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Reviews for Don't Get Caught

By : fbowden
  • From Briarrows69 on April 18, 2008
    Very very intriguing. Please continue with the next parts!
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  • From Tesgura on April 17, 2008
    OMG, why didn't he just apparate out to begin with? That is so gonna be awkward, I hope you update soon, I want to see what happens next!
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  • From fbowden on April 17, 2008
    luvhp - if you're on livejournal, I moderate a com called hp_cross_gen which has some really good Al/Draco stories :D

    Jilliane - This story is pretty twisty turny, i know!! Nothing is straightforward where Malfoys and generational Potters are concerned :D

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  • From Jilliane on April 17, 2008

    Well then!

    That's what I get for speculating, isn't it! This is one of the things I love best about your stories, Flic, I never know what to expect next. So Harry really does have feelings for Scorpius. That's one hell of an internal struggle Harry is going through, hoping that it was his worst enemy who bedded his son rather than his own lover, who is also his son's best friend. The angst! And I DO love the angst! Great stuff, and can't wait for more!

    Yay, Flic!!

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  • From luvhp on April 17, 2008
    Okay, I usually don't read much slash, but for some reason this one intrigued me. The first chapter was excellent, the second was devious, gotta love Draco. But the third left me WANTING!! How mean of you not to write about Draco and Al, although I can't blame you, the story is under Harry and Scorpius, but Draco is just so delectable I wanted to read about his exploits with Al. *sigh*
    I'll keep my eyes open for more chapters :)
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  • From Jilliane on April 17, 2008
    Hiya Flic!

    Wow. Dark, Flic, very dark, and disturbing, I could feel Draco's rage, his seething. Scorpius and Al are the children between the adults, but I think it's maybe Al who's the victim. Draco is going after him for revenge, and even if Harry is doing the same with Scorpius, Scorpius is silently smug around Al, and relishes writing to his father while still freshly debauched from his and Harry's encounters. Not that that makes what Harry's done alright, but perhaps Scorpius isn't all that innocent. Of course, it may turn out that Al isn't either.....hmm........okay, no more speculation! Excellent writing as always, you DO know how to tell a story, dear Flic. Can't wait for the next installment! And thanks for making sure I don't miss anything!
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  • From gorgeousbowneyes on April 16, 2008
    Well I'll be. This is an idea I would NEVER have thought of. It's almost like swapping son's for sex partners. I read the first chapter earlier this evening and was like, OH GOSH this looks so interesting. Now having read the second, I was a little concerned. I had high hopes of it mainly being about Harry and Scorpius for some reason, not necessarily about their love, but about how its a way for Harry to get back at Draco, and I didn't quite suspect Draco to stoop to that level. But, now that it's happened, I can see the direction this is taking more clearly and I am intrigued. It's looking like a great little story and I hope you continue. The fast updates are always appreciated especially when you're like me and frequent over here to see what's new every few hours between about 3pm and 3am. lol. Well, looking forward to an update, but no pressure.

    Great work!
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  • From fbowden on April 16, 2008
    Hi Jilliane! No, this is a completely different universe to the Harry/Snape, and as you'll see, Harry is far, far different! I don't have an email list but I'll be updating this one fairly regularly and if I see you've missed something I@ll let you know,

    Flic xx
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  • From bananasforyou on April 15, 2008
    i like it!
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  • From Jilliane on April 15, 2008

    Oh my goodness!

    Aren't you the naughty one, Flic! And isn't Scorpius a nasty little boy. And Harry...well, isn't he just very Snapish? That's exactly what I kept thinking as I read this, that it was like Snape and Harry all over again, except now it's Harry and Scorpius, and the fact that I don't know whether the Harry/Snape thing occurred in your story line. If that makes sense. Still, it was short, but well written (as always from you) and now I'm dying to see more, to see if Al finds out what his father is up to, so please update soon! Oh, and if you have a list for updates, please add me!
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