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Reviews for What Does This Feeling Mean

By : MystressXOXO
  • From lolafalola on September 12, 2008
    Ch 7 - So, what was that all about, that dream at the beginning? That sounded interesting. I'll have to keep reading to find out I guess.
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  • From lolafalola on September 04, 2008
    Ch 6 -

    Questions: Other than a physical attraction, I'm uncertain why does Jewel likes Draco? But then I'm even more confused, why does it hurt for her to like him? And why does she want to like/be with him when it hurts her?

    Then the obvious question of why does Lucius appear when she was thinking about Draco? But I'm assuming that last question will be addressed in the next chapter. ;-)

    Maybe all these questions will be answered in the upcoming chapters. Hmmm...
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  • From lolafalola on September 04, 2008
    Interesting explanation on magic. I'm going to definitely have to think about the philosphy of it for awhile. So, that's cool to think about something new.

    How does she have classes all day and still have classes to go to? Wouldn't there just be 1 or 2 classes since it's the advanced class?
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  • From lolafalola on September 03, 2008
    I don't understand why she wouldn't be able to feel someone else's hand? She would just know that person better than others. Or is she more like Rogue from X-Men?
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  • From lolafalola on September 03, 2008
    What does it mean that Granny Cassie has a sister? Why did Jewel's parents get so upset? These chapters are small, but they pack quite a bit of information and storytelling into them. Well, I got to go see what happens on the train!
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  • From lolafalola on September 03, 2008
    So, we meet the Gryffindor trio and the blond Syltherin all in one chapter. Very interesting. I wonder why Draco showed up right before she went to sleep. *Skips off to read the next chapter.*
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  • From lolafalola on September 03, 2008
    Interesting beginning. I wonder if the correlation between Jewels and her great grandmother is just physical and personality or if there is something more. Hmm...
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  • From smmz79 on June 30, 2008
    HEEEEEYYYY ok so i know that in your last e-mail you said that this would be a filler chap but seriously it had some good stuff in it i hope that i caught everything, but i read this at work, sooo here goes nothing... ok so in the beginning you said that Jewel knew that draco had to leave early she could since him regretting to tell her... why did he have to leave early what is going on what is the need for him to leave so early??? sounds like somethings are starting to set in motion... and ahh his gift to her... 'It belongs to you now, Guard it well, my love.' omg how freaking sweet is that... ok so Jewel is sitting in the courtyard worried.... hmm and jewel senses the world around her and other people by emotions and hers are a sign for things to come esp with her own self, so what does this worrying mean? she keeps rubbing her necklace that draco got her obviously it has something to do with him... so harry is a little distraction for her that is good their talk will help her search within herself not just help harry find answers... ok so the topic of the day LOVE... of course harry is going to be the most curious of anyone regarding love the one thing that saved him... why do i feel like you are foreshadowing a little bit here in this conversation over love? here is the part of the story that i loved and i think will be the overall theme for this story.... 'Love is EVERYTHING. In my readings I felt it; in my life i craved it; and on the night of my birthday, i finally believed it.' wow that pretty much says it all doesn't it... Does harry have a little crush on jewel? i do not think so but their last exchange makes me believe that had draco not swooped in sooo early harry may have given it a go??? ok so her meeting with Dumbledore??? what is going to happen and what does he have to say to her???? obviously it is about draco... the whole mood of the chap points towards that and the fact that in the end she said she was prepared to hear what dumbledore had to say EVEN IF IT WAS ABOUT DRACO!!!!! Jewel was concerned in the beginning for him obviously his omen is about to make an appearance... and why you ask do i think that well the chap and jewel told me... ok lets look she is worried about him... well in previous chaps her connection to him has been dead on she knew exactly what he was going through by the way of his emotions and now that their BOND is more solid she should have more of a grasp on what is happening... she kept rubbing the necklace??? i think that there is more to that necklace.... and the fact that he left early has me scratching my head... what is going on there is definitely something at play here.. ok fabulous chap my dear I LOVED IT although i think it served its purpose in making me sit on the edge of my seat wondering what dumbledore wants???? THANK YOU for dedicating this chap to me i am honored!!!!! also you said that you were working on these next chaps well take your time you write so deep and with so much meaning that you can not rush that!!!!!!!!
