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Reviews for Revenge Can Be Sweet

By : MystressXOXO
  • From MalfoysBitch on September 03, 2009
    Just read the first 5 chapters in one go!!
    Loved it!!
    Please Please update soon!!
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  • From ANON - Peaches on September 02, 2009
    This story is amazing!! I loved it ^^ Awwwww! So great!!
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  • From smmz79 on July 14, 2008
    yeah you go mystress... i know you are exhausted but this was a great chap... ... Emotions over Easy, huh... well i still liked the title that you orginally had nothing quite says it like 'not yet titled' no really i love the title very cute play on word there... eggs over easy.. emotions over easy nice... i still love the mutilating of the sausage that was great... SOOOO pansy does not keep tabs on draco that is why she was not concerned with where he was hmm? that is interesting and like blaise said easily overlooked until now... boy does blaise have tact or what..'so did you two even date?'... nice way to be smooth... loved this chap... i wonder what was up with draco he did seem a little quiet maybe he was observing??? anyway fabulous chap you are awesome and wonderful and all that jazz!!!! i am looking forward to potions if you need help with snape just give me a buzz... :) YOU ROCK!!!!! :)
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  • From Angie30 on June 21, 2008
    I'm really liking this story. I can not wait to see what kind of Revenge they extract on those two.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 19, 2008
    love this - well done - more please
    does this site have 'favorites' to save a great story?
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  • From AeraVale on June 19, 2008
    Wow, this looks like it's going to be a really good story!

    Line up so far is very promising, though I realise it is still in the early stages. I love Jessie's character as well as the way you've portrayed Malfoy.

    Ok, good luck with the rest of it, I will keep reading as long as updates are regular enough ;)

    xxx Aera
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  • From smmz79 on June 19, 2008
    ending a story with draco smiling into his pillow is always a good sign... i must rectify something i totally forgot to comment on this in the last review bc i was sooo excited to move onto the next chap... when draco leaned in to whisper to jess that he would take care of her.... helllloooo yummo ok sorry that was great i would have turned to goo... ok so this chap love dracos pov always full of insight... and you gave us a little history on him, his family, sevvie, and harry... and i must say that i am glad this is after voldie is dead, or else that would run through and cause a little bump in the story which if i have not said it yet i love... ok draco lurking, how very snapeish, he has learned a lot form him i see... i assume that you may keep severus in this??? that would be cool he is always a fun and snarky character... oh and when draco told him about pansy and mark that was great... SNAP i could just see his chin twitching and his eyes bulging out... and snape really is quick, dracos interest in jess is obviously more than he even expected at first bc draco is perfectly capable of taking care of himself... and the fact that he is going above and beyond for someone else esp if they are in a different house.... wow so many possibilities here i cannot wait to see where we go on this ride!!!!! oh and i seem to have a weakness for blondes as well with greyish blue eyes yumm i can soo relate with jess and jewel for that matter....
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  • From smmz79 on June 19, 2008
    you have done it again...... i am going to be plagued with this story and you first in my mind until you update more..... ok on with the review... I love rebecca, she is great and reminds me of someone???? i loved her line... 'you slytherins have specific protocal....' yep that was funny and the way she talked to blaise was great... I really like that you have two relationships be the center... well i guess draco and jess are actually the center but so are blaise and rebecca sorta... oh and the part about pansy and mark being exiled that was great i all of a sudden envisioned that they were on survivor or something... oh and pansy and the malfoy crest wow, what a b###h I like how you have draco actually liking pansy you know enough to give her his necklace thingy, it is a nice twist and helps to fuel this story that and the fact that no one does that to a malfoy.... I loved the offer rebecca made to draco to beat up pansy whenever he wanted that was funny... I like how you are writing each of these characters you have me hooked ok on to the next chap
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  • From smmz79 on June 18, 2008
    oh wow what a great chap... please tell me you are going to continue this although i do not want you to lose your dedication to 'what this feeling means...' i do love this you have hinted to a friendship between the girls like their own clan and that intrigues me bc a lot of those stories are lost when they are not solely focused on harry and crew... do not get me wrong i love those too, but i am a sucker for draco fics... you are good at writing him to, he is not totally out of character but he is still a little softer than other fics have him and i like that... the way that you had him come unglued when he let it sink in that pansy was also cheating on him was really good... as i said i can not wait to read more, this story seems to have its own life
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