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Reviews for Freedom

By : booback
  • From alina290 on October 16, 2008
    Thank you for updating so promptly. I was so happy to see an update for this story. Lucius I am so glad he was there to save the day. I really thought she would loose the baby.
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  • From jocat on October 16, 2008
    Charlie counting! Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Please not too much blood it makes me a little ill.
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  • From ANON - Reggie on October 15, 2008
    *screams* dammit!!! i hate starting incomplete fics (i'm an idiot and forget to check if they're complete or not)!!! but great stories!! :D
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  • From lilbitbord on October 15, 2008
    Yes something painful is going to happen to Ron! I am so relieved that the babies (giggles) are going to be OK. You had be very worried. A shocking surprise that Lucius was the one that saved her, I guess he can be human after all, don't get me wrong I love Lucius, but he isn't Hermione's biggest fan. LOL I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From voraciousreader on October 15, 2008
    Ooh, vengeance! Abusive husbands should be put in prison and made to wear a dress while incarcerated. But, I'll settle for whatever Hermione's friends have in mind.
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  • From desiraes0220 on October 15, 2008
    Got me all hopin that I get to read Ron finally gettin what he deserves but no you go and stop tyoing and leave me hangin. OOOOO I have half a mind to go to your house and smack that shit eating grin off your face the one I know your wearing while thinking " HEHEHEHEHEHe I left my reader with another cliffy hahahaha I am so mean" and dont deney it we all know thae truth girrrrrrrrrr.......

    Ya ya keep laughin it up

    Ok I am sorry I didnt mean to rant so much its just I love this story and Ihate coming to the end of a chapter because I am a selfish person. But Ill try to be patient or at least hold my finger from now on when I get teh erge to rant and rave. Great ch keep up the good work and hopefully update soon.

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  • From on October 15, 2008
    Yay! they are having twins, I am so happy for Draco to have the family so wants!

    I really hope they kill Ron, another great chapter!
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  • From smmz79 on October 15, 2008
    yeah.... an update i am sooo happy to hear that hermione is ok and with twins.... yeahhhhh.... poor draco that had to scare him and charlie and poor jamie he probably had no idea what was happening... ok so this next chap is going to be seriously a very very good one they finally get some revenge... i wonder what dinner will be lie for the threesome... this all should be interesting.... great job
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  • From ANON - katmurphy on October 15, 2008
    Lovely. Twins are a handful - I have twin girls - but with three parents, they should be all set. Of course, Hermione has a huge support system too, so that will help them there. Glad everything will work out. Now about Ron... can you include some of the Ron-whooping in the next chapter? That would be cool.

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  • From ANON - katmurphy on October 15, 2008
    Holy crap, you need to update this and finish it as soon as possible. This is so... enthralling.

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  • From slytherinslave on October 15, 2008
    hmmm i've loved your fic until this last chapter.. i'm not saying it's bad.. but all i feel like saying is "WTF??" good added twist i guess, but i don't understand why ron can't just die or something. ehhhhh. please update soon!!

    other than that.. you fic has been highly enjoyable.. i don't normally like abuse fics but this was well done.. lemony goodness and humor interlaced with an interesting trio fic. good job!!
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  • From alina290 on October 14, 2008
    You are so mean leaving us in a cliff. Update fast. Like now.
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  • From lilbitbord on October 13, 2008
    OMG please let the baby be ok! And I hope that Lucius is there for support and not to cause trouble. Ok now I really want something painfully to happen to Ron. Hurry and update soon!
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 13, 2008
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From on October 13, 2008
    OH!,please let the baby be safe!
    Another great chapter!
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