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  • From smmz79 on June 29, 2008
    YEAHHHHH oh my god that was a great chap I loved the whole thing, every single detail was perfect... ok here is what i got draco could feel her he was able to feel her heartbeat when she was with dumbledore, what does that mean??? well i think it means that their connection is deepening more on his side of things i would think and what could that mean well if jewel gets in a situation then maybe draco will be able to since her when she is trouble or needs him i wonder if their is a way for them to feel each others emotions maybe even connect not just in their emotions but in their minds as well? ok second jewel and draco talked about the night she took over the girl that he was kissing and i think hearing dracos side of things helps us to see more of their connection like you said before he is able to give us both sides of the story so to speak, and we are able to see into their 'relationship' completely. oh and when he was talking about this he stated that he thought that he could see her in the hallway i remember that part from the chap because he smirked... i loved how he said that he knew that girl was jewel and when he looked at her and saw the other girl he wanted to punch the wall... that was so cute in a very draco way.... ok something else when she was in his mind she was able to be their with him when he relieved his self and that was the key to breaking their 'shadows' oh my that was big bc that just completed them.... omg i just had a flash of jerry mcguire, 'you completen me'... some how i think that fits... i am not even sure that i can give this chap what it deserves i feel that my words are failing me when it comes to describing what this chap means for draco and jewel, i feel like they will be unbreakable now, and that their connection is so strong that they are..... ok i said it before.... complete... i turned to complete goo i loved this chap i think all your hard work was well worth it you did an awesome job and i think that you are a genius..... oh and something else did i catch this right? because of jewel getting in dracos mind and 'being there' she has overtaken the potion.... does that mean that she does not have to use the potion? if so that gives a whole new meaning to her and dracos relationship... like i was thinking maybe cassie used this potion until she found her draco and maybe became connected in the same way and she did not have to use the potion anymore so what does that say wellll it says that draco is jewels soul mate :) ok i am ready for the nest chap i know i know it has to get dark i got it i am bracing myself
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  • From smmz79 on June 28, 2008
    YEAHHHHH ok i have to post this review quick it is really bad weather here and i am not sure how long the electricity will hold.... what a great chap the party was perfect.... first what a powerful moment in the beginning when Jewel was reflecting on draco... 'had I really known before that this... this warmth, this bliss, that this MAN is what i was once destined to never know.... oh my what a powerful and heart wrenching thought again another one that makes me want to scream GO LEAVE RUN AWAY WITH HIM... OMG i laughed soooo hard goyle being called papa bear how cute... and aaahhh draco is her who... that is sweet... Jewel was such a tease to draco when she sucked the icing off of his finger grrrr.... oh and i bet the REMATCH will be good to i wonder who will win... so we heard some of her past and i am assuming the bit about ravenclaw beginning related is the part that i should not worry about.... her old school sounds horrible it sounds like she received similar treatment that harry did when he first arrived.. i like how draco answered her he was very sure and he did not go into a long winded speech.. ok i can not wait for the next chap them racing each other to her rooms was cute and you can tell that all of this built up tension will probably get some relief in this next chap... like i said before that the weather here is horrible if i missed something i am really sorry i need to get off of the computer before the lights go out.... but again this chap may not have had a lot in the way of my puzzle pieces but it was a big one to understand more of the depth and need for jewel and draco to be together.... also another part i just thought of when he walked up to her and she felt his presence that was another sign of their connection.... nice!!!!! you are awesome!!! ooohhh wait another thing when she was dancing woth harry and draco gave her an ear full thats funny somethings never change....
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  • From smmz79 on June 26, 2008
    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO MYSTRESS XOXO you are soooo bad aaaaahhhhh... ok sorry i had to get that out, well this may not be a long review but i must say first i love this chap i knew it was going to be a good one when you first told me about it... hermione and pansy in the same room nice, ok on with the review... first i loved the very beginning of this whole thing when the two girls walked in and jewel was like...'hermione..bed'... 'pansy....chair'... that was great i could just imagine them standing beside each other, not too close bc by the way they are supposed to be enemies... another funny part was when they were finding out who the others date was omg that was good and ahhh pansy and goyle... I laughed so hard when hermione and jewel had to explain a romance novel to pansy i loved the way hermione explained it she is soo funny... the great hall sounds beautiful and so do the girls dresses, and jewels present the one she wanted to unwrap everyday ahhh how sweet i can not wait to hear what draco thinks of jewels gown and i wonder what he got her.... is anyone interesting going to stop by???? hmm anyway great job on that silly chap i think you did real well in writing both pansy and hermione and they were sooo funny i bet they will actually make a real good group of friends at the end of this all....
