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Reviews for My Life

By : shanarenea
  • From BlackAsuka on March 30, 2008
    This is an intriguing story. I just wonder how she hid her pregnancy from everyone, and who Ruthie's father is. It's not Hermione's father, obviously. I like this. though Snape's a little OOC.
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  • From wishyouwere on March 30, 2008
    This is shaping up to be a great story. I am super curious about little Ruth's paternity. I am a read and writer who sees the jumo from bumbling Ron to angry, bitter, vengeful Ron as a logical progression of his immaturity. You may want to find a beta, or at least a proof reader to take care of some of the minor errors in spelling and grammaer, but they are not too serious and they are not detracting from the story (I am a professional proofer and I still find mistakes in my oen writing - I get so pumped to post that I am not as careful as I should be!). Please keep writing - I am looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From Sampdoria on March 30, 2008
    An interesting story, I look forward to read more, but please say you will hurt Ron for me?????
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  • From Heidi191976 on March 30, 2008
    Another great chapter. I am curious as to why Harry and Ron are at Hogwarts if it's summertime. Did Dumbledore send for them? I think the reason Hermione is scared and has nightmares is because she was either raped or has been abused sexually by someone. I hope that she will eventually tell Severus about it. She needs to open up to someone about what has happened. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
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  • From Angie30 on March 30, 2008
    I'm so loving this story, I got a feeling I know what happen to Hermione but I will reserve my judgement until I read more. Ruthie is such a sweet little girl and Ron deserved that slap for what he said to her. Anyways I can't wait unitl you update again. Well done
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  • From Heidi191976 on March 30, 2008
    Excellent chapter. I think a very strong bond has be created between Ruthie and Severus. I can't wait to read more soon.
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  • From marcia on March 30, 2008
    I like the idea, but the story itself needs work. There's no feeling behind it when read. No narative to explain motives, thoughts, feeling, ect. That makes it very boring. Also try spacing out the paragraphs (don't forget when doing dialogue that each person gets their own paragraph when talking) that'll make it easier on the eyes to read. Anyway, keep trying you'll get it eventually.
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  • From KyKy on March 30, 2008
    I love it!!!!!! I can tell that this is going to be an amazing story!!!
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  • From shanarenea on March 29, 2008
    Darque Hart, I'm sorry that you seem upset at the terms I used to refer to the grandparents. Ruthie is only almost 2. I live in the North of the US and started to call my Grandfather Pap after I turned 13. I know of many people who call their Grandparents different names, but I think for a 2 year old it's a bit of a mouth full, however the Grandparents won't be mentioned much in the story, so you shant have to read it much.
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  • From Heidi191976 on March 29, 2008
    This is interesting. I look forward to reading more to see how Hermione came to be a mother and how old her daughter is. I hope that it is Ruthie that will be the reason this story is a Severus/Hermione pairing.
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  • From DarqueHart on March 29, 2008
    PLEASE, please, reconsider the child's use of the terms,
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  • From Angie30 on March 29, 2008
    Good start, you have certainly peaked my interest. I'm also wondering who Ruthie's father is, I like the fact that she took to Snape so quickly it was very cute.

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  • From shanarenea on March 29, 2008
    Thankx for the feedback. i should be posting again soon. But your on the wrong track about the baby's father.
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  • From IncaShine on March 29, 2008
    Nice start. Can't wait to see how the story grows.
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  • From jessirose85 on March 29, 2008
    That was a great start...i think she's either a muggle boy's or Victor's
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