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Reviews for Strong Hands

By : ZooArmy
  • From Dracoroxmaisox on March 09, 2009
    OMG that was such a cute story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love them...all of them
    loved this entire story...i was goin along and smilin for most of the story, and i was sad when draco was gunna walk out and then when harry was crying and smiling the rest of it
    you've written such believable and authentic versions of these characters
    Great story
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  • From on March 09, 2009
    I don't know how I missed this story! It was great! I'm off to see if you have more stories posted...
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  • From SDrarrysLover on November 24, 2008
    im so sorry i never reviewed until now, i lost the link and forgot your name, when i saw your response to my review i remembered. your english improved also through the writing of this. i loved it, thoroughly. sorry again SDL
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  • From ANON - SP777 on October 08, 2008
    you know I wasn't sure about this story when I read the title but I'm glad I read it,
    this was pretty good.

    oh, and as for comments made about your grammar, personally you did pretty good for someone who speaks a foreign language, because I have seen WORSE.

    Other than a few mishaps, at least the story flows and it's coherent which is
    something some English speaking folks can't brag about.
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  • From ANON - fallenangel1129 on October 01, 2008
    awww what a happy fluffy little ending! lol
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  • From cravedom on September 29, 2008
    Sorry about missing chapter five, I am a bit behind in my reading. This was so sweet and happy. Isn't it nice to have things go well without any trauma? Well at least sometimes. I do like my angst and dark stories, but this felt like a coffee break and now we are all refreshed and alert and ready.

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  • From Dezra on September 29, 2008
    LOL Poor Hermione. You made it sound like Draco was leaving Harry there for a bit. I can't believe that Draco didn't see the solution himself. That is a great story.
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  • From Toddy on September 29, 2008
    In one of your introductions you spoke about English not being you first language. One of the nice things about English is that it is versatile and can be used in different ways. In your last chapter, I think that there was only one sentence which was difficult, I think mainly because you translated an idiom out of your own language.

    So - a couple of mistakes is 'no reason to beat yourself over the head' [I wonder how that idiom comes out in your language?]

    I enjoyed the story and hope that you will write some more. If you wish you can email me at
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  • From silverdragon87 on September 29, 2008
    so I'm a really terrible person. I used to be a really good reviewer and now i'm crap at it. I really did like this story though and I know how disheartening it is to have that weird disappointing review count between chapters. I just wanted to tell you that the story was great and I really enjoyed it!
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  • From OhZombiee on September 29, 2008
    That was absolutely darling, dear.
    I'm surprised drama queen Draco didn't want to dress up with Mione!
    Keep them coming (:
    Et hearts;
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  • From thrnbrooke on September 28, 2008
    I am sooo going to miss this! Fantastic!!!
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  • From bananasforyou on September 28, 2008
    omg nice ending!
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  • From blackpaddy on September 28, 2008
    Wow that was pretty cool! But, while it does read like the end, it all screams out for a sequel! *grins*
    You know, one with Hermione & Blaise's Wedding, and Harry and Draco trying to cope at Hogwarts...

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  • From FallenAngel1129 on September 27, 2008
    :fans self: mmm very good story(though you still need to update that one whos title exscapes me at the moment((its been that long since u updated)) the one with the dogs and harry and draco) anywho as for your writing? yes there are mistakes...but for people who enjoy your stories....we look past those and take in the content that is the story...people who spend more time picking out your errors and less time just enjoying the story....need to bug off they arent worth your time.....besides i might be pretty good at the gramme part of writing when i want to be but i cant spell for a lick so pish on them...
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  • From Leentjef on September 24, 2008
    this was very very good keep writing and post soon
    bye bye
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