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Reviews for Cat and Mouse

By : TheSiner
  • From dino1 on May 17, 2008
    Yeah for Draco noticing that Harry wasn't acting like himself. I can't wait for Severus meeting Harry's relatives and him finding out he was abused.
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  • From Selera on May 17, 2008
    OMG I can't wait to read more of this. Oh let Snape find out the truth of his home life. I want to see his face!
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  • From dino1 on May 10, 2008
    Poor Harry is breaking mentally. I hope that someone notices before its too late!
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  • From ShadowStalker on May 09, 2008

    keep going
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  • From Eldorna on May 06, 2008
    Good chapter! I really appreciate that Harry isn't just slipping easily into this new life and persona that is being forced on him. The depression and confusion is well played against his growing fondness for Lucius.
    That being said I hope Lucius pulls the sliver rod out of his ass and eventually realizes the psychological strain he is putting on Harry.
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  • From Demonicone on May 06, 2008
    That was moderately depressing but still very good. I can't wait to read the next chapter. XD
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  • From h2elena on May 05, 2008
    LOL Lucius seriously needs to get his nose out of his snobby butt and show harry how he feels talk to harry tell him how he feels and harry needs to throw a hormonal hissy fit and tell lucius exactly what his life with those dursleys was like and how he feels about lucius. they are crazy about each other really i cant wait for them to finally realize they LOVE EACH OTHER. OOh and as for draco that boy needs to be put over lucius knee and given a bloody good spanking spoilt brat.Cant wait for the next chapter lol. keep up the good work.Bring on the baby.
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  • From cravedom on May 05, 2008
    Your story is very enjoyable, I am glad you decided to share it; there is a shortage of good HP/LM stories. Snape was funny and snarky in this story and he was my favorite character in the story until that last argument he had with Harry, I will have to check out all your stories to see if there is more of your awesome Snape around. Also please don
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  • From DarkGothic on May 05, 2008
    gah please say malfoy eventually considers harry's feeling and not just the malfoy way or else divorce!!! or threaten him with it
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  • From purpleismagic on May 05, 2008
    AHH! Lucius! Harry is NOT HAPPY! GET IT TOGETHER!



    But I don't like a depressed Harry. T_T
    Please update Soon!
    Much Love
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  • From alma on May 05, 2008
    Nice and long, a very good chapter.
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  • From sanda on May 05, 2008
    good chapter
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  • From sanda on May 05, 2008
    good chapters
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  • From dominique1 on May 05, 2008
    i hope luc figures out that harry wasn't a spoiled brat and ends up feeling like shit
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  • From dominique1 on May 05, 2008
    i hope luc figures out that harry wasn't a spoiled brat and ends up feeling like shit
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