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Reviews for For Their Unconquerable Souls

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - dreamer1 on October 04, 2008
    I love reading this story from the Malfoys side. I eagerly await each update! You writing style is fantastic and it shows that you put a lot of work into your stories. Thank you for being able to make regular updates, I appreciate all the effort that you put into your work for our enjoyment.
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 04, 2008
    Oh wow! I soooo need chapter 7!!! What a difference of opinion make!
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  • From Roozette on October 04, 2008
    *happy sigh*

    You know I love you, right? I want to hug you and do dirty inappropriate things to you and tie you to your computer until you finish writing... which may actually interfere with the writing process. *ponders* Ah well. The thought is still there.

    Just finished "Bloody But Unbowed" and it was masterful. I loved every nuance of it. Started this one, and am delighted with the inner working of the Malfoy mind and heeart. You are doing a sensational job! Your Harry is adorable and clueless and needy and vulnerable and strong... Draco is the same... you have turned me into a run-on sentence kind of girl to try and articulate how much I love your character development!

    *blows kisses*
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  • From TimeFlys on October 03, 2008
    Chapter 5: I'm so excited! I've been dying to hear Draco/Lucius POV on the Heart
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  • From Triden on October 02, 2008
    This is so so so so so good! I am hooked! I love how you're delving into the relationship between the malfoy family members, I love how Draco's "seduction" is changing the more Harry is revealed to him, I love... it all! Can't wait for the next update! Could you possibly email me when you do? Thanks
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  • From Sagenwarrior on October 02, 2008
    i really like this story. I love harry as a medwizard super cool. Can't wait to see more you evil cliff hanger author you!
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  • From ANON - laurenbee on October 01, 2008
    I love Bloody but unbowed and I LOVE this story too! Thankyou for writing Draco's perspective!


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  • From hieisdragoness18 on October 01, 2008
    i like how draco is always changing his mind but he's kind of really an ass sometimes huh
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  • From callistianstar on October 01, 2008
    Yes, well. That's why I love this couple so much. Separately they are so entertaining (as that is also what they think of each other), and together...very amusing. That was definitely my favorite scene in Bloody But Unbowed. I like how it was approached here as well. I suppose I can assume the scene will finish with Lucius. I had completely forgotten Xavier's plot to heroize Harry. lol I like how it was posted here as a clean laundry list of lovers. Before, I just kept thinking "another one?!" when Harry would mention a new name. I like that even though Draco is gaining tips from others how to make Harry happy, he is also, for example, appreciating Harry's qualities as a Healer. It makes it less like Draco is acting, and truly describes him as desiring Harry. I'm also glad that whereas Harry thought that Draco was just seeking to "thank Harry" with sex, it is confirmed here that Draco had just confirmed his desires for Harry as an equal, and it was less thankful admiration, but rather more...lustful? Especially important since it isn't just physical, and he actually wants Harry, rather unlike Harry's other lovers. Nice job also bringing in Draco's later criticisms of Draco's doubt that Harry can succeed in curing Lucius if he is distracted by another patient, or more importantly by his own lack of health. As far as what you said about Draco not understanding perhaps Harry's total strength/weakness, I'm a bit wary about the involvement of Roger to be honest. Surely Draco would be annoyed at the moment of appointing Roger (I'm not sure he'd be stricken with the same non-thinking helpfulness that Harry exudes with the Heart's Blessing), and that he might even think that Harry isn't strong enought to take care of himself and needs constant coddling. In any case, wonderful job. I really look forward to part II of this scene.
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  • From thrnbrooke on October 01, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 6!!!
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  • From TimeFlys on September 28, 2008
    Chapter 4:
    Thanks for the update! I loved how much Draco & Adoranar fought. From Harry's POV you would never have guessed they had been arguing for that long. It gave Draco a lot of time to really judge Adoranar's character and what Harry could have liked in him. Draco's so cute with his little Harry gasping moments- its moments like these you can really tell Draco's starting to fall hard for Harry. That and his small possessive bursts (I love moments like that!!! lol) I was pleasantly surprised in getting Lucius POV. He loves to save face doesn't he? Even in front of his family. Making Draco think that he can strategize and counter anything thrown in his way- even a meddling (but useful) mediwizard. That made me laugh. I hope you use Lucius POV again. I would love to now what he thinks of Harry flirting with him.

    One thing I wasn't sure about was Narcissa's view on love. She thinks that love 'is because of power and unity and the contribution that one can make to a family.' Does that mean she thinks people only fall in love because of power? And if power isn't involved its not love? And if their love cannot benefit the family then its not real love? I always kind of thought of Narcissa as a little bit of a slight romantic because of how much she cares for Lucius but refuses to show her softer-side to anyone but her family. However this view seems a little cold. Or maybe I'm just not getting it.

    Also what did she mean by 'Draco's search for a perfect mate' what does she think Draco's looking for, but disagrees with? Sorry- this has me a little confused.

    I hope you can answer my questions or maybe I'll be reading the answers in a later on in the story. Either way I can't wait for your next chapter! Thanks again!

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  • From callistianstar on September 28, 2008
    :) The dialogue between Draco and Adoranar was amusing. One thing I've been wondering is that once Draco and Harry get closer...will the chapter titles start to match as well? Maybe? It worries me a bit still that Draco seeing Adoranar as something Harry can't learn from. That'd he'd make the same mistakes again, and that he really would be weak in the relationship (which he wasn't necessarily. Only by Adoranar's account of how he is able to seduce Harry). But at the same time I love how Harry's smiles affect Draco. I really hadn't realized he smiled at Draco so often. Still funny that Draco thought Harry needed comforted then, when Harry was probably not even thinking of Adoranar and was thinking more on the next case and getting a hold of that potion. As for the Narcissa and Lucius connection, I wonder if they ever assumed Harry would fail once they left St. Mungos so that Lucius would tell the secrets of the telepathy he shares with his wife to Draco. That does allow for how Narcissa chooses such excellent times to appear. Lastly, I'm glad to see Draco seeing more of the self-destrutiveness that is Harry. It would normally probably be boring for a retelling, but too many fanfics (not yours) have such polarized versions of characters, that if they were to have to write in their perspective of people like Ginny, Ron, or crack version characters, it wouldn't be realistic (Not that a world of magic is). It is truly amazing how things like the smiles translated on one side as a non-thinking gesture met with weird surprise, and on the other it is complete elation for being met with a smile. :) Wonderful job.
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  • From thrnbrooke on September 28, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 5! Oh gotta love Draco's reactions!
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  • From thrnbrooke on September 25, 2008
    Sooo need chapter 4!!!
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  • From graballz on September 25, 2008
    SO GOOD!!! The other side of the story! I love it! Keep it up!
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