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Reviews for Changing of the Guard

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From thrnbrooke on April 25, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 21!!!
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  • From shinythiefxblast on April 25, 2008
    Haryy still thinks he's fooling Draco. Unfortunately(or fortunatley),Draco is still two steps ahead. Nice chapter. I can't wait for more.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on April 24, 2008
    My heart is hurting for Harry; he needs some therapy. I hope that this new level of game playing will result in Harry losing to Draco and becoming more whole. They say you have to learn to love yourself and be whole before you can truly love someone else, but I think in Harry's case, getting the right type of love from someone who will accept him for what he thinks are his shortcomings may be just what he needs. If he's willing to break Draco's heart, knowing what he knows, he may be too far gone because it goes against everything he stands for...I'm glad Draco is perceptive enough to see that Harry is not fully committed to trying but really wants to be loved in spite of himself. I just hope he doesn't lose himself in the game or sight of Harry's plotting to get out of it. I hadn't thought of Narcissa telling other people about the business...that worries me, but then again if Narcissa did tell, it would be a blessing in disguise; Harry would have nothing to cling to but Draco. There were parts of this chapter that had me clutching my covers because Harry was trying so hard to push Draco away. I smiled each time Draco saw through it and refused to let him do it. Yay for going all out for love, taking big risks, and putting your pride and plans on the line-that's real romance, and you write it so well. Brilliant update, can't wait to see what the next phase in this dance brings. : )
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  • From ANON - kubomi on April 24, 2008
    Yay! Harry finally has had to 'reveal' himself to Draco!! I've been waiting for that moment.

    Serious;y though, what are you going to have Harry do to try and alienate Draco? It's just so harsh! He knows that what he will do will cause Draco to have difficulties in future relationships (if it works, at least), but is willing to go through with it anyway?! There really is something dreadfully wrong with him!!

    Update soon! Sooon~! (Although you always do)

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  • From tas on April 24, 2008
    I have been keeping up with this particular fic (patiently), and am liking it. It's one of the stories that I check every day to see if it's updated. I can't wait to read what you're going to do with it next. Please keep updated....frequently. Love it.
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  • From ANON - Delia on April 24, 2008
    I'm glad its not over or that Harry is not so easy.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 24, 2008
    about #19...

    First of all, I wanted to say I LOVED the humor with Mr. 'Pork Pie', I'm surprised
    you're letting more of your funny bone 'out of the closet', you aught(ought) to do
    it more. :-)

    Second, I must say I am GLAD the truth finally came out, now hopefully this
    can help Harry move from behind that wall he put up to keep other's away from
    him physically & emotionally. Of course, with Draco at his side because he's not
    going anywhere, Harry MIGHT try once they get over the obstacle of 'deceptions'.

    Third, I'm glad you had Draco let go of some his anger to let himself let go
    enough to decide that 'yes he does want Harry' and the connection that comes
    with it.

    Of course, it wouldn't be a typical Harry/Draco relationship without SOME
    resistance. :-)

    But, I'm enjoying how you're letting this story unfold.
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  • From FallenAngel1129 on April 23, 2008
    AHHH!! you evil person you!! i stayed up ALL night reading this story and thats the chapter i have to end on!?!?!!? lol but really its a wonderful story and i will admit i had passed over reading it mostly because of the title...dont know why..just didnt scream at me...but tonight i ill give it a go and what a shock it was a WONDERFUL story lol...please update soon? heh
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  • From gentlenightrain on April 23, 2008
    I'm so excited! Can't wait for Harry to drop the mask! *SQUEE!*
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  • From ANON - Graballz on April 22, 2008
    OH GOD!!! SO GOOD!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *happy dancing* Harry knows!!! Draco wants him!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Of course, there will be more angst, because HARRY still doesn't understand WHY Draco wants him!!!! But I have no doubt that Draco will be able to convince him!!!! (Draco is very persuasive!! *wink*) And even though I KNOW Draco won't do this, I just want him to say "Screw Lucius and screw the plan" and screw Harry instead!!! And go off into their own little world of happiness and sex-crazed gay bunnies!!!

    But that wouldn't be very good for the plot, so I can't wait to see how this will unfold with the "plan" and Metamorphosis and all that...GONNA BE GOOD!!!

    But oh my god, you had me whimpering when Harry surrendered himself to Draco!!! That was AMAZING! BEAUTIFUL!!! and of course, I freaked out (at first) when Harry was going to Obliviate Draco!!! But I am glad that he realized he couldn't!!! YAY FOR THEIR MAGIC!!! THEY ARE MEANT TO BE ALWAYS!!!

    I love you! You are a genius!
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  • From Caldonya on April 22, 2008
    Waiting for this Chapter almost killed me I kept checking every day to see if there was a update. Totally hot and amazing scene. I get the feeling from Harry's thoughts that he never bottomed (for lack of a better word) before or much. Just unwilling to relinquish control?
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  • From shinythiefxblast on April 22, 2008
    Harry's panic is so cute! When he couldn't bring himself to obliviate Draco made me sad and ecstaicaly happy at the same time. I have to admit it wasn't the explosive confrontation i was expecting, but it was even more amazing than i had anticipated. Thank you. I look forward to your next chapter with bated breath.
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  • From Yume111 on April 22, 2008
    God, that was really beautiful.
    In a way it wasn
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  • From Lunatichero on April 22, 2008
    Yay! Sorry, slipped from my intellectual horse there for a second. The flow
    of power must be constant for people like Draco and Harry, I think. Even if
    it weren't about destroying inequalities, they are so much better than each other
    in certain areas that it tends to be best for them if they are all the time changing
    control from hand to hand. I can't wait for the conversation and Harry's attempt at
    covert retreat.
    Thank you
    Lunatic with a Hero Complex
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  • From Rymika on April 22, 2008
    AAAHHHH! OMG,OMG! What's going to happen now!? *colapses of excited mass hysteria, ...some time later... ,regains consiusness and starsts doing a chear* Update! Update! Update! *get's hit in the head by an angry family member, comes back to herself* Ok, I'm back to noraml, or as normal as one can be after reading that! It was so good and the ending was so thrilling and exciting that I don't know where to put myself. I got only one word to you UPDATE SOON! OK, that was two words but hey thats what I want you to do. Cause I'm totally hooked on this story and I'm loving absolutly every minute of it since it is my favourite HP yaoi couple in the action who can blame me. So write up some more goddiness for me and other's who avaits the continue of this story!
    LOVE Rymika
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