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Reviews for A Muddy Secret

By : GammaOrionis
  • From Shalengreh on October 01, 2008
    fun fun fun
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  • From Utopia on October 01, 2008
    Nah! Lockheart was a Dumbledore wanabe! Not a patch on the old guy! Dumbles can look a twit in fewer words but still be respected! Yeah, JKR was real with the bullies, but she painted them as something good - a very bad thing.

    Duckie, I think that avoiding the docs is a bad thing - maybe they can help?

    Yeah, my pillow breathes too - it also snores and squeaks in the night! lol! I think the best case of that was a musician friend of mine who crashed on the sofa of another friend. At the time, furry cushions were all the rage, so my friend got comfy... he woke at three in the morning with his head scratched to ribbons thanks to a very p**ed off cat! lol!

    So, Dumbles and Malfoy are related? Oooh.

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  • From ANON - Avanell on October 01, 2008
    Oops...forgot my name! AWesome! Can't wait for Lucius and Hermione to talk :)
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 01, 2008
    AWesome updates!!!
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  • From Lauriurix on September 30, 2008
    ohhhhhhhhhhh :O

    interesting :)

    more, more, more! =D
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  • From Citten on September 30, 2008
    well two very wonderful chapters!!! sorry about not reviewing chapter 11 i was not by a computer that had internet access over the weekend. but i loved the chapters and i glad i dont have to worry! :) poor dear lucius i love how you had him not want to be a deatheater to begin with! :) his father is a real piece of work though. he cant just all of the sudden just want to have feelings for his son, well at least without proving that he is going to change! and have a lot of patience because lucius is going to have a hard time accepting it or at all! on some level i am glad that he is not as cold as voldy though there is some hope but a little late to save him from pain and severatude. love what hermione did to him though i just wonder if it will change things though. poor hermione sick with worry but at least she has him back!! :) good old severus! (well okay not so old!) i really love how you have kind of bonded them (lucius and severus)! though that begs a question is that one of the deciding factors in severus decision to becoming a deatheater? well i do hope that you arent going to keep us waiting too long for the next chapter! :)
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  • From Byrony on September 29, 2008
    I quite like this story. You have made me empathize with Lucius and honestly, he is not a very empathetic character. I actually was a bit miffed at Hermione for being to hateful to him. I mean three weeks?? That is a long time for Hermione to hold a grudge. I also like the way she is seeing her memories of the adult Lucius in a different light, how protective he was. I also love your version of Severus, makes me want to give him a great big hug.. Now how do we get rid of that whole Narcissa marriage dilemma??
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  • From ANON - Linneh on September 29, 2008
    Lovely :)
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  • From chickaboo on September 29, 2008
    So Lucius finally made it back. One wonders what the morning will bring. Can't wait for more!
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  • From Utopia on September 29, 2008
    I'm on par with Illanas Morisette - or however you spell it at 7:27 on a Monday morning.

    I thought Andromeda was the eldest! I've just looked it up, Andromeda was 1953, Bella was 1951. I thought it was the other way around! Thanks for pointing that out - that means a large chunk of my fic is wrong! Phew, thanks for the heads up! Narcissa was 1955. So, scarily enough... My Dad's the same age as Bella, and my Mum's a year younger than Cissa! Draco turns up in 1980 - so he's 3 years older than my academic year (though, I'm 10 days older than Tom Felton). Malfoy (big one, lol) was born in 1954... oh shit... that's screwed my fic timeline up something wicked! Bollocks! I thought there was a bigger gap between Narcissa and Lucius! Bugger. I've 2 options... (1) carry on with my plot regardless of canon ages or (2) re hash half of it so it's accurate.

    He could have had bloodshot eyes because he stabbed himself in the eye with his 'Manscara' and Eyeliner trying to look all evil for the job interview! lol... how many sugars were in my tea this morning? lol! THAT'S why Dumbledore didn't give him the job, you know! Dumbledore didn't want any competition for most outrageously dressed wizard at Hogwarts! Screw that he was too evil to teach DADA, and would groom the kids to be canon fodder... it was just a jealous Dumbles!

    Oooh! she's hexed Daddy dearest. Thank-feck for that!

    How jaded has she become in Slytherin? 'Prove it'. Sounds like my bank! "Can you prove who you are" Its not as if I can show then my driving license or passport over the blinking phone is it! Stupid bank.

    Awww, ickle Sevvie doesn't like cuddles! He he!

    Tell you what I want to talk about though, to say Hogwarts is magical, with portraits that gossip and ghosts that walk through walls... how in feck's name did the teachers NOT know about the victimisation that Severus suffered at the hands of James Potter and Sirius Black? Seriously, Dumbledore said to Harry in Philosopher's Stone that 'What you did was a great secret - so naturally, everyone knows' (or similar), so if EVERYONE knows about a SECRET, then how come nobody knows about something that happened RIGHT UNDER THEIR NOSES! In the UK, schooling at this time came with corporal punishment - the cane was a frequent fixture for those who misbehaved (ask my Dad)... I can see Filch having a field day! It would have been nice for JKR to have Dumbledore bloody NOTICE what was happening and flipping cane the nasty half of the marauders! Even our schools now will spot something that bad going on and do something about it!

    JKR was a REALLY bad influence to be honest - she made the marauders look really good, when all they were was a bunch of bullies! She painted James and Sirius as Good and Noble Gryffindors - and they weren't! They were sh*tes and got the girls, whereas Sev got the brunt of the violence and ended up losing everything and sending himself down a destructive path!

    And I'm heading down a rant my GCSE English lit teacher would be proud of! Time to get my shoes on and head off to uni!
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  • From LaBibliographe on September 28, 2008
    Chapter 12: Hermione is nothing if not determined, no matter what she sets her sights on. Lucius is very lucky to have her on his side. He
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  • From Heidi191976 on September 28, 2008
    Another great chapter. I can't wait to read the next one.
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  • From LadyVoldemort87 on September 28, 2008
    Makes me a little sad to see Luci in pain :( But yay for Sevie!

    Ok starting to thaw a little toward Abraxas...

    Update again soon luv!

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  • From andarte on September 28, 2008
    I'm really enjoying this story. Can't wait for more! :)
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  • From voraciousreader on September 28, 2008
    So, Lucius' doubts had already begun? How is Dumbledore taking these small subversions taking place in his school? She is quite likely to be altering a good many things already, just by giving some support here and there, you know.
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