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  • From smmz79 on June 25, 2008
    omg you tease this chap is her b-day and you stopped right before the party....... AAAAHHHH ok so i get it if you included the party then it would be one long chap... but i say WHO CARES... ok now that i am over that i will just wait till tomm... on with the review... her presents from her parents sound beautiful, they will look great on her at the party if she decides to wear them... oh crabbe is so cute and oblivious.. here is my fav quote from him... 'He...ah... wanted me to tell you that. It has nothing to do with something he wanted to give you before he leaves neither, in case you hear otherwise.' omg i could just see the look on her face like uh huh ok crabbe.. i am not sure crabbe would be someone i would tell to keep my secrets i mean his intentions are good but he would end up letting them slip... i wonder what draco is going to get her... hopefully something meaningful or sweet either way... maybe he should get something with a protection on it where they can be in contact while he is gone... ok pansy is so funny i love her character in this i loved the part where she was 'trying to keep the mushiness to a minimum' that was funny and the ueracom what a sweet gift and she put so much meaning behind it... that was the one crutch she had. she felt that she could not trust anyone unless the emerald would shine what a sad way to live not allowing your self the freedom to trust and either get hurt or find happiness.. of course you can get hurt but that is apart of it all the hurts are what make the true friends/loves all that more meaningful... ok and jewels little trip down memory lane was sweet but the part that got me the most was when she was talking about being happy and she said (roughly) that she hoped the fates and destiny would keep her and draco together ....'because without him i never really knew the meaning of the word.' omg that part tore at my heart and just made me want her and draco to just run away and not worry about anything else that was around them... i have noticed that roses are around her a lot draco gives her a rose a day... and her favorite bath stuff is rose scented... oh and i can not wait to see what happens with hermione and pansy... that is going to be interesting.... also something i forgot that i thought was great the part right after pansy and jewel were crying and being mushy, when pansy needed to let off some steam.. that was great ...'what is she going to do' .... 'yell at someone.'.... 'who'... 'anyone that crosses her path.' that part was hysterical... ok i cannot wait for your next chap... to see what draco got jewel and how her b-day ends.....
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  • From smmz79 on June 24, 2008
    hmmm... ohh you are sneaky... you make this a chap about quidditch, make the reader think that all jewel will be doing is watching draco and seeing the game for the first time but then you throw in lucius how very sneaky trying to catch us the reader by surprise well good job but HA your plan is ruined i am prepared for you..... ok lets start at the beginning.... it was sooo funny to read the part where ron called hermione hunny bunny that was cute and then to hear that hermione calls him cherry lips oh my god that was sooo funny when i first read the title i thought ok maybe a cute make out scene with draco but i never thought that would be rons nickname.... omg i laughed so hard at that point... ok so you gave us another little snippet of her old school.... i loved the part when draco said he was the best and jewel says 'the best huh?'... and draco says 'you know it..' oh my that part made me all gooey ok so the game was great i love how draco had crabbe walk jewel to the game how sweet and the poor thing had scratch marks from all the excitement of the game how funny... ok so here is the big part of the chap that you tried to hide at the end you know so we would not catch it very cute... (i am only teasing).... ok lucius with his bird i am beginning to think there is more to that bird than meets the eye... ok first he was awful interested in what jewel was doing over the holidays... why what does he have planned.... so he is going to see a friend hmmm i wonder who that could be, so i am not sure but why does this little statement make me feel that he is not going to see a friend but maybe someone that he knows in maybe a less than pleasant way... is he going to end up in paris??? and jewel got to see a little more of his emotions at least the ones that he was unable to hide... he knew that draco would tell her whether what he said was true or not ok well what does that say.... it screams that lucius knows about them being together, how does he know did draco tell him if so what was said and what was not said???? i have a feeling that her dream/visions are all going to come together over the holiday season... hmmmm ok i am anxiously waiting for your next chap... i hope that i did not miss anything.....
