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Reviews for Runaway Mate

By : Wolverinegal
  • From bumblebee on April 11, 2008

    more please!

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  • From ANON - Anon on April 11, 2008
    Interesting story but I just have to say why the fuck do you need to add a link to what a 2 month old baby would look like? Let's try not to be unnecessarily crude mmmkay?
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  • From ANON - stacey on April 11, 2008
    Very interesting story. I love mpreg. Poor Harry. But I am glad that he left Hogwarts and is with Lucius. It will be interesting to see Dumbledore's reaction to all this. I would have liked to see more of a reaction from Lucius regarding the fact that HArry was kidnapped, beated, and made to miscarry (he didn't even know that Harry was pregnant!). Also, it says that Fred and George were resorted into Gryffindor. I believe you meant that they were resorted into Slytherin.
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  • From h2elena on April 10, 2008
    Very sad chapter harry lost his baby i loved the way they buried their child and had an angel keeping watch over the baby. I have to say i certainly wouldn't want to see a photo of a two month old babys body. Thats morbid.Dumbledore and the order of the phionex need to be sorted out. Ron weasley is a right evil little git in this story. I hope harry and lucius will have more children before this wonderful story is finished. Keep up the good work.
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  • From alma on April 10, 2008
    Good chapter.
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  • From 4872luk on April 10, 2008
    How rude! What a mean way to end a chapter! It was a rather fab chapter though and a good extension to this great story. I will forgive your meanness and write you some more nice reviews if you update soon? ;-)
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  • From Leentjef on April 10, 2008
    very very good chapter keep going and post soon
    bye bye
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  • From bumblebee on April 10, 2008
    You can't leave it like this! it's too exciting, hehe
    By the way, you didn't say what creature Harry is. Are you going to tell later in the story?
    I hope you update really soon, i really like your story
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  • From dominique1 on April 10, 2008
    i do belive its time for harry to leave school i think it will be safe but i also want luc to save harry to are harry should save himeself and go driectly to luc
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  • From h2elena on April 10, 2008
    I just finished reading chapter 3 clicked back and there was chapter 4 brilliant lol. I hope lucius is on his way stupid weasleys they better not hurt harry or there will be hell to pay.
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  • From h2elena on April 10, 2008
    Ooh a deliciously yummy, hot and tender chapter lol. Love it keep up the great work. More soon please.
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  • From Leentjef on April 09, 2008
    very vey good keep going and post
    bye bye
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  • From Slytherdor on April 09, 2008
    This is a great fic. I love the storyline and Harry/Lucius is my Favorite pairing.
    Just a word of advice, you might want to get a beta to read your work over before you post, as there are several spelling mistakes.

    Otherwise I love this story and can't wait to see where you take it.

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  • From shey on April 09, 2008
    OMFG! love it, so what kind of creature is Harry?
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  • From ANON - Celeste on April 09, 2008
    Wow. So what creature is Harry?
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