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Reviews for L'amour Detruit *COMPLETE*

By : Adolf
  • From ANON - Anon on August 02, 2008
    I'm glad you decided to keep writing this story and I hope you update soon
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  • From ANON - potterlovegood on July 21, 2008
    Great story. Please don't delete. I love draco/luna fics and there are so few. One reason people may not be reading and reviewing is this story is a bit hard to find. I only found it because it was recommended by XDracoMalfoyLoverX. It does not show up when you do a search under Luna's name. Anyway, keep up the great work, don't delete and update soon please!
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  • From ANON - star on July 16, 2008
    hey great story sorry about not reviewing just lazy i guest . but update soon love your story
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  • From goldentrio on July 14, 2008
    Please continue with this story, I think it's amazing.
    I love the Draco/Luna pairing and stories with Luna as a prominent character is so hard to come by.
    Chapter 7 was absolutely beautiful...the way you choose to wrote it was very believable for their first time together.
    I hope you decide to continue posting your story here. :)
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 14, 2008
    you portray Draco's character very well and I can actually picture him responding the same way you have him in your story. Also I love this story and would be really upset if you deleted it. Not many people are into the draco/luna ship so theres not much of it to read.

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  • From Deefresh on July 13, 2008
    what ever you do, don't stop writing this story!!!!!! it is really good..please
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  • From ANON - Meg on June 16, 2008
    This story is really good, I think the paring is quite original and I like how Luna always catches Malfoy offguard. Your Luna is quite true to character which makes it all the more amusing. Seriously, your Malfoy is giving me fuzzy feelings. Excellent work!
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  • From Adolf on June 16, 2008
    Anon -
    According to J. K. Rowling a person is a pure-blood if both his parents are pure-blood. It doesn't matter if their parents are both wizards. I know that Luna's parents are both wizards but I wasn't sure if they're pureblood, so I just assumed that she is a half-blood.
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  • From XDracoMalfoyLoverX on June 13, 2008
    This story is coming along nicely. Keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 12, 2008
    Luna is pure-blood, both of her parents are wizards, so I don't know why you called her a half-blood in your story.
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  • From shadowsinthenight on May 29, 2008
    oh my!!!
    i wish thr was a smut scene when draco and luna were alone!!!
    things wud have changed so much!!
    neway, i m dying to know wat happens now... so plz update soon enuf!!
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  • From ANON - not logged in on May 20, 2008
    The Slytherin's were horrible, but Good story. Can't beleive she loves him! How did that happen?
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  • From XDracoMalfoyLoverX on May 17, 2008
    The story is progressing well so far, Draco's worst nightmare would probably be working with Luna lol. I really like the fact that Draco isn't a sex obsessed playboy in your fic, I'm sick of reading stories about him where he is as I never got the impression from the books that he was all that popular with girls. & I really like his snobby attitude to his virginity, it makes a nice change.
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  • From XDracoMalfoyLoverX on May 14, 2008
    It's so nice to see a new Draco/Luna story, you don't see to many of them around. I thought u got Draco spot on with his arrogance and moods. Looks like it's shaping up to be a good story. Hope you continue it!
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