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Reviews for Changing of the Guard

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Yume111 on June 30, 2008
    Draco appears quite shaken by the encounter with his father. Not really surprising, of course, especially since it turned out to be one hell of a curse.
    Still, there is a small pattern of Draco losing his inner balance through what has happened, and his instinctive reaction seems to be a wish for more control - first wanting to have Harry to himself (not wanting to share him with his friends), then the way he goes about making love to Harry - it is still making love, but this love is quite commanding - , and finally, during their fight.

    I quite liked the love-making. It was very fitting again, no romance this time, but a release for the anger and frustration they are forced to live through, besides Draco trying to do more controlling.
    I find it interesting how Draco feels the need to be in complete control of the situation, except for the times when Harry gives in, without being made to. During those times Draco lets go as well.
    So apparently Draco needs Harry
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  • From Yume111 on June 30, 2008
    That was very gripping, you really know how to do suspense.
    How come Draco isn
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  • From Mangacat on June 30, 2008
    Hmmmmm... hmhmhmmm... hchrmhmmmm... that was quite exhilerating, Draco stepping onto the first obstacle in their relationship and Harry wielding the first argument for himself in what has to be ten years. I wonder how the two of them will work it out!! That should be a lightshow extraordinaire...
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  • From FallenAngel1129 on June 29, 2008
    ah very good chapter, cant wait to see what kinda hissy fit draco throws if
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on June 29, 2008
    What a roller coaster of a chapter! You take us from being anxious and intrigued by Draco's curse, by the way for a minute there, you had me thinking that Draco was going to ask Harry to perform the curse so that they would be bonded together for life. What an awful spell that was. Then you take us to being totally HOT after giving us such an intense lovemaking scene. that was just HMM MMM good : ) Thanks! I like that Draco was taking control and how he took control. That's the Draco we know and love. Loved how you described their perceptions of it al. You do Draco/Harry sex so well : ) And then you take us to the tension of their first real argument since they've established that they are in love. I knew that was coming, and you even told us it was, but it didn't stop me from cringing during the build up to it. I knew Draco was digging himself deeper every time he spoke. At one point I was like "Um, no you didn't, Metamorphasis is Harry's, you better recognize!" He was being pretty presumptious, and he should have known better in how he presented his ideas, considering how long and hard Harry fought to guard it. Of course he wouldn't understand why Harry wouldn't help him though but I like that you've made Harry strong enough to recognize his need to have something of his own that stays true to his goals and values. He's not weak and co-dependent, which makes him even more sexy in this fic. I like how he walked away. I thought he was a bit melodramatic, probably to compensate for his insecurity in taking such a firm stance, but I think he did the right thing. I hope Draco doesn't freak out on him. I know he loves him. Very interested to see what happens from here. GREAT update : )
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  • From ANON - qwerty on June 29, 2008
    Oo, Draco didn't see that one coming. And he had this grand vision of what the future would be like.
    I bet Draco will start (later down the road) not liking Metamorphosis and Harry's alternate personalities so much.
    Great chapter. update!
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 29, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 44! What will Draco do? He honestly doesn't understand.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on June 28, 2008
    This is SOOO good! I really love the way everything is developing. Great job!
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  • From Jan on June 27, 2008
    Interesting developing with this new curse!

    Please update chapter 43 soon ^_^

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  • From Lunatichero on June 26, 2008
    Rock on Alice Moonstone! I think I love that girl more every time you write her into a chapter, and
    that, my friend, is as they say, the troof! Its good to see such a strong female character, not
    necessarily a main character, but nonetheless powerful, and a good way.
    Rock on Harry Potter, the man with the mask..or like 80 of them. I love his arggg..but not really
    argggh...intimidation techniques. He's so fake hardcore.
    Rock on Draco Malfoy, for simple grace under pressure.
    and finally
    Rock on Lomonaaeron, for continuously updating long ass, but consistently fabulous stories,
    no matter the situation, and with no hesitation what so ever...
    Thank you,
    Lunatic With a Hero Complex
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  • From Trinity18 on June 26, 2008
    Another wonderful chapter. Just some food for thought. I really like Alice and if you decide that Harry or Draco are to continute there family lines. I think she would make a good surrogate mother if you could somehow make it fit.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 26, 2008
    Thanks for writing another glorious chapter. please keep it up.
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  • From thrnbrooke on June 26, 2008
    Soooo need chapter 43!!!!
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  • From Mangacat on June 26, 2008
    Yeah well.. it's not so much the plots that are close, but the characters constellations and characteristics.. but well, that comes with having the same characters in two different plot, and I wouldn't want them to be OOC just because of the sake of it. Harry really did a number on Lucius, didn't he?? Ehheheee.. should become even more interesting!!
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  • From FallenAngel1129 on June 26, 2008
    yes this ending was much more pleasing lol, are u going to explain what the spell was on draco? very good story, cant wait for the next update

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