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Reviews for L'amour Detruit *COMPLETE*

By : Adolf
  • From MIverson on December 17, 2010
    Well, I really like this story so far and I would love to read more when you get it posted.

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  • From MIverson on March 31, 2010
    It was an interesting story. Sad but good. I would rather have had a happy ending, but sometimes you just don't get that. At least it was understandable though. You did have one mistake though in the last chapter you had Trelawney refer to Luna as Miss Longbottom not Miss Lovegood.


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  • From Tanya on February 28, 2010
    AWWWWW :'( I so wnated him and Luna to end up together :( amazing story though very well written :)
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  • From moni on January 10, 2009
    I like the plot. Great work, I just wish more authors, wwould write more Draco & Luna's pairing. They make a cute, different type of couple, than what you usuanally see Draco with. I like that Luna's character is the same as the novels, she not really everyday teenager girl, just more into nature (more imaginative than your normal teens.) I like her, in a weird sort of way( if that maje sense.)
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  • From Adolf on December 01, 2008
    But just because it's sad, does it really make it a bad ending?

    I wanted to leave it this way because the point of the story was to illustrate Draco's arrogance and how he valued his reputation more than anything else. It's really just a story. I'm sorry that you are upset with the ending but remember that it's not real (so Draco can't be an idiot; I made him cheat on Luna for a reason) and stories are written to convey a message. And also I gave a warning not to read the ending if you really had your heart set on Luna and Draco getting together.

    No I will not write an epilogue, but I may write a sequel. Although probably not very soon. But thank you for taking the time to review, and I hope you enjoyed the story despite the ending.

    Thanks to the other two people who reviewed as well. Again, I'm sorry if you didn't like the ending but there was a purpose to it. You can expect more Draco/Luna stories from me, but not until finals are over :)
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  • From TriniMinx on December 01, 2008
    Oh that last chapter is just WRONG!
    No, bad ending! Bad, bad, bad.
    Draco is supposed to end up Luna and they're supposed to live happily ever after!
    Bah humbug.

    Are you sure you won't want to add an epilogue???
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  • From TriniMinx on December 01, 2008
    I'm rereading parts because I don't think I ever read the end of this story. Last time I read, Draco made Luna cry because he's an idiot.

    This part:

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  • From XDracoMalfoyLoverX on November 25, 2008
    Oh no!! I can't beleive it! all that for such a dreadfully sad ending!! I hate unhappy endings lol, but that's how you wrote it and the story was great! I really enjoyed it! I do hope you write another Draco/Luna story!!
    Keep writing!!
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  • From ANON - blufalcon on November 18, 2008
    That was just soooo depressing. Don't get me wrong it was a great story, I just didn't expect such a tragic ending. I wish they had actually gotten together in the end but like you said, it came out how you wrote it and thats that. I don't know why, but I enjoy Draco/Luna stories. I hope maybe someday you can create another one with a happy ending to it..... haha but anyways great job but sad ending.
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  • From ANON - miranda on November 03, 2008
    nice chap
    u say that u're gona post one more chap only. how is it going to end like this?? do make the nd happy 4 both draco and luna.

    P.S. post quickly plz!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 26, 2008
    Really really awesome so far !!!! YOU'VE got to finish it. Draco needs to see that he made the biggest mistake in his life !!! How could he do that to Luna !!!
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  • From TriniMinx on October 24, 2008
    Hmm, that's an interesting pairing.
    Draco's such a jerk though, he shouldn't have slept w/ Pansey because she was there willing and wanting, had he really Luna.

    Oh well, update soon :o)
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  • From XDracoMalfoyLoverX on October 17, 2008
    Oh no!! How could draco do that?! What was he thinking!! I hope Luna forgives him. Please don't be too long posting the last chapter1
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  • From ANON - chris on October 16, 2008
    i like this story and the couple please keep updating.
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  • From XDracoMalfoyLoverX on August 29, 2008
    Sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, I'm still reading and really enjoying the story so far. I love how you've portrayed Draco and his feelings. Another good chapter, looking forward to more! Keep up the good work!
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