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  • From smmz79 on June 24, 2008
    ok so like i said i was wrong about the raven well at least in the fact that he was not there to spy on draco completely just to tell him that his dad wanted to see him... and something that draco said caught my attention the raven never stays to far from his master... hmmm what does that mean well obviously in Jewels dream it means that daddy dearest was near, and what does that mean??? well I have no idea???? i just love the way you are writing this relationship with draco and jewel i know i know i say that a lot but really i do every time i read them together in a chap i just love it... i mean really they just technically met they would not be humping each other when he got inside her room of course there was some sexual tension duh but they did not give in to it, it is not the time can they really say that they know each other enough to make that step i mean sure Jewel can read what is going through his mind or more so emotions but that still does not make up for the time they need together to be at that point... i loved it when draco scared the hell out of Jewel when he was flying and popped into her view ok so what did we learn from his impromptu visit well he has to go home for the holidays bc his dad insists but his dad will not be there why what does he have to do?? his dad is acting strange since when? has he been like that since before he saw jewel or is this something that happened since he saw her i mean she looks like cassie and IF he is the one that saw his dad being killed by cassie then of course he would be weird now seeing her it brought back way too many old forgotten feelings... ok so draco is worried that he will have to make a life or death decision for his dad i have to say that i thought that too i mean we are unsure who this could be but it could be his dad although i am not so sure... i think that the dream jewel had with the raven and draco being hurt has something to do with this life and death decision he will have to make and another thing why was jewel being pulled away from him in the dream what does that mean??? and was she really herself if not her who was she??? oh god i am adding more questions to my puzzle... oh and love the draco/jewel action in this esp when she caught on to his emotions that was funny.. and a promise for some interesting moments after her birthday... way to go on another great chap love it on to the next......
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  • From smmz79 on June 24, 2008
    YEAHHH Chap 12... ok sorry that it has been a while i have three chaps to catch up on but i was soo tired i had to sleep a little bit and now that i am refreshed i am ready to review so here it goes..... first off her letter from her parents, i am surprised that they are ok with her staying at hogwarts i mean they were so worried about her being in danger at hogwarts without the protection that they could give her, but maybe they have realized that Jewel can take care of herself???? You were right about Pansy she is great and definitely a spitfire, but how can she not be the people she hangs out with are slytherins and boys you kind of have to be able to hold your own... hermione she is doing it again way to obsessed over her school work, at least this time ron and harry have sent someone in there that will make her see what she is doing to herself.... ok onto draco... i am glad that Jewel stood up to him about being friends with the trio, they had to get it through their heads that she liked draco... i am glad that although he tried to tell her that whatever they said about him was not true but she informed him that she knew some of it was true, i think that is a great part bc she is informing him that she knows him the true him and she knows that people have their own opinions about him and most are negative but she is not going to let that have a hold on her feelings for him... also when she met up with him outside how cute was that when he was trying to be a better person in front of her and not let her see that side of him the one that wanted to lash out... and good for her making him express his feelings... ok here is a snippet from the chap that is way too cute "how can a girl like you, be interested in a guy like me?" aaaahhh isn't that cute makes me just want to give him a hug... what a great answer from Jewel she told him that the malfoy that he portrays is not the draco that she sees and wants to be around... this part was big for their relationship i think this will strengthen their bond... i loved it when she just said... "bullshit"... way to go Jewel give it to him :) ok now to the big part of the chap... Lucius and his eyes... jewel stated that his eyes were frozen shut... distant, secretive... why? what does he have to hide I mean really ok so he is a deatheater sure he has a lot of secrets but i am not sure that is all it seems that there is a reason like something that has happened to him in the past that has made his eyes frozen and as Jewel said your eyes are the gateway to your soul... why is his soul so frozen what has happened to him... hmmm maybe his dad was killed before his eyes??? i mean that would make me a cold person... he is distant to his own son maybe he does not want his son to have to hurt like he has in the past... i mean by distancing himself he is hurting draco worse but we all have our own reasons for the way we do things and they may be misguided but at the time they are the only thing we can think of to do...... ok the raven hellloooo what a big part and i even sneaked to the chap with her, draco, and the raven... ok so why does it seem like the raven is spying for lucius what is he looking for .... hmmm i wonder ok so i have my ideas on this and knowing my luck i will skip over to the next chap and be wrong BUT i am still sharing my idea here it goes... ok in her dream (i am unsure of the chap #) the raven was circling overhead as if it wanted to be followed(her words) why?? was the raven calling to her or to someone else perhaps its owner?? also in the current chap the raven was watching them, for how long and why when they noticed it and draco recognized it did it fly away was its job to stay unseen, was the raven there to spy on draco or more importantly Jewel... I am thinking Jewel... really it all kind of fits lucius was quizzing jewel about her going to hogwarts and the conversation between jewels mom and dad about someones dad being killed in front of his sons eyes, and all of a sudden his raven is spying at hogwarts i think that lucius wants to know what she is up to and i think that having draco in the mist of it is an added advantage and i am not sure lucius will be to happy about it... you can tell by the look in dracos eyes when he saw the raven he was angry why? bc he probably knows what his dad uses the raven for and draco was confused why? because he does not know why his father would need to have his raven at hogwarts of course he will probably assume that the raven is there for him i am not soo sure... now that his father has seen draco with her you can bet lucius will be trying to get as much info from draco as possible...
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