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Reviews for Changing of the Guard

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From avihenda on April 17, 2008
    I get so excited every time you update. I'm allways looking forward to what they will do in the next chapter. Hope you update soon!
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  • From ANON - s2kitty on April 17, 2008
    I'm very sure I will like Chapter 19 as I already have adored all the leading chapters and this one was just a perfect set up. You describe Draco's reaction perfectly. It's like the more he is denied something, the more he wants it. Such a classic only child. :D
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  • From Lunatichero on April 17, 2008
    This flow and ebb of balance in this relationship is as the feeling of inertia, or magnetism. The power changes from moment to moment. Draco spells Harry asleep, Harry confounds the Aurors, Draco accosts Harry, Harry denies Draco, Draco pushes harder, and they both are lost. All of love should be so temperamental and exciting.

    Thank you,
    Lunatic with a Hero Complex
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 17, 2008
    I sooo need chapter 19!!!
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  • From Lunatichero on April 16, 2008
    I found this chapter closer to home than many of the others, like I said in one of my earlier reviews, I am a theater major, so the concept of Draco and Harry building the base of their revolution in a play, a way to get the message out, touched me. I also found it endearing to see Harry in a moment of weakness around Draco. It is one of the irrepressible 'Harry Potter' traits that he feels the urge to save people from untoward consequences. Also, it is a kind of test, true, one that Harry didn't plan, for Draco too be in control of Harry in this moment of weakness. To see what he does. Whether he goes for the throat or not. Harry the damsel....well the magical powerhouse, ass kicking damsel anyway.
    Thank you,
    Lunatic with a Hero Complex
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 16, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 18!!! I'm stunned that Draco took him to the manor. Will Lucius protect them?
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  • From Caldonya on April 16, 2008
    Ya know recently i was thinking this story has a vaguely clock and dagger ish feel to it. And for some odd reason I've also wanted Harry in a position like the one you just put him in at the end of the story maybe for vulnerability I'm not sure. I like his last semi conscious astonished thought.
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  • From ANON - Moyima on April 16, 2008
    Another great chapter! Wish I could write you a better review-- but I'm about to drop dead from exhaustion! This chapter was a pleasant surprise that I just had to partake in before bed!

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  • From Calrissian18 on April 15, 2008
    Ah, I was wondering where Draco had planned for the 'sparking incident' to take place but a theater is perfection. Young would outnumber old, yet you could be sure that the location was tasteful and that the youths were pure-blood and harbored some intelligence. Brilliant and I must say, much more dramatic reaction than expected. And while Harry's dialogue still seems to be in character, I saw his self-sacrificing action as much more Potter than Brian. He is becoming dangerously lax in his upkeep of the Brian mask, Brian and Harry seem to be blending into a third alternate personality, one part Brian and one part Potter. Dodgy, to say the least. It's so frustrating that each character is holding pieces of the puzzle and if they simply shared information they would have the whole picture. Frustrating in a pleasingly tingly way. I loved Narcissa's interaction in this, she seems much more complex than I first gave her credit for and I am foolishly hoping that she will discover that Draco already knows Harry's identity as I would be interested to see where her mind would take her. It creates a very intriguing picture of exactly what she and Lucius' marriage consists of and I am sure that Lucius time and again underestimates her (as I did myself). Draco seems closest to completing the puzzle and I am dying to see how Counterstrike, Harry, Draco's parents, the revolution, and everything else will combine to hinder his fitting together of the last piece as this is hardly over. Thank you for sharing this! You are wonderful and your writing has lost none of its depth, complexity, or intrigue! Update soon!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on April 15, 2008
    Interesting development. I wonder if Draco has considered the implications of Harry planning so far ahead of him and taking things he hadn't thought of in consideration. He should be leery of Harry, since he knows he's trying to make Draco lose interest. The whole seeing a play within a play concept you executed was really cool, and it's funny that Draco is driving change in not only disrupting the plans of others but Harry's as well. I don't know if that will turn out to backfire on him or not. I hope it doesn't drive Harry to do something drastic to shake Draco....well, I just hope Harry comes to his senses really. The interaction with Narcissa was really strange, was she on the verge of just telling him? I find it funny that Draco seems to be able to read everyone but his own mother, I wonder what that says about their relationship or what Narcissa may be doing to mask herself, even around her family. I found myself blushing when Harry was making sexual innuendo with Draco because somehow I feel that he knew that Draco knew he was Harry Potter saying that stuff to him he would never, you wonder if Harry can only be Harry when he has the security of an identity to hide behind. I like how Draco is noticing that things Brian does are shades of Harry which again points to the possibility that maybe Brian is more Harry than even Harry knows. I think Harry maybe wrong about this revolution, he is a bit jaded and cynical and underestimates the power of young people to drive a movement. I hope there is one, and I hope it's huge and leaves him no choice but to stand by his man to see it through to the end. Whether the revolution works or not, I hope Draco gets a chance to try that new position out that they haven't tried...something tells me Harry is in for the buggering of his life, GREAT update, as usual!
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  • From ANON - qwerty on April 15, 2008
    Good chapter.
    Interesting conversation between Narcissa and Draco. Won't Draco be mad at Narcissa that she didn't tell him right away (even though he already knew?)
    Won't the Aurors know that Harry Potter cast the spell and not "Brian" because it's not like you can change your magical signature. Even if you change wands, your magical signature is still going to stay the same. Yes, the spell will be register on the wand that was used, whether or not if the wand in question is register to be yours, but the magical signature will stay the same. So the Aurors would know that Harry cast it. Will they be able to trace Harry's steps from the theatre to Malfoy Manor and if they do, then it's all over, right?
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  • From shinythiefxblast on April 15, 2008
    Wow! What a chapter! I would have loved to see the look on Lucious Malfoy's face when he realizes Draco practically paid for the gay play.! I can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - s2kitty on April 15, 2008
    Wow, Harry is ever the guardian, isn't he. I hope Draco just admits eventually that he knows Brian is Potter - they need to get it out of the way so they can get to the hot monkey sex. >_> Though honestly I'm enjoying the mild suspense and don't care so much about them romping as them discovering they really are perfect together. Another wonderful read, can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From MisstressNicole on April 15, 2008
    Is it just my IE or is chapter 17 empty? Are you teasing me or just trying to make me think I've gone insane?

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  • From ANON - Dani on April 14, 2008
    Awesome, awesome story!!! I love it! The reaction wasn't quite what I was expecting... but totally awesome anyway! Keep up the excellent writing!
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