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Reviews for The Same Species As Shakespeare

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From thrnbrooke on October 26, 2008
    Soooo need chapter 22!!!
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  • From callistianstar on October 25, 2008
    Surprising chapter, for me at least. I do feel a little stupid for remaining lost in the realm of this imposter case, even after you admitted there was already a big clue revealed. Faustine...when she spoke of making Draco's soul bigger, she is speaking in philosophical terms, right? At first, I was under the impression that this whole business might have been created from a splintering of Draco's soul in some way, because the experiment he would undergo to make his soul bigger (whatever that means. Better to love? More powerful?). lol See? This is where my mind goes when it is totally lost. But I'm really glad you didn't go through the Veritaserum route.

    Harry, I can see where he got his impression, although I'm fairly certain that Draco did not show up at Harry's doorstep as a means of hurting Harry again (getting him to crawl back). It is surprising in a way that he doesn't realize that Draco didn't feel he could tell the truth (or needed to), and that Harry thought Draco didn't care about him at all (as shown in the last chapter when Harry thought Draco was mildly interested in the letter), even after his insight (shown through the letter he sent).

    I doubt that there will be smooth sailing from here, but I'm uncertain as to whether separating Harry and Draco was the smartest course for the case, now that I think about it. Sure there is a loss of professionalism, but even Harry was partially willing to remain on the case. Now it remains the be seen whether he imposter will try to go for Harry (more likely) or for Draco (less likely).

    I look forward to the next chapter and whether or not this is going to go the course of a lie detector test, or dream of some sort. Or something else. Wonderful job.
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  • From ANON - Graballz on October 21, 2008
    Welcome back!!! Oh my god, the angst is KILLING me!!! It'll be okay, though, right? It'll be okay in the end? Draco will figure his shit out and Harry will forgive him.

    Whatever happens, this is an amazing story, and you are an amazing writer. Love it!!!
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 21, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 21!!! Something the impostor said still has me confused. It's almost like they want Draco for themselves. Draco really blew it. Sooo need more!
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  • From bananasforyou on October 20, 2008
    damn them both! stubborn asses. hahha but not really, i loved it!
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  • From callistianstar on October 20, 2008
    I was worried at first when Lucius began speaking, but it is good that he was able to do something unexpected, something that surprised Draco. Possibly because you have Draco smiling instead of smirking, his attitude seems sharper, less petulant, less childish, but still confident with ambition. At least, that's what I thought until you wrote Harry's perspective. I didn't expect that Draco would lie and say it was to warn away others, and to stake his claim. How awful. With Ron as a Secret Keeper, and Harry not moaning with sadness (to convince Ron to reveal the location), I'm not sure I see Draco getting what he wants. I must say this though: I LOVED the scene with Severus and how he came to his decisions. Draco is the only one still stunted in character growth, despite knowing what he wants now. Wonderful job. I look forward to more.
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  • From LeeB on October 15, 2008
    God, how marvelous. Harry is ... this is the Harry that we foresaw in Books1-4, before JKR turned a nascent hero into a whiny, shallow brat. He's mature, he's strong, he's pure and great of heart. I always love the way you portray Harry, and this view may well be the best ever.
    I just want to read the last two chapters over and over again.
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  • From Mangacat on October 13, 2008
    Wow... Draco's really so far gone.. I wonder what will happen to the two of them.. it's got two possibilities really: Either they tither at the edge of the cliff and find balance and back in the last possible moment, or they fall to endless destruction. Hmmmmm, we'll have to wait and see I guess to get that one
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  • From Mangacat on October 13, 2008
    Oi... I'm way behind, aren't I?? Crap, chap 14 and there's five to go... alrighty then, let's look at it. Ron's amazing, that guy really devoloped some sense on the way to adulthood.. let's see how good he is at guarding Harry... Severus is a mystery as always in his machinations, but at least got some of the news (that are not exactly new, but well, if someone insists to wallow in self-pity and walk around with something in his eyes for YEARS one shouldn't be too surprised at the late revelation. Well and Draco's running fast on the way to a severly stubborn and hard brick wall... hmmm
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 12, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 20!!! The impostor wants to kill Harry now?
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  • From callistianstar on October 11, 2008
    That last bit made me giggle. I absolutely loved the wind down of Draco's screams to later recognition. That was well played out. This imposter deal is certainly throwing me for a loop even still. It was strange for your to have written that Harry noticed that the imposter seemed to have been screaming for awhile before, like Draco had. The words spewing out of his mouth made me think of the imposter as a fan or perhaps as a younger more petulant Draco. If this is a timeturner deal, or mirror world Draco, I suppose that Harry's constant involvement in the case (even before Draco knew) could have caused this imposter problems as far as taking over Draco's life. Especially with the imposter's words of "reflection and reality". But then again it could be some fan who planned, wrought with a different kind of obsession, that wanted to assume Draco's life for his own. I am a bit surprised that Harry is letting go of the case (although he will be banned) so easily, but I'm became less surprised by it by the end, with Harry's reaction described as they were. Although I'm a bit more surprised that Harry thought Draco would be indifferent towards the letter after the initial reading. Which suggests how little Harry knows about his feelings, as you said, since he doesn't even realize how well he knows Draco and certainly how much Draco cares for him. Haha. Now I'm back on the "happy ending" train. lol Funny what a chapter filled with so many emotions and revelations can do. Great job.
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  • From ANON - GO HARRY BRIGADE on October 09, 2008
    GO HARRY!!!! WOOOT!!!
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 09, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 19!!! Watch out Draco!!!
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  • From bananasforyou on October 08, 2008
    hahhaha. what a stupid sod! great chapter btw.
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  • From callistianstar on October 08, 2008
    I'm rather glad that he didn't decide to kidnap Harry. There is very little about this chapter I don't love. Skeeter's writing was interesting, even moreso with that it was of a different context (obviously) than I've read in either fanfiction or the books. I enjoyed reading about her looks into Draco's character, sort of sifting her way through into the minds of her readers so that they might get the taste of her perceptions, even though that shouldn't have place in a newspaper. That was really on key with what she did back when she interviewed Harry fourth year. Harry's letter was amazing. I loved the beginning of the second paragraph and the last bit that he wrote next to his name. I'm so proud of his reactions. As a character I would never suppose that he would react another way, but with this bond (that I can't quite measure) I wasn't sure how far you'd take it. I don't hate Draco. Certainly I'm concerned for him, and I do feel a bit of the pity Harry described. I don't see Harry as dropping this case, no matter what happens, which is especially important since I see Ron convincing him to leave and Snape's perceptions of how everyone will treat Draco now (for hurting Harry) proving true. I am totally at a loss as to where you will take this, or even how I want this to end. It is funny, but I can't say I'm going to hate it if they don't end up together together at this point. Thanks for the chapter (this is what I've been waiting for). :)
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