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Reviews for The Doctor

By : DLPAlliance
  • From ANON - Bella on October 25, 2016

    GryffindorToy said it a lot better than I could.  Read their comment and you might learn something. That is truly disgusting that you go out of your ways to bash slash/homosexuality and waste your life attacking people just for being creative and writing about something you don't like..  Obviously you're the entitled holier than thou arrogant type.  It's also repulsive that you use characters from Doctor Who and Harry Potter to display your bile.  The Doctor doesn't have a problem with homosexuality obviously and I doubt Harry would.  These characters are good people, unlike yourselves.

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  • From GryffindorToy on October 25, 2008
    Hmmm... while I have to respect you for standing by your own beliefs and 'sticking to your guns', so to speak, I have to wonder at the state of your mental health. I do believe that any psychiatrist or therapist will tell you that feeling such an extreme loathing for something that does not affect you, personally, to the point of seeking this thing out just to verbally berate the people responsible for it, is most certainly NOT healthy. Not only that, but the manner in which you portray your abhorrence of the subject of homosexual relations makes you sound neither smart, not righteous. It only serves to make you seem juvenile and ignorant.

    Futhermore, J.K. Rowling herself would be disgusted with this. She has said, herself, that she thoroughly enjoys all aspects of fanfiction and other fandoms. Not only that, but she publicly announced that Albus Dumbledore, one of her own creations and main characters, was, in fact, a homosexual.

    Now I'm sure that nothing I say will make you change your opinions, and I assure that that is not what I'm asking. I would merely like to suggest that if you detest homosexuality and other "abominations" then you should just stay out of those sections of fanfiction. separated the stories for a reason, so that people wouldn't stumble upon things that would damage their delicate sensibilities. I would also like to kindly request that you cease your blatant harassment of the other authors on this site with your ignorant drivel before somebody reports you to the Staff and Moderators.

    Best Regards,
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  • From Hermyone on April 06, 2008
    Fuck me that was good, particularly chapter two. Hope you write more.
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  • From ver1tas on April 02, 2008
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  • From ProfessorSibly on April 02, 2008

    I have to say, that your obvious hate of slash is a bit disconcerting.. But, that's personal choice and only yours to make, so have fun Slash Bashing!

    I myself hate Threesomes, and Draco/Hermione, and Love Doctor Who and Crossovers, so this amused me to no end... ^.^
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