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Reviews for The Same Species As Shakespeare

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From womo on December 18, 2008
    hohoho...merry christmas!! j/k

    woooowwee....fake draco was brought down so easily this time! it was kinda cute when he tried to offer harry a life with him as a lover, but harry was like: "noooo way perv!!! i want the real thang!!!" and he cast a spell and tossed draco's memories back to the real draco, and the fake draco was like "..."

    great chapter! i liked harry's reaction to the room, especially the painting. great job!

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  • From callistianstar on December 18, 2008
    Now I feel bad. You shouldn't have to apologize.
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  • From ANON - Sara on December 18, 2008
    Wow. that was an awesome chapter Im so gald I read it. I chose this over studying for my finals. not good in the long run but the rewards are so sweet now. Thanks for writing!~
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  • From cravedom on December 18, 2008
    Ha! I just found this two chapters so the cliffie did not hurt me!

    How sentient is a portrait if the person in the painting is alive? Evidently Harry was not aware of its existence; so is it an imitation of Harry? I know the story is not about the portrait but it is intriguing.

    Darn even Lucius went against me! I knew it was a bad idea to tell! Of course for me was not a love thing but the eek factor. Stalking is such a creepy thing and one has to wonder at what point it will become violent. Which brings to mind the imposter; what kept Harry and Draco to turn like that? Was it because they love each other? Did they stalk each other because of their love or did they fell in love because of the stalking? Hmm we should have a discussion group. The stalker in this story bears neither a flower nor a polyp, discuss....

    Anyhow wonderful like always.
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  • From womo on December 14, 2008
    yay! i can't wait for the next chapter. i hope you have fun writing it as well...

    sometimes i forget the imposter is still at large, since that already had that somewhat successful confrontation with him already.but yeah. great!

    if the portrait people could move from painting to painting, why didn't the portrait harry just hide somewhere else when ever draco came into the room? i guess it's one of those things. or maybe draco did a spell on the portrait? since he could do that silencing one. but then again portrait harry did manage to sneek into narcissia's portrait...

    anyway, great chapter!
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  • From callistianstar on December 14, 2008
    That was horrible of you! Honestly. You update so quickly and with such well-written entries, that I can't even complain properly. But you. You! You just led us up to this scene...and then it was over. Goodness. I'm so tense right now.

    Although I am really glad that Draco's going to do this. Especially since he did it at his father's will [threat].

    I have no words. Just frustrated hope. Wonderful chapter, of course. Horribly wonderful. I [sadistically?] liked the scene where Draco has to find that Harry's worst stalkerish moment was with newspaper clippings. Will Harry be telling Draco about that connection with Draco's wand?
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  • From thrnbrooke on December 14, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 33!!! What will Harry think of the room?
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  • From ANON - Sara on December 13, 2008
    Wow this was a lovely chapter. I can't wait for you to add more. Thanks for your constant updates the fact that you always update makes me happy!~
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  • From womo on December 11, 2008
    oh yeah: that painting Harry is so cute. i love how you depict him. now all he needs is a painting Draco to get him well settled in his portrait life. gosh. these painting caricatures remind me of barbie dolls for some reason.
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  • From womo on December 11, 2008
    woah ho ho...i forgot all about the issue with draco's creepy shrine, and that he has yet to talk about it with harry. that should be an interesting thing to read about in the coming chapters. i anticipate it!

    great chapter. lol @ snape. he's was a bit self-absorbed when he made that comment about having his own imposter- i mean, who in their right mind would want to imposter snape? haha.

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  • From cravedom on December 09, 2008
    Are we really not going to find out who the imposter is? I thought Severus knew. Speaking of Severus, he get more and more interesting.

    Lucius the poor thing is finaly free from his diary obsession. I wonder how is he going to get back to living after his ten years hiatus. Maybe he will mend his friendship with Sev and they can at least entertain each other with insults.

    Can't Draco just get rid of the evidence? Honesty is nice and all but this coould make Harry wonder about Draco's love. Narcissa should shut up her trap, I don't know why Draco is listening to her crazy ass anyhow. Yes, yes craky much, but really the woman have some nerve! At least when Hermione medles she is trying to help.

    Anyhow as you can see I am all into the story. Oh and this one I actually read, Mr. Roboto for me anymore!
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  • From callistianstar on December 09, 2008
    lol. You keep telling me your Dracos have been making efforts in all of your stories. I DO see that, and I certainly don't mean to continue being so hard on him.

    Although this is a troubling chapter. I had wondered before if Harry was ever going to see the room of his things [including I think dinners he didn't finish], but it really felt as if the darkest part of Draco's obsession had been his reasons for fighting the war. The time his obsession started. But I suppose Harry really doesn't understand the level of hatred/obsession Draco had for him as he persued him from the start of this story and before they slept together. [Although I had thought that Draco destroyed the room when he received Harry's letter]. It is lucky that everything fell into place as it did so that Draco was taken off balance to be shown the truth later. I remember being worried over what kinds of things Draco planned to do with Harry [going to the papers was a tame conclusion]. I had certainly thought he would kidnap Harry by this time. I look forward to seeing how your approach this. It is kind of nice to know that Draco was genuinely surprised instead of actively keeping it a secret. He had probably not wanted to think of it, and so he just didn't.

    It does seem fitting the the imposter is a regular man, or was one. It had been among the other crazy ideas, that now I'm a bit embarassed over. lol It was cool how you described his chipping away at his original character to the point that the imposter no longer has a name. Although I do wonder exactly what Snape saw when he first meant to identify the imposter.

    I really enjoyed Narcissa's conversation with Draco. Especially since Draco recognized that his father was angry, and believed that he had a right to be. The jibes Draco took at Narcissa's and Lucius' relationship were wonderful. Now that I've been allowed to see her end, it does make it seem like her entire diary showing her actively working against Lucius and hate him seem so very pitiful.

    Still really curious as to what the Curse Potion will do. Wonderful job with this chapter.
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  • From thrnbrooke on December 09, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 32!!! I wonder if the impostor isn't Dennis Creevey. Sounds like something he'd do. He and Colin were just creepy!
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  • From callistianstar on December 02, 2008
    I had a smile on my face almost throughout this entire chapter. I could definitely see that Draco was being more honest, and not forcing his behavior, as he was before [not "somthing for something" either]. Instead, his behavior was in reaction to the amount of care Harry gives him, doing things noticeable probably only to Draco.

    I especially liked how Draco was about to lean on Harry, but didn't. It didn't seem like the moments of weakness he had in the beginning of this story. I wasn't sure if I liked this because it seemed like progress from one perspetive, or if it seemed like Draco would still remain Draco despite [and because of] loving Harry, from another perspective. What I mean to say is I like when they communicated "that protect, not coddle thing," Draco still remains himself, a strong and beautiful character. Still remaining the things that Harry said he loved about Draco. I'd like to mention a couple lines I liked from this chapter:

    ("And instead, he found Harry
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  • From thrnbrooke on December 02, 2008
    Wow!!! Soooo need chapter 31!!!
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