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Reviews for My Life

By : shanarenea
  • From wicraven on April 02, 2008
    I'm really enjoying this story. Please post again soon. Thanks.
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  • From Heidi191976 on April 02, 2008
    I really don't blame Hermione for wanting to cover her eyes during the movie "IT". I did the exact same thing when I watched it. I definately think that Severus wants to go farther with Hermione. I can't wait to read the next chapter soon.
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  • From Myrna on April 02, 2008
    Aw! The beauty and the beast :)

    It's my favorite Disney Movie and it was when I was younger too. There's a good morals in it. And it fits perfectly to the story.

    Love your story, by the way ^.^
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  • From IncaShine on April 02, 2008
    The suspense of the identity of Ruthie's father is killing me!

    Though the idea of Severus eating macaroni and hotdogs in the last chapter was quite comical. For some reason I got the odd picture of him sitting there next to the child, both with cheese in the corner of their mouths XD
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  • From BlackAsuka on April 02, 2008
    wow, what a dick Harry is here. (nah, I have friends just like that, and I react just like Hermione.) I liked this chappie a lot. It seemed to meld the and catch the whole feel of the story finally. not saying that it's your writing, it's more that all the characters are so out-of-character. It finally just all cam together for me. this is very nice, and a good read. I do wonder what's up with Ruthie's father, and the fact that he would seem to know about the magical world. and i still want to know how her pregnancy wasn't uncovered in her 5th year! That really is the biggest glaring inconsistency. At least tell me if it will be solved when we find out about Ruthie's father. also, THANK YOU for making this Ron an Evil!Ron. I really don't like him much.
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  • From Lauriurix on April 02, 2008
    mwahaha i like this story =D

    keep it up!
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  • From Angie30 on April 02, 2008
    OOOoOoo I loved Stephen King's IT.....the book and the movie respectively. Harry seems to have really bad timing just when they were in the middle of kissing. I hope Hermione gets so scared she jumps right into Severu's lap. *Grins*
    Well done!
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  • From Heidi191976 on April 02, 2008
    This was an excellent chapter. I think it's sweet the way Severus is with Ruthie. I can't wait to read more soon.
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  • From Apryl on April 02, 2008
    Is it possible that Hermione only THINKS Ruthie's dad is a muggle? Death Eaters have been known to play some cruel pranks on each other, especially Lucius. Hmm, take some polyjuice, add an imperio, don't forget to obliviate after and presto! Severus is a dad. And nobody's the wiser, except maybe..... Albus?!? Just a thought**chuckles** I'm enjoying the story and am excited to see where it is gonna go.
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  • From retalia on April 02, 2008
    I like this story you portray the difficulties of being a single mom at a young age. i hope to read more soon
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  • From catysmom1028 on April 01, 2008
    I like it. Please update soon.

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  • From diamondmouse on April 01, 2008
    oooo i love this story i like sev in the dad role! :D
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  • From Angie30 on April 01, 2008
    *Laughs* when it comes to Ruthie I think Severus would watch any movie she wants. I loved Beauty and the Beast! Kudos to your hubby for coming up the idea. :)
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 01, 2008
    i soooo love this story. i need mooooooore.

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  • From Angie30 on April 01, 2008
    Whoa, that was some chapter. Severus is so cute with Ruthie, I'm still curious as to who the father is.
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