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Reviews for Girl Talk

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From smmz79 on December 18, 2008
    ha ha omg i love ginny she is so open and it is good for hermione or else she would stay naive that was so funny when they were talking about ginnys love life i can imagine hermione turning all shades of red and them behind the pillar how hot was that... omg ginny is funny she had to act like she was choking that is so good
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  • From smmz79 on December 18, 2008
    again another great chap... holy crap lucius is hot you definitely have a way with writing him... hell you are great at both of the malfoys, and esp severus i am starting to like remus at least the way that you write him great job
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  • From smmz79 on December 17, 2008
    nice first chap the sex was HOT i bet it changed hermiones mind about sex.... and lucius is definitely the man for the job well severus would be good too...
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  • From ANON - vic on December 01, 2008
    Absolutely fantastic i love it and i am soooooo jealous of Hermione. i wish he was MY wizard. xx
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  • From ANON - vic on December 01, 2008
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  • From on October 27, 2008
    Wow. My apologies, it's not much of a review after eight chapters. My goodness, my head is swimming, the passion just leaps off the screen with each additional chapter. I look forward to reading more as you have time. Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Mel on October 12, 2008
    This was extremely well written! How old are you? I'm just curious; a lot of fan fiction with sub/dom is so juvenile. I'm 21, almost 22. This was ridiculously strange to read over the weekend. I was missing my man (he had to go out of town), and while I was seeking solace and an outlet for my *cough* feelings, I found your story. This story is almost perfectly OUR story! There were a few things that were different: there was no urging friend, and a couple details didn't quite match (she'd been with a few inexperienced guys, but she didn't quite get what all the fuss was about sex. I'd done everything BUT up until I met him in my 20th year, so although I was technically still virgin, I was somewhat experienced. Boy was I naive, though!). There are also a few things they've done together that we've either only talked about, or it's something I've fleetingly wondered about and then quickly (shocked and scandalized at my own tenacity) dismissed.

    This was the sexiest, most engrossing fanfiction I have ever read. It wasn't only because so much of what she was thinking was exactly what I'd thought, and it wasn't just because everything he thought was something Jeremy's thought (or something I've hoped Jeremy's felt). Your writing was devoid of all those annoying common mistakes that riddle the land of fanfiction. Examples: "where" instead of "were." Some people do it REPEATEDLY. Or instead of "she tiptoed down the hall," writing "she'd tiptoe down the hall." And the dialogue was natural (something I've never been able to accomplish in my writing). None of the concepts were confusing or out of place or undeveloped, although I would have liked to see Ginny either be more involved that one time she watched, or have that thread unfold a bit more. If it had simply been another woman in the club, the amount of writing that involved her would have been adequate, but since you chose to involve a character from the story who was so essential to the plot, I would have liked to see that incident have more of an impact. Other than that, it was glorious. There are lots of other mistakes you managed to miss out on, and I was so grateful for that! :-D

    I especially loved the format. The way each chapter was a one-shot was great; the reader can get his/her fix if s/he's in a hurry, but each one-shot flows into and affects the next. It's like a mini-series: each mini-climax satisfies but leaves the reader wanting more, and each story builds up tension until the end, to the major climax at the end! Perhaps I shouldn't use that word, climax, quite so much. It's fueling a need to re-read your story!

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  • From voraciousreader on September 28, 2008
    Very, very hot!! Must find large snowdrift to stuff my head in (damn, it's September, no snow!). If you are still taking suggestions, perhaps something with Lucius being slightly ill and needing a bit of home care from Hermione?
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  • From Gertie on September 18, 2008
    Holy shit that was hot. I felt like I was holding my breath the whole time. I love the term fuckfight. Interesting how even in her rage the nicieties like having him unzip her dress are still upheld.
    Not to nag, but as an adoring fan who would gladly send you a gift wrapped Death Eater of your choice, given the means (what a mail order cataloge that would be!) when might I expect a long awaited Remus fic?
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  • From LaBibliographe on September 17, 2008
    Chapter 8: Phew, look out if Lucius looks at another woman. Hermione has a jealous streak. Who would have thought? It
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 16, 2008
    Wow, that was indeed a very fiery Hermione! Having a fuckfight........ LMAO That was quite the encounter. I wasn't expecting him to ask her to move in to the Manor though. What will the wizarding world make of that?????
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  • From HarryGinny4eva on September 16, 2008
    Oh boy, did I enjoy!! Thank you for updating and please feel free to do so again any time!! HG4eva
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  • From Damiana on September 15, 2008
    Smoking hot!

    Almost makes me want to get mad so that I can get a fuckfight too...
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  • From ANON - sortbab on September 14, 2008
    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! that was just fantastic. trust me my bf thanks you for it. well done please let me know if you add any more to this story as the writing in this story was brilliant
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  • From KarenLioncourt on September 14, 2008
    This story is so awesome! Like you said, it's very.. relaxing. I like the first chapter in perticular. I think I giggled myself half to death reading it. And seriously, you write the interaction between Lucius and Hermione so well. Sometimes, I can almost feel Lucius breathing down my neck.
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