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Reviews for Adventurous Hearts Part III: Merlin's Tomb

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From KellyJCR on August 14, 2008
    Well, well, well Severus certainly knows how to handle Hermione doesn't he. I never thought I'd see the day where Draco had to give his father pointers on a relationship. Lucius might be losing his ability to "rule" a relationship completly but he needs to grow to be with his witch. Its nice to see that you have really kept his personality in mind it makes him seem more human. Sometimes when a character is OOC they seen unreal this is a clear exception. I am loving this story and I can't wait for more. Well done!!
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  • From ANON - NVSCat on August 14, 2008
    Keep up the good work, I love the story. I like it that her best friend is male. I am married (almost 23 years) but my best friend is male also. I talk to him about anything and everything.
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  • From Utopia on August 14, 2008
    Duckie, chapter title isn't too reassuring...

    Lucius seems to ALWAYS trip up like this (presents and stuff) poor bloke needs to listen to her and take notice... or be a Slytherin and ask Sev what would impress her!

    Bloody Hell! Can't he just throw a few hexes, rather than trash the place? Maybe? I don't like violent Lucius.

    Why do I think that Hermione calls Draco 'Bitch' - and not him calling her it? lol!

    What's normal mean? Does normal exist? Someone give Lucius a slap for me. Oooh, but first, give him a dictionary and tell him to look up the word compromise and add it to his vocabulary.

    Poor Sev's playing devil's advocate here. Poor bloke. Odly enough, I've been there and done that. I was the one who sorted out the mess between my best mate (a bloke) and his long-distance missus. It worked out for the best by them splitting up - but they didn't see it from the outside looking in that they were both miserable. I just nudged them in the right direction after getting both sides of the story.

    Best bit: Draco/Hermione 'pet names'. Though, I've a very kinky image of Hermione in a dominatrix outfit standing over a supine Draco with a riding crop... *blinks and makes a run for it* 15/10 just for that bit.

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  • From Gertie on August 14, 2008
    Nothing like the advise of a good friend to make you realise that you're being a asshole. And I love the idea of petting Severus like a cat. I would just love to do the petting myself.
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  • From CoCoM on August 13, 2008
    I feel torn here....I know that Lucius is being a bit unreasonable but Hermione is kind of ticking me off as well. I don't know that it is such a brilliant idea to rush to Severus after having a fight with Lucius and then proceed to cry and be comforted in his arms, etc, etc. They are best friends, I understand but....hmmm, I am going to have to think about this a bit more....
    As usual, anxiously awaiting your next update!
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  • From ANON - Angelbaby on August 13, 2008
    Oh can I please please keep Severus? I love it when he's being sweet. Great chapter, emotional but good I really got into reading this one. I wish your chapters were longer sometimes because I wanted to keep on reading this one. Lucius will come around, he's smart. Funny that he compard finding stuff and being a death eater - so not the same thing. But guys will say anything to get their way.
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  • From AlexandraMalfoy on August 12, 2008
    And so sweet. Wouldn't we have done the same?
    Great story. Thank you so much it is really a treat to read.
    LOL, Alex
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  • From Utopia on August 12, 2008
    Oh dear. Stupid Lucius.

    Lucius sounds like Molly. He's heading for a slap at this rate! It'll make what happened with Narcissa look like a pinch!

    Though, going back to Sev is a bit more productive than slapping him... it's a more metaphorical slap.

    Drama? What an understatement, lol!

    Awww, Sev's taken on the elder brother role now; unfortunately most big brothers are incredibly protective of their little sisters... and Lucius had better watch his back. A lot of people love Hermione for many different reasons, and if she became upset, they'd all seek vengance.

    Unfortunately, all I can see is Harry saying something along the lines of 'I told you so' and Ron saying, 'he's drop dead gorgeous, but the biggest prick in existance.'

    And poor Sev's in the middle of this. Poor bloke... oooh! I've had an idea... but you might not wana read it... what if she'd picked Sev, not Lucius - how would that have worked? Have you got room in your 'notebook of wonders' for that one?

    Hope family and yourself are in the best of health and the best spirits possible under the circumstances, *hugs*

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  • From helenesnape on August 12, 2008
    Lucius, Lucius, Lucius...Sometimes I don't know if I want to love him or if I want to choke the life out of him. Ugh! I swear that man is blind, deaf, and dumb if he does not realize that Hermione not only loves her job, but she needs her job. It's an integral part of who she is. I don't think he understands that Hermione would be devastated, completely lost if she had to give up her work. And Lucius is a total nutjob if he thinks demanding that she quit will make her change her mind about it.

    Thank god that Severus is there to talk some sense into both of them. Only he will be able to make them see reason, that they are both being stubborn fools if they can't work this out without hexes being thrown, tears being shed, or hearts being broken.

    Damn! I hope it all works out. It's too far into the game for Lucius to cock things up so badly by being oblivious to Hermione's wants and needs. And Hermione needs to get it through her thick head that Lucius is only being his usual dictator-type self because he cares for her so much. It seems like death is constantly beating down Hermione's door, so Lucius has every right to be concerned (it does not mean that he should be an arse and try to micromanage her life)

    Great chapter! Looking forward to your next update.

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  • From KellyJCR on August 12, 2008
    I don't know what is going to piss Lucius off more. The fact that Hermione went to Severus or the fact that Hermione will not bend to his will. This is either a very good thing or a very bad thing because Severus has an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of Lucius. I guess time will tell. I fear for the happy couple, however I am jumping for joy for Severus. As usual well done!!
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  • From on August 12, 2008
    Silly man! He should know better! But... she should give him a bit of a break. I think her bringing up Sev in the last chapter & running to him in this one should be addressed too. They have to talk!!!
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  • From Pumkin on August 11, 2008
    thanks for the update. i know about living in hospitals. i have a 7 year old and he decided to come at 28 weeks. he's healthy now but for his first 5 years we lived in hospital. hope things are going better for ya. update as soon as you can.
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  • From helenesnape on August 11, 2008
    Ah! Good old-fashioned Lucius medicine...he can most definitely cure what ails you! LOL

    That was very Slytherin-esque of Hermione, taunting Lucius with going to Severus to fulfill her carnal needs. Never deny a horny Hermione, Lucius! Bad form!

    I'm anxious to see how exactly Hermione will be different after the accident. So far I haven't seen much change; she seems to be the same aggressive witch regarding the assertion of her needs. Of course I expected her to be aggressive when she has been forced into celebacy for over a month. I'm wondering what other differences we will see. Will it be some sort of memory loss? Or will it be a more drastic personality change? Maybe this accident will be the rude awakening she needs to see she shouldn't just rush in blindly into situtations.

    Regardless of how this will play out, I'm looking forward to it.
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  • From sweething10 on August 11, 2008
    Ah, I am finally caught up with this story! Or should I say series. I absolutely love the way Snape and Lucius acted towards Hermione while she was unconscious. It's so nice to see them written as caring and loving wizards, instead of heartless bastards. LOL!

    Speaking of heartless bastards, I liked the way you redeemed Ron. At least he had the decency to apologize for acting like a jerk. And would someone slap Molly for me! Attacking Hermione like that. She's just jealous of the two delectible wizards she is with! LMAO!

    That was not fair of you to tease us with a hint of another possible snogging session between them, either! I'm still trying to get over that one from when I read it the other night. =)
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  • From ANON - Jesse on August 10, 2008
    Sorry to hear about all of your hospital visits. That is never fun. But on a more happier note: I really loved this chapter!! Lucius trying to make sure Hermione is all better first! :) I love it when Hermione gets mad.
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