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Reviews for Master of All

By : Ivellis
  • From ZZ9PluralZAlpha on May 23, 2010

    I've read and enjoyed both the posts you've made here. I have to ask, is there any more? Are you posting anywhere else? Can we expect more in the future?

    Would love to know more,

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  • From vipertooth on June 22, 2009
    please update soon
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  • From dristi on February 04, 2009
    hi, that was very hot!!!

    hope to read more soon!
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  • From pfeil on June 03, 2008
    How slow is sorta slow?

    /me is getting Harry/Rose withdrawl
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  • From torgrim on May 02, 2008

    Good so far, however it could have done with more of a build up.
    Incest is taboo and forbiden, so make use of that and build on
    the forbine desires to increase the suspence. id sugest going into
    the thoughts of each character.

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  • From GLCW2 on April 24, 2008
    Very good. I enjoy a good Harry/Lily story. Sadly there aren't many out there. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more.
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  • From javacap20032003 on April 11, 2008
    are you going to write any harrylilypetunia stories
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  • From pfeil on April 11, 2008
    Another yummy fic =)

    Keep it up!
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  • From iamspammer on April 11, 2008
    Nice fic. I found it very hard to find Harry/Lily fics. I hope you continue it. If you do add any other girls then please do keep it Harry centric. No other male.
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  • From on April 11, 2008
    Great start mate, I have be able to find many HP/LE-LP, and all the ones that I do find they haven't been continued. I like that Harry was controlling his mother, I hope that he keeps up with it. PLEASE update both of your stories as soon as you can.
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  • From Texan on April 11, 2008
    Finally someone who writes Incest that doesn't deal with the Weasly's. Keep up the good work.
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