvent them. Which is what Harry is doing- what he doesn't like about himself, he avoids by becoming somebody who does not have that problem. That's potentially bad, but only if he loses himself in that persona.

    Harry's pleasure at flitting from persona to persona means that so long as he keeps it up, he almost *cannot* lose himself in any one personality. The thing is, as I see it his different persona's are so well fleshed out that he's not so much becoming different people as simply choosing to only act on certain parts of himself. Gah, now I'm confused and rambling.

    In any case, I have to admit a savage glee at seeing Harry start flinging magic around. I enjoy fight scenes immensely, especially fairly cerebral ones where success is achieved by guile and intelligence, rather than brute strength.

    That potion of Draco's, though... Glee. A thought-bomb, effectively, and a wonderful one.
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  • From avihenda on April 30, 2008
    another great chapter! well done!
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 30, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 23!!!
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