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Reviews for Paying For His Pedestal

By : twocanz
  • From SalonKitty on July 24, 2008
    Okay, I just finished "Exuding Ownership" (god, I love how Harry does that!) and I have to say, I don't trust Cormac as far as I can throw him. I keep thinking of his depiction in HBP, with the temper during Quidditch tryouts and the groping hands on his date with Hermione while he had her backed into a corner. His sweet and innocent demeanor with Cho seems like an act to me.

    Also, in your version of other, minor characters, I really am enjoying how bitchy and loud-mouthed you've made Ginny. Even in her few minutes of dialogue during mealtimes in the Great Hall, I get to loathe her all over again. Now, I wouldn't mind Harry shoving his cock in her mouth if it would shut her up, one bit. Still, with Harry getting more and more reckless every time he gets jealous, I'm starting to wonder if they aren't going to get caught inflagranti sooner rather than later. Harry taking her right outside of the Three Broomsticks is hotter than hell.

    On with the action!
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  • From SalonKitty on July 24, 2008
    So, I have to be honest here. I checked out the first chapter of your fic when you first posted it, because Harry/Cho stories always intrigue, especially if a dark element is involved. I stopped reading before the first page was through because I didn't think you were going to sell me on premise. I thought your reasons for making Harry violent and revengeful seemed rather flimsy. But then I saw your fic was up to 11 chapters and I wondered where your rape story could possibly be going. Wow, am I glad I gave it another try! I stayed up all night long to read this and I only got as far as chapter 5! Not only do I love the darkest non-con stories abounding with smut, I adore them in long episodes. I'm deliriously thrilled that I have 30 more installments to go through before we're done with these characters!

    Yeah, Harry may be a remorseless rapist, but damn, if he isn't the sexiest rapist around. I love that he's such a badass and it's a secret to everybody but Cho. And that you make his self-loathing so evident without dwelling on its meaning too much. You can ask SoftObsidian, I love my Harry complex and unpredictable. Certainly someone that's gone through as much upheaval and trauma as he has, and then had little intervention in learning how to deal with those feelings in the aftermath, might come around to dealing with things in a negative and hurtful way. We already know Harry has a well of spite and a blistering rage deep inside. His behavior has shown him to be vengeful before. We get such small glimpses of Harry's turmoil in Cho's POV, but they remain very solid in their approach to realism.

    Speaking of realism, it sounds like you've read through the DSM-IV a few times before writing this. Your Cho is experiencing some very real post-sexual abuse symptoms. Her intense rapes coming in fast succession at the beginning of Harry's torture is basically what pimps will do to the young girls abducted for sex in Eastern Europe and places where the sex slave trade is alive and kicking. Being saturated with sex in a short period of time, the idea of Cho's body "preparing" itself for the next onslaught from her attacker, her desires suddenly getting away from her and the feelings of detachment to her body, all ring true. Her descent into nymphomania is compelling, but I was really loving this last chapter where she regains some of her sense of self by turning the tables on Harry. It's always satisfying to see the victim get the upper hand, but here everything is so murky and complicated. Harry should be punished for his actions, but part of me sees Harry as a victim in all this, too.

    There's so much to comment on in the details, but I just couldn't tear myself away from the story long enough to write up a review of each installment. Some of the things that I love here: the way Cho's internal debates with herself end up, Harry's bantering with Cho throughout, even now as he's starting to feel more for her than derision and contempt. One thing that I always felt bad about for Harry in the books was that JKR gave him very little relief--unless you count Quidditch and Exploding Snap---with which to release his pent-up frustrations and the enormous responsibilities he had to endure. Some sex would have been really healthy for him, but it's unfortunate (well, not for us!) that he's only realized the benefits through his destructive behavior. Also, as much as I'm curious to see what Harry's doing and thinking outside of what Cho witnesses, it occurred to me halfway through reading this that you were sort of insinuating the story *into* the chronology of HBP. Talking about meetings with Dumbledore, pulling Luna aside to ask her to Slughorn's party, the sudden romance with Ginny the day after the game---it all seems to fit seamlessly into Cho's account of her seventh year that you can see Harry having this secret life running concurrent to everything that happened in his sixth. If this, indeed, is what you're doing, it will make the action later very interesting. I confess my anticipation for all that you have planned for the such a long story is somewhat overwhelming. It's going to be fascinating, of that I'm sure.

    Anyway, great story! Hopefully I'll be able to comment some more once I get through another few chapters.

    Oh, and back when Cho was starting to fantasize about all the ways Harry was going to rape her, this line, because Harry would find a way to fuck her mid-air and catch the Snitch as she was cumming. , made me laugh for a good five minutes. Her sarcasm is lovely.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on July 22, 2008
    Interesting development. It's good to see Harry distressed....and I wonder what will come of his detention with Malfoy...I'm glad that he stuck up for her, even though he's still a bastard.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on July 22, 2008
    I understand about plot whenever you post the whole thing, I'm still gonna be reading's so fucking hot...and wrong and I love this Harry....he's slick and yet somehow still harry. Love Cho's inner monologue...and damn you for making this non con so
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  • From pfeil on July 21, 2008
    Yay, an update =)

    Not sure I really follow what's going on with Hermione and Ginny, here.

    Maybe he'll break up with delusional!Ginny and hook up with Hermione instead? Hermione letting her "bossy little know-it-all" self out on others in the bedroom is always fun! :P

    (And yes, I know you've already written it, so it doesn't matter what I write.)

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  • From SoftObsidian74 on July 20, 2008
    Seriously, you've put a lot of work into this, it's obvious. Slow down on the updates. It's intimidating to start a story with 4 chapters to catch up on. Maybe try updating once a day? Or even every 3 days. Your chapters are fairly long. I'll try to catch up over the next few days and give you a review for each chapter. Maybe pause a bit though so folks can take their time with it. Great writing..
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  • From pfeil on July 20, 2008
    Love the plot, and you've done a terrific job with the execution.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on July 20, 2008
    What a disturbing and well written tale you've spun here. There aren't nearly enough Cho/Harry I applaud you for writing this one. I don't know whether to be aroused or unnerved though and that's usually a good thing. I hope you continue. I'm interested in seeing how she deals with him now and if she can get a handle on herself.
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