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Reviews for Adventurous Hearts Part III: Merlin's Tomb

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From CoCoM on August 10, 2008
    That was very naughty of Hermione to threaten to go see Severus for her "needs." I am not surprised that Lucius got a bit cross about it. However, I cannot complain about the end result. ;-P (We only want her with Severus here if it is all three of them again-that is always welcome! hehe)

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  • From CoCoM on August 10, 2008
    What do you mean, no necrophilia?! That should be number one on the list of things you could write about.....ugh, totally joking. I feel like I need a shower by just having typed that.
    Anyway, glad Hermione is awake now (and they are all cleaned up, smelling and looking nice!). Can't wait for her to get out of the hospital. I was laughing my butt off when she was doped up on pain meds and sharing intimate secrets about Lucius with Draco (and Lucius trying to get him away from her before she revealed too much!).
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  • From Utopia on August 10, 2008
    If Hermione's anything like me, she'd have throttled Lucius by now for his coddling!

    Do you think Sev's aware that his name is the one Hermione will bring into an argument to get her own way? He'd probably be laughing at Lucius for letting it get to him!

    She says 'jump', Lucius asks 'how high'... he's so under the thumb that he's subterranean! lol!

    Erm... how will contraceptives work with all the meds she's been on? The pill gets pi*sy with a number of drugs, are the charms and potions going to be the same?

    Sounds like my mum, I turned up 9 weeks early and mum had pre-eclampsia. She wasn't even conscious for a week after my birth - and I didn't have a name. I was just (quote from wristband) 'baby girl Fisher'. Mum was a hospital out patient for about two years!
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  • From Gertie on August 10, 2008
    Thou shalt not taunt a horny wizard...but look what happens when you do! Thanks for the regular updates. I have a lot of spare time on my hands and this gives me something to look forward to.
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  • From LadyBlueEyes on August 10, 2008
    Ahhhh..the return of lust!! a wonderful thing....

    Hermione is lucky to have a man like lucius (and Sev on the side in case it doesn't work...LOL)

    Another brilliantly written chapter (do you ever not write brilliantly...LOL)

    Lady B

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  • From ANON - Angelbaby on August 10, 2008
    Yah she lives. Can I please please please borrow Sev and Lucius at bath time? Just once then I'll give them back, promise. *sigh* Laughed so hard when Draco realised he was under her spell too. Men amuse me. Great chapter, I love a fiesty Hermione. Oh and I loved when they showed off their dark marks, naughty boys.
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  • From ANON - Utopia (not logged in) on August 09, 2008
    You can tell you've been in hospital with the opening desription - Its one of those things you can't describe as well unless you've been there, done that.

    Yep, Hermione's not OOC - artifacts first, life second... takes you back to OotP - school first, life second. lol.

    Oooh - beardy boys. lol. I'd actually like to see some fanart somewhere where the fellas have facial hair - I can only actually imagine clean shaven.

    Awww... Sev's crying. You're going to set me off now. We never got to see My Granddad open his eyes after ICU.

    You know you're on the road to recovery when the sarcasm kicks in... mine was after an endoscope going down - and I pointed out that if I could manage over a metre of tube, that deep throating can't be so bad... my other half then asked what drugs they'd pumped into my arm as I was terrified of oral sex... Gotta love whatever was injected into my arm - and the following codiene tablets. lol... OMG - Hermione's just as bad as I was for letting sex-secrets slip out! ROFLMAO

    Whoever invented those HIDEOUS hospital gowns should be hung, drawn, quarted, burned and whatever's left fed to vultures. They are the height of indiginity and the whole 'one size fits all' is rubbish - I was trying to hold the back closed and not trip over the fact it was too long. I was SO not impressed. Lucius has his head switched on if he's brought her something nice to wear to recover in.

    That's FAR too rich for someone who's had nothing for a week. Though, the elves are as much as in love with her as the wizards. Awww.

    Shouldn't it be MEN I love - though, that would be too confusing for Harry, as the love is so very special and so very different. That's better an apology once she's concious and able to understand him. You always apologise or spill your soul when it's too late when someone's so ill - and it serves you right because you should say things like that when they can hear you properly.

    A wonderful chapter, and it had me in tears. Been there, done that (from in the bed and next to it) - and it was all too real for me.

    I can't even give it a rating out of ten - as it would be an insult to something so convincingly written and well put together to do so.

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  • From cnor9602 on August 08, 2008
    Good Lord, I love this story. The three of them just go so well together. I can't help but smile at the way she forgave Harry. It was just so 'Hermione' of her. Another wonderful chapter down and I still can't wait for more.
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  • From chickaboo on August 08, 2008
    Really? Are you sure it's a line you won't cross? What about sex with a vampire? Isn't that technically necrophilia? lol Great update, I'm so glad that things are getting better. My heart still aches for Severus though....but just so you know the offer to look after him is definitely on the table. lol I can't wait for more!!
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  • From ANON - mia on August 08, 2008
    This was one of my favorite chapters. I was lmao right along with Draco. I love a stoned Hermione. Love the filterlessness. This was wonderful. And I can't wait for more.

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  • From LadyVoldemort87 on August 08, 2008
    Glad she and the whiner are friends again. It makes me all teary when I read about the love between Sev and Mione, as much as I love Luci, I want Sev to be happy.

    But alas, there is no one for our Mione, but our Lucius.

    Lucius is our king!

    Really great chapter sweets, I eagerly await the next!

    Love, as always,

    Vic x
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  • From LadyofClunn on August 08, 2008
    Bwahahahaha! Wakes up, gets high on potions and demands her men to kiss - no, not her, but each other. *looking at screen affectionately* That
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  • From KellyJCR on August 08, 2008
    I would kill for those two sexy men to give me a bath. That was the most caring not to mention sexiest thing I have read without it being remotly smutty. The relief that Severus showed was extremely touching. I love that you have Draco supporting his fathers relationship with Hermione. That fact alone shows how much he has changed and matured. Great update and thanks in advanced of the sweet dreams I'm going to have of Severus washing my hair tonight. Well done!!
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  • From jessirose85 on August 08, 2008
    I knew you wouldn't kill her off....I love it so far..more chapters please xxxx
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  • From ANON - Janeplay on August 08, 2008
    LOVIN' IT EVEN MORE!!!! I do so enjoy it when Lucius and Sev are naughty (showing their Dark Marks!)! Great writing, and keep it up! :)
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