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Reviews for Little Good-Byes

By : graballz
  • From Juana13 on March 23, 2009
    hahahaha! This was soooo funny. cant wait to read more of your writings! loved this story!
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  • From bananasforyou on April 21, 2008
    oooh so great!
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  • From Roozette on April 20, 2008
    "Sexual Oblivion"

    hahahahaha, oh man I laughed my ass off in this pre-epilogue! LOVED it! And yes, it more than made up for the tweakiness of the restaurant. I really liked Revenge:Malfoy Style. Oh, our boys are precocious, aren't they?

    1. I'm glad that Draco could finally admit to himself that the pregnancy affected him. I approve how you handled the scene - honestly, I do - but I know there are always lingering doubts that plague the back of your mind. The fact that Draco can let his guard down and admit it to Harry. Well... that's why our boys belong together!

    2. hehehe. I love the song application, I loved you bringing in HALLMARK for goodness sake, and my oh my I loved the hot sex.

    3. Yes... the post epilogue... almost done with it. It's predominately from Hermione/Ginny perspective because ever since that pairing was introduced I have been freakishly obsessed with them! And I couldn't help it (sorry Cal!) but especially after he tried to win Draco back with a $3.50 card... Ron just needs to die. Painfully and humiliatingly. And I needed to kill him. Buhuhahahaha! Isn't my evil laugh getting better? I've been practicing.

    Gabz, I bow before you. Love it! And now, completely off topic, are you watching this seasons Dancing With The Stars? Christy and Mark? OMFG they are talented. So sad that "Draco" was sent home this week. Also... where is my TITHIBreak? *sniffle* I miss the series. I'm going through withdrawal...

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  • From thrnbrooke on April 20, 2008
    Ron actually had the nerve to come by Harry's? Good thing they weren't there! Oh I wish I could see his face when he goes back to his apartment!
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  • From Calrissian18 on April 19, 2008
    Aw, I loved it! Draco really is Slytherin to the core. I loved the humor and the ridiculous stomach-fluttering sweetness, you, unsurprisingly, did a brilliant job as always. And you're right, it definitely makes more sense to separate this companion piece in order to keep the timeline from going all wonky and becoming indiscernible. I tend to have trouble with that in fics where I'm the only one involved. Haha. Giggled at the Star Wars reference, Detail Nazi, and I applaud you endlessly for starting the first smexy scene and then having a serious conversation in the middle and then going back to the smexiness. That is amazing! I have never figured out how to do that (not for lack of trying) so whoa! Kudos! As for taking the story from me, I only say that because I've read your chapters a few times, however, I can't bring myself to read mine more than once (I like yours better, but don't Anyway, I don't mind much at all since you took it in a better direction than I could ever even fathom. Thanks again for doing this! I've loved everything you've come up with and I'm so glad you took me up on this! You rock! I loved working with you and as for doing other stuff together, I say we both keep our options open...*wink*

    By the way, the review you left on 'Unwelcome Surprises' where you quoted X-Men, I was watching X-Men when I read it. Just thought you should know because, wow, eerie coincidence.
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