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Reviews for The Same Species As Shakespeare

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Jilliane on August 10, 2008
    (Chapter 4)

    Well, Draco has what he wanted, for the time being anyway. I wonder just seems strange that an Auror with as much experience as Kingsley Shacklebolt wouldn't be able to tell when someone was lying. Or, perhaps he can? Harry is infatuated with Draco, so his belief in Draco makes sense, but Kingsley...I don't know. I'm glad we'll get to see some of Narcissa's diaries, to be able to find out what has affected Lucius so much.

    Looking forward to the update.
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  • From callistianstar on August 10, 2008
    Yes. It is fun to read Draco's point of view more, merely because of the undisclosed way of whether Draco's gestures, to himself, are willful or unconcious. When it is in Harry's point of view, I'm too suspicious to not think of them as all vindictive. It is creepy hearing him constantly rain the wordless, uncommunicative threat that he will embarass Harry's reputation. What did bother me though was when Draco confirmed the reason why he chose this secretive arena rather than their old physical/magical fights in the old days. I was just surprised to heart that he willfully chose the arena because he knew he would be at an advantage. Not that I don't know he is a Slytherin, but perhaps I am too used to the Dracos in your stories that fight very hard to get on equal footing, and to fight on anything less would be less meaningful. Great job so far.
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  • From bananasforyou on August 09, 2008
    sneaky bastard, but i love it!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 09, 2008
    Only on Chap. 3...and already there is a sense of foreboding.

    Have you ever done happy stories???
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  • From Mangacat on August 08, 2008
    Huh.. nice father figure. hmmmm... I wonder what Lucius will do. The easiest thing would be to tell Harry about Draco's feelings being more serious than he himself gives them credit. But I'm sure his pride wouldn't let him.. and it wouldn't be funny otherwise, now would it?
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  • From thrnbrooke on August 07, 2008
    Soooo need chapter 4!!!!
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  • From FallenAngel1129 on August 06, 2008
    mmmm...ok you got me...i have no clue as to what is going to happen next...ten points to you lol

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  • From callistianstar on August 06, 2008
    So in a rewrite of DH, Bella killed Narcissa, and Draco and Snape escaped after sixth year? Although they couldn't have escaped very well as Draco had to gain the experience of acting like he was sleeping during the war. It is interesting, watching Severus and Lucius, simply because they are taking opposite roles than I thought they would have. Until you reminded me of Snape's own daunting rivals in his school time. I had first though Lucius would be overconfident in Draco, and Snape as always would off the spy's, the sensible idea that Draco will lose himself in this fight. I'm bracing myself for a possible unhappy ending, but I hope that you can teach us a few words in getting over obsession. As contradictory as "getting over" "obsession" is. On the other side, I like how you first introduced Draco's fainting as a fast beating of the heart (made me think he fainted from his heart beating fast while in Harry's arms). The self-inflicted bruises surprised me. It seems I won't be able to properly guess what will happen next, and I rather like that. Great job, and I look forward to more.
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  • From Jilliane on August 06, 2008
    (Chapter 3) (it's not the ring I don't like, it's nosy, annoying, know-it-all Hermione I don't care for.)

    So many layers to this story. Draco's obsession with Harry, Harry's own obsession with Draco, Lucius and Draco's relationship, Lucius and Narcissa's relationship, Lucius and Severus' relationship, Draco and Severus' relationship....

    Thanks for clarifying that the imposter Draco is not of Draco's own doing. How Slytherin of him to take advantage of it, however. I'm intrigued by Narcissa's diaries...will we see anything from them?

    Can't wait for the next update!
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  • From avihenda on August 06, 2008
    the story is comming along nicely. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. this one like it's a between for two bigger chapters.
    keep it up!
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  • From callistianstar on August 06, 2008
    Another enjoyable story so far. Shards of a broken broom? Ouch. I'm in most disbelief at the height the obsession for Harry that is shown to us so far, not that Harry being a stalker isn't bad too. But the food that touched Harry's mouth? It is quite humorous to see Draco believing that he can make Harry fall in love with him, without plans to "keep him forever". I'm sad that Narcissa won't be able to be in the story, although I'm surprised at Lucius's humanity here and his humbleness. Narcissa was the one who kept him human in fanreader's eyes, so I look forward to his acting sarcastic and crude (in a dignified way of course) while still looking out for his son's best interests. I do wonder how you will approach this, as if you go for the jugular, I can only see that once one of them captures their obsession, they only serve to get more obsessed. I'm also interested in your tying this to Shakepeare? Great start so far.
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  • From Mangacat on August 04, 2008
    MWAHahahahaa.. a Malfoy imposter, eh?? and Harry's met the man before in his dealings as an Auror or otherwise?? Ah well, we'll see soon enough.. I got the feeling that he's verymuch part of the plan Draco devised.. would be just too Slytherin not tobe. and who doesn't want to be rescued like the damsel in distress? I fyou want to make a hero take to you that is.. Hmmm, so Lucius is there but Narcissa is dead.. no wonder the whole insanity trip fell down on the family.. I'd like ot know what you want to do with that. Buch I have to wait as always *sniff* unfair...
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  • From thrnbrooke on August 04, 2008
    Soooo need chapter 3!!!!
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  • From Jilliane on August 03, 2008
    (Chapter 2)

    Nice! Mystery, intrigue, suspense...I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter, although I do have to say I hope Harry leaves that ring off. Draco's doppelganger is interesting. I can't help but wonder if he isn't part of Draco's plan, a way for him to draw Harry to him. He's so obssessed with Harry that he must know that Harry, as an Auror, and knowing his natural curiosity coupled with his propensity for saving people, would be keeping an eye on the real Draco as well as the fake one. And now it seems, although it's Harry who's carrying Draco off to hosiptal, it's Draco who actually has Harry in his clutches.

    Can't wait for the update!

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  • From avihenda on August 03, 2008
    ha ha, idiots X 2. I like how they try to out smart eachother. lol
    well done!
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