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Reviews for Drop Dead Fred

By : CherryStarburst
  • From LadyDraculea on May 22, 2008
    *sighs* You've made me cry. Though it's hardly a positive emotion, it tells you that your writing is effective. When I read about Fred's death in DH, I didn't give it as much thought as I did the overwhelming anger of the entire horrid book, even though Fred and George together are one of my favourites. To me, the last two books don't exist, so both live happily in my head.

    A sad tale, but lovely all the same.

    Lady D

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  • From akume on May 22, 2008
    Wah! ~crys uncontrollably~ That has to be the most depressing story that I've read to date. But hey, everyone needs a cry once in a while.
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  • From luvhp on May 22, 2008

    mood-killing isn't exactly how I would have descirbed it. First off, that is one of my favorite movies so the title intrigued me. Also, there are not a lot of stories about Fred's death, most wish to join the AU and have him alive and well, so I commend you on a brilliant piece of work.
    Yes it was sad, but you wrote it beautifully!

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  • From ANON - reviewer on May 22, 2008
    Its really good. BOth the story line and the structure
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  • From ANON - j.s on May 22, 2008
    damn soo sad
    crying all the way through it...really, non-stop
    ...glad it had nothing to do with ur other story
    i always hated da fact that fred died
    anyway good work
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  • From gorgeousbowneyes on May 22, 2008
    Oh gosh. That was seriously good.

    I'm just thinking on how George and Harry reacted, and I'm thinking it was highly realistic. Not many people these days have two lovers, and are in a relationship that consists of three people, so to compare how they actually would react is something almost impossible to do. But if you think of a 'normal' situation, if one person loses their lover, they are depressed, mostly don't want to have any contact with other people, wouldn't even dream of being in another relationship. So it's definitely feasible to me to think that George and Harry would drift apart. But I don't get why George killed himself after making love to Harry. Surely he could see that he still has love and something to live for in this world, he has Harry? And how could he do that, how could he leave Harry alone to deal with not only Fred's death but his own as well, especially after seeing how bad Harry was from just the loss of one of his lovers?? Sorry, I don't have much sympathy for suicide's, and I know in some cases it's almost impossible to be strong and it's just something you have to do because you can't keep living, but at the same time, there are always people who love you and care about you that you will be hurting. And this goes for Harry as well. I know that Charlie and Harry weren't intimate in your story, but Charlie took on the role that Harry played at Fred's funeral, and now that Harry's gone and killed himself as well, how does Harry know that his actions aren't going to affect Charlie the way he was affected when Fred died, and that Charlie wont go and kill himself next, or go into a deep depression? But when your depressed enough to considered and follow through with killing yourself, I don't think you're really thinking rationally or about other people. Some say they're being selfish for killing themselves, and others say we're being selfish for not accepting that this is something they needed, but either way, at the end of the day we're all still left with another dead person and people to grieve them. It just doesn't make sense to me.

    Sorry that turned into a bit of a rant about suicide. I didn't mean it to be that way, just it was a little thought provoking this fic.

    And I see you did reference Drop Dead Fred in the fic!!! I must say it was put into the fic well. I'd imagine seeing a film title like "Drop Dead Fred" so soon after losing someone named Fred who's close to you would be very upsetting. I think I would have run from the store crying, not hired it out. But Harry's always been a weird one, and it suited your purposes to have him rent it :P

    OK well, very very good job, keep writing, I enjoyed it immensely.
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  • From gorgeousbowneyes on May 22, 2008
    OK Haven't read it yet, but I just had to make a comment on the title. DROP DEAD FRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, when I was a little kid, I used to watch that show over and over. I never really understood it though, and I always thought Fred was a little scary and I didn't understand what happened to him at the end. I actually don't remember all that much about it. I'm saying all this presuming you know the movie and the title is a slight reference to the movie although by the sounds of it I don't know if it will be very relevant to the story. But it's a good play on words style title to go with the story - from the summary Fred is dead, so the title kinda works.

    Anyway, just had to tell you that the title caught my attention and although I usually don't like Twins and Harry all that much, I was going to read this no matter what the pairing/summary just because of the title!!!! lol.

    OK so going to go back and read this now and I'll leave another review when I finish and tell you what I think.
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