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Reviews for Divided

By : Digitallace
  • From ANON - SP777 on August 30, 2008
    Okay, I've just NOW finished reading it, *sigh* work & what-nots taking up my

    I COMPLETELY enjoyed it and what a nice little surprise, the story turned out to
    be a story told to their children. :-) You don't see a lot those type of stories
    as of late.

    Anyway, I'm still on the anything else you do.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 27, 2008
    about #1....

    Okay let me be the first to say, I see just from reading the first chapter, this
    is going to be an excellent story.

    Now, let me say you've just fallen victim to something I've seen a few authors do,
    especially when they have a story already written....updating the chapters ALL at
    once. Because, now, this will get lost in the shuffle of other stories, before it
    gets noticed properly.

    In the future, any stories you bring, update them a few at a time, because from
    what I've seen thus far you ARE good at writing and I dislike seeing a truly good
    story fall by the wayside for an author.

    ..and if you EVER run for President, I'll be your spokesperson. ;-)

    Just joking.
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