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Reviews for Adventurous Hearts Part III: Merlin's Tomb

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From Utopia on July 28, 2008
    He he! I love the elf!

    *groan* here come the puns, lol. God, they're bad!

    Ask him or her to come out... does Draco swing both ways? I could live with that... and watch too! lol.

    Shoes always manage to eat your feet - it seems the magical world haven't cured that yet. shame.

    Ohhh... darling! You KNOW how I am with underwear! Those descriptions were a treat!

    Ha! see! Its not just a girly thing to comfort eat puddings! Wonderful, Lucius seems more human all of a sudden!

    I saw a shower like that not so long ago - it was in the sale and going for a fraction of the price - it just needed new doors as the originals were scratched... shame we don't actually have our own house to put it in yet! We must be the only couple who have all our furniture (with the exception of a washing machine) and no house to put it in! lol!

    Nice reunion.

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  • From Utopia on July 28, 2008
    AFF deleted my review for 3 because it went into 'backup time of the day' - when I'm not so cheesed off with my long review going missing, I'll go back and re-review!

    Well... I've got tango Roxanne from Moulin Rouge in my head - and its a pretty visual in there too!

    Rule number one for sex - find a convenient solid surface first.

    Ha! Wizards can't park either! He's blocked in! lol!

    I wonder, had she chosen Severus, how long would Lucius have been courting madam palm and her five daughers before he snapped? Would he ever have gone after another woman if she had chosen Sev? At this moment in time, I'd have gone for Sev over Lucius, Lucius is acting a prize prick! He's like a spilt brat and has to get what he wants! A carriage in a carpark (or carriagepark, if you prefer) is not the way to do things! She deserves better after dressing up all prettily! Stupid Lucius!

    You think there'd be a spell to hide sex-rocking carriages! Poor Amy having to witness that!

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  • From Utopia on July 28, 2008
    You can tell he's posh - he said 'pardon' not 'what'. My Gran was forever telling me to 'talk properly' - yet she had the broadest Yorkshire accent! lol.

    As a tee-totaler, I've never had a hangover... but your descriptions are a definite reminder as to why I don't drink! Poor Hermione - but it was self inflicted, so she won't be getting much more sympathy from me.

    Clean shirt and joggies... knickers? Bra? maybe?

    Does Zonko's stand a chance against WWW anymore?? Must be bad if Malfoy have bought them out - and cheaper than expected!

    Riiiiiiight... and the press snapping pictures of the ambassador's daughter on Lucius's arm ISN'T going to do any damage? Is Lucius aware of anything?


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  • From Utopia on July 28, 2008
    Drumroll please.... it's part three - and if it's anything like the other two, then it will be worthy of that 'da da da daaa' bit at the beginning of 20th Century Fox films! It'll certainly be worthy of a StarWars scrolling title thing! lol!

    Oh dear, trollied Hermione isn't a good sign.

    He he! Here comes the brilliant one-liners - I think you and LaBib are fighting over the title of 'Queen of the One Liners!'. He's a good man... sort of *giggle*

    Oh, she's still a woman under all that alcohol... especially with the shower comment! I do that, and I don't drink! I HATE crap showers! Power showers all the way! lol.

    Awww! Sev's so sweet *hides from snarky man, sweet is probably an insult*; he's looking after her so well! I wonder if he's ever really taken care of anyone other than himself!

    Can I start the queue for slapping Lucius around the face... or will there be no face left after Sev, Draco, Hermione and whoever-else has had a crack at him? (Though, I do have the Monty Python 'fish slap' sketch in my head at this point - and Lucius being wellied by a large cod sounds like fair punishment!)

    Oooh, 10/10 for chapter one.

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  • From ANON - Janeplay on July 28, 2008
    I LOVE IT!!! Especially Sev's advice to Hermione and Draco's cunning to get her to the restaurant with his father...
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  • From chickaboo on July 27, 2008
    Oh I needed that. Really I did. RL is a bitch lately and I just really needed that bit of romance to cheer me up. I can't wait for more!
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  • From Cliobella on July 27, 2008
    I'm so excited!! I've been checking every day for this story. I love Hermione and Lucius; but I hate to think of Severus with a broken heart. Can't wait for the next chapters!
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  • From ANON - Jesse on July 27, 2008
    Chapter five was very beautiful!! I loved when the carriage was rocking!! :) Too funny! Both of them were being stupid, but I'm glad to see things are better. How many chapters do you have for this? I hope there are lots! I am such a huge fan of yours and I really love these stories. Great job and can't wait for the rest of this one!
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  • From helenesnape on July 27, 2008
    Whoa! Five chapters already? How did I miss that? I should have expected it though, given that's how you posted the two previous installments.

    I must have been a saint in my former life to have you bestow the lemony goodness already. You are the Queen in the Lucius Smut-dom. I bow down to your superior skill at heating things up. Kudos for finally getting Lucius and Hermione to see the light.

    Looking forward to the next chapter!

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  • From on July 27, 2008
    *big smile* I read and reviewed the first chapter and then suddenly 5 were up! Did I win the lottery??? The "date" with Draco was divine! The last bit in the shower had me tearing up! I just LOVE your stories!
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  • From jessirose85 on July 27, 2008
    part 3 is finally here xxxx i love it so much...please find a good lover for Severus...i don't want him to be too lonely..can't wait for the new chapter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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  • From ANON - mariteri on July 27, 2008
    You're back! I've been waiting for the last story of the trilogy with baited breath. And I have to tell you this is pretty difficult after five minutes. LOL! Well, so far so good! I can't wait to see what adventure you have our duo going on at Merlin's grave. Update when you can!!
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  • From ANON - Sheep on July 27, 2008
    That was amazing, only 5 chappies up and already im hooked!
    i cant wait for the rest of it.
    I love your work and check ure page regularly.
    I spent a week in Cornwall on holiday and all i thought when i got home was "OMG i wonder if Merlin's Tomb is up!"
    Love it, Love you, Love Lucius the most though.
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  • From LadyofClunn on July 27, 2008
    Squee! Part three! Sloshed Hermione is hilarious and, as always, I love your Draco. Will his budding whatever it is he is having with Amelia be part of the story? Good to see that Lucius and Hermione stopped assuming and started acting :))
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  • From eileenmilner on July 27, 2008
    Brillant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am doing a happy dance. I just adore your stories and have been
    waiting and bitting my nails for the end of the triad of stories.

    I am reviewing before I have even read the new ending to the trilogy. Thank you so much for sharing
    your wonderful stories with us.

    I am now going to get a large red wine (really good red wine) and enjoy your posting.

    Best wishes and Blessings. Donavon.
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