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Reviews for Changing of the Guard

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - Lola on April 06, 2008
    Ack Im addicted! Please write more soon! This is excellently written and the characters are very real, nicely dynamic. Love it.
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  • From Yume111 on April 05, 2008
    Well in sounds as if we were in for some painful situations in the near future.
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  • From Tesp71283 on April 05, 2008
    Yay...the plot is developing wonderfully, its one of those stories that makes you have a forward button on time. so that i can fast forward till you complete the story and then read it all right away!
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  • From ANON - qwerty on April 04, 2008
    This is getting deeper and deeper. Since Pansy has a Muggle lover, isn't she lying when she was talking to "Brian" and talking about how the pureblood culture is being attacked? She obviously doesn't truly care about that on the inside; she's just doing that for appearance purposes, no?
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  • From Lunatichero on April 04, 2008
    I am fearing for Harry. Despite the multitude of his masks, I get this feeling of enormity from the situation he has planted himself in. Its like he's stuck in a sea of warm blankets on a cold night,and he knows that he needs to get out, but he just feels so safe and happy. Its the worst kind of entrapment, one you're happy with. There is a despair in his situation...a standstill made all the worse by the fact that he has landed himself there...
    Thank you,
    Lunatic with a Hero Complex
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on April 04, 2008
    OK, now I'm genuinely worried. Pansy's involved? Ack! I guess Harry had no choice...but this could actually backfire if it's exposed in some way. It's interesting that all of these people who supposedly care about Draco haven't really bothered to investigate it further than looking at Draco's social acceptance. It's like they don't care to know whether Brian/Harry may truly make Draco happy. Of course now that Narcissa knows or thinks she knows the full story, Harry has painted a picture of someone not worthy of Draco's company and affection. And if Harry does finally work up the courage to tell Draco the truth and comes out with his true feelings, he'll be exposed as a liar to everyone. I'm so glad that Draco finally knows that Brian/Harry isn't working for anyone, I could see how he thought that, but I'm glad that theory has been put to rest so he can start building trust. Maybe if Draco trusts him more, Harry will be guilted into proving himself truly trustworthy. Draco seems open to committing himself to Brian which means there may be less of a risk of Harry being really hurt after the initial shock and anger that will come once Draco finds out. So, I hope that Harry just sucks it up and comes out and tells Draco the truth. I think at this point it could eliminate all of their problems, except for Narcissa, which I actually think Draco could finesse. But of course for all of his Gryffindor courage, I think Harry is too chicken shit too do that. Sorry I'm venting, Harry is pissing me off right now, he seems to be the real barrier, because he can't let go of something he's been using as a crutch for over a decade. Has he even stopped to think what life may be like is he was just Harry? Has he tried living with himself for several weeks at a time, not hiding from anyone? I just want to lock him up in a room and force him to look at himself. He needs to spend time as Harry so he can work through his crap without the benefit of hiding or using the business as an excuse to run away from himself and someone that could be the love of his life. Nailbiting update, I can't wait to see what this girl will come up with. That being said, I'm hoping Pansy's plan is a major
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  • From avihenda on April 04, 2008
    this is getting really interesting!
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  • From LiveLaughLoveMe on April 03, 2008
    Very intense chapter! Have I told you how much I love this story because I do! I just can't see Draco giving Harry up after that. Being pissed and upset for a while after he finds out who brian is, yes but Let him get away, no. So Draco felt what Harry was feeling and Vice versa right?
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  • From LiveLaughLoveMe on April 03, 2008
    chapter 11

    Oooh making himself into the fool is perfect way to get Narcissa to underestamate him. Love the chapter! (now on to the next chapter...sometimes it's good to be gone a few days because then I get to read more then one chapter in a sitting!)
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  • From ANON - Melony on April 02, 2008
    OMG! I was so surprised! I can't wait for the next chapter! Are you going to have them have a big fight in the end? Or is something else going to happen? XD Waiting for your chapter!
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  • From LeeB on April 02, 2008
    * panting for breath *
    That was blisteringly erotic. Watching the men fall for each other has been a delight, but what's happening now is ... just incredible. Great job.
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  • From Yume111 on April 02, 2008
    I don
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  • From Yume111 on April 02, 2008
    I really admire Harry for living up to just about any kind of situation. He
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  • From Yume111 on April 02, 2008
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on April 01, 2008
    Wow. Intense chapter man. I love where you're taking Harry...his mask is slowly cracking for good : ) Draco taking him and leading him in the dance was SEXY as do you write a dance scene so erotically? I loved that Harry still stayed on his toes and was able to combat external distractions and potential trip-ups and turn them around on others...I hope that's foreshadowing for how he's gonna handle Narcissa and/or Lucius. I LOVE that Harry got jealous and had to go with it in spite of himself. Their game playing is at a all time high, and I think Draco is winning. At least this round : ) I LOVED the use of their magic both literally and as symbolism for Harry and Draco letting down their walls, especially Harry, giving himself, his real self over to someone for the first time as Harry. And I really really LOVE that Harry totally forgot about Brian in the heat of passion and let himself be taken. It's great that he discovered a side of himself he didn't even know about when he just let go. That sex scene was so hot, and Draco telling him thank you afterwards for really being there only confirms that he may have one up on Harry in this game. Honestly, now I'm a little worried about whether Draco will want Harry once he finds out that ultimately Harry had one over him all along. OK, enough rambling...this was a really erotic chapter, can't wait to see how this new level of intimacy impacts their interactions now....I hope Harry figures out a way to put away Brian for good while still satisfying Draco and navigating around Narcissa ::crossing fingers:::
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