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Reviews for Changing of the Guard

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From rafiq on April 13, 2008
    What a psychological standoff. Draco, Harry, Narcissa and Lucius each think they are in control of the situation. But each is missing a piece of the puzzle. Draco seems closer to putting everything together than anyone else. But knowing you anything could happen in the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Hi-chan on April 13, 2008
    Omg...I hope Draco isn't going to write: Yeah...Brian is harry Potter...I think oyu didn't know..
    because well...harry would be happy to find out and then it wouldn't be such a mistery XD
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  • From Yume111 on April 13, 2008
    The game
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  • From DragonMcBaine on April 12, 2008
    Are you going to give Harry a compete mental break down when he finds out that Draco knows? I mean nobody knows that Harry makes desguises. Are you going to have Draco find out about Metamorphosis too, without Harry telling him?
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  • From thrnbrooke on April 12, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 17!! All of this could be avoided if only Harry knew! They could be working together!
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  • From Lunatichero on April 12, 2008
    Its as if Draco and Harry are actually dating each other behind Brian's back, Harry just doesn't know it. While Draco still finds Brian attractive, he's engaged in analyzing what's Harry and what's Brian, and what about Harry he likes, and what irritates him, much like a first date. The courtship of the relationship that will end up mattering the most has officially just begun and Harry wasn't alerted to the sound of the starting cannon.

    Thank you,
    Lunatic with a Hero Complex
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  • From Caldonya on April 12, 2008
    Loving It! I Love the way Draco's thinking twisting way he thinks Harry's doing around. It Occurred to me and I mentioned this when I reviewed the last chapter on That Harry doesn't have to let Draco know that all of metamorphosis is him. That he could merely be another actor in there arsenal.He could even use more then one persona for working with them depending on the job.
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  • From shinythiefxblast on April 12, 2008
    Oooh I like this chapter! Please update cause im hanging off my seat!
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  • From LeeB on April 12, 2008
    Is there anything more attractive than a brilliant mind working at full speed? Logic and perception and questioning and reexamining one's preconceptions...

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  • From avihenda on April 12, 2008
    I liked this chapter. It's building up nicely. I'm looking forward to the rest of the "ride".
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 12, 2008
    about # 16...

    Ah, yes! The game of 'tit-for-tat' again...and Draco is enjoying
    it immensely. :-)

    Can't wait to see the 'revolution' they came up with and will Draco
    continue his physical relationship with Brian/Harry now that he

    One other thing, are you by any chance going to write in this
    story the changes Draco & Harry made possible in the Wizarding
    World? You don't read too many of those in this section.

    Also, do you have your chapters written out already?
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 12, 2008
    about # 15....

    Do you find it hard to describe a 'mental picture' of torment when trying to write it?

    For example, I knew Draco would 'blow his cool' when he would
    eventually find out who 'Brian' was. But do you wish that you could have shown your readers the intense rage that was
    mapped out in your head?

    After all, D.M. just found out 'Brian' was lying to him all this time.

    ...and the image of him ripping apart his bedroom, I'm sure was
    DEFINITELY spectactular! So, I would think trying to get that
    wonderful image transferred to the screen kinda...frustrating?

    But, I'm glad Draco is a Malfoy, so he was able to look at the
    situation from a second-person POV and see 'some' o the benefits
    without needing to take Harry's head off.

    Of course, I DO want to see how Draco reveal this knowledge. :-)

    ..and by the time you get this the next chapter will be up.
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  • From Calrissian18 on April 12, 2008
    As I've just read all sixteen chapters in one sitting I cannot possibly give each the attention it deserves but I will try to make this as eloquent and encompassing as possible. I have never read a story of yours before but they have been recommended to me on many separate occasions and now I can see why. Your genius delivery and the way in which you craft your characters is exquisite and while the storyline of the past you build upon is canon, the psyches' of Harry and Draco are far from it. The endless calculation and scrutiny of each and every aspect is jaw dropping. You have made it so that a brief shadow, or the flutter of an eyelash, is as significant as the subtleties hidden beneath each spoken word. The dialogue in this is enthralling, captivating, nail-biting in its intensity and I find myself glued to the screen trying to catch a misstep or error in the same way Harry and Draco do. There is this charged feeling that you manage to maintain with every word, every sentence, every page that leaves me feeling acutely along with each and every character. A very difficult approach that you've made your own, as I generally find myself identifying with a particular player within a tale but every motivation is understood, well thought out, and, in a way, predictable because each move is plotted, planned, and rational. It is hard to explain, but you have created a deep seated connection between character and reader and I feel as if I KNOW these 'people' and I am genuinely invested in their survival and futures and I do not think that there is a greater compliment that I can give you. These characters are real to me because of how diligently and arduously you've delved into their pasts and backgrounds, their thought processes, their personalities and emotions. I cannot thank you enough for that. I hope this was semi-intelligible, but I was simply, utterly, and completely blown away by the force of your writing. I should be better, more coherent, with my next review as I'll be able to focus on a single chapter. This was fantastic, and I'll keep on the lookout for another update. You are a benevolent goddess for sharing this.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on April 12, 2008
    Harry doesn't want any harm to come to Draco when Harry pulls out of their little revolution. And Harry still aims to help Draco with his goal of being disowned and becoming more successful than Lucius. But how will Harry accomplish both of these if he pulls out before the revolution is complete and Draco becomes successful?
    Great writing. Good chapter.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on April 12, 2008
    Oh yes, delicious as ever...this story just keeps getting better and better and I didn't think that was possible. First of all, watching Harry getting played the way he was playing Draco is just too fun. I like how Draco is studying him and trying to decipher which parts are Harry's and which parts are acted. I LOVED that he knew Harry wasn't drunk and knew why he was acting drunk. Harry is quite the con artist isn't it he? That spell was really cool. I hope Harry doesn't leave Draco hanging in the middle of this rebellion..that would be some cold shit, regardless of his promise to Narcissa. I'm hoping his real Gryffindor character will shine through and commit him to see the rebellion through in the name of real social justice....then again if Harry kills himself that would no longer be a concern. I hope you don't go there...I love the subplot of this story and the themes you have going on...the title Changing of the Guard has taken on several meanings now and that's just brilliant writing on your part. I hope that there is a change in the old Guard on all fronts and that Harry finally lets his down. Perhaps Draco's letter to the manager to Metamorphasis will assist in that...I hope he finds out that Draco knows who he is and has to confront the possibility that someone actually ::gasp::: likes the real Harry Potter : ) AWESOME sad I have to wait days for the next, but I will of course : )
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