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Reviews for Only Time

By : GammaOrionis
  • From OmenRequiem on October 18, 2008
    Severus! Oh I'm so glad you didn't keep him dead! I was so curious about what his reaction to seeing Hermione come into his class room would've been. Still am as a matter of fact. Anyway, this is a wonderful start to this sequel, I'm looking forward to reading more of it.
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  • From voraciousreader on October 18, 2008
    Worse than death, hmm? Drained magic? Loss of intelligence? Since it was for Lucius, pattern baldness? Spots? Nightmare-riddled coma? Sterility, or ugly children? Aww, c'mon tell us!
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  • From Heidi191976 on October 18, 2008
    Excellent. Ron got exactly what he deserved. Hermione needs help and he was acting like a spoilt child. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
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  • From jessirose85 on October 18, 2008
    I loved both versions of this fic...but this one is better..only slightly xxxx cannot wait for chapter 5s.


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  • From ANON - Linneh on October 18, 2008
    Very nice! :) I'm really looking forward to your updates haha, i check on daily basis! Your plotbunnies are wonderful! I like the dark Lucius as well! I'm still not sure which I like best haha,. goodluck with your hand :)
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  • From Byrony on October 18, 2008
    WAY TO GO LUCIUS!!! It is about time someone muzzled Ron.. I have wanted to do it for years..LOL... I really like the sequels it is funny I thought that I would like this one more as it is lighter, but I have to say that I like them equally..Good job and I hope all is well with your hands.
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  • From ANON - Mia on October 18, 2008
    I can't decide which Lucius version I like more. Well, make that am most intrigued by. Bastard Lucius, or Besotted Lucius. (I couldn't bring myself to call him Benign Lucius, It's just not in him, even when he is on the side of light.) I am enjoying your story continuations more and more with each chapter. I'm just happy that Harry and Ron got to observed, albeit angrily, Lucius and Hermione together while she was unconscious. It would have been a rather sticky situation if she had been awake for all this. In some circumstances it is easier to yell at your friend. Especially when you already have low expectaions of your opponent. I delighted in Lucius' inner monologue about That's short comings. (And eww, I don't even want to visualize that pun.) Thank you for this enjoyable entertainment.


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  • From ANON - Deatheaterqueenie on October 18, 2008
    This story and the one before it is radastic. I mean the whole Merlin and Lady of the Lake thing is wicked awesome!!! Anyhoo...I love LM/HG they are the best..well one of the best. Tell me what happens to Mione. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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  • From ANON - HermioneMalfoyFan on October 17, 2008
    Oh oh, what happened there? Tell me, tell me, tell me!!!! Arrgh... Oh and how will she explain Ron when she leaves him? I mean it's only a matter of time, isn't it?
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  • From Lauriurix on October 16, 2008
    OMG! :O

    nununu, damn that bellatrix :l

    love it !
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  • From ANON - AlyBalyBonTaly on October 16, 2008
    I also understand you're in pain with your hands, just take your time, we all understand.
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  • From ANON - AlyBalyBonTaly on October 16, 2008
    I really admire your work, and I find it great that you have been bitten by two plot bunnies that demand your attention. However I must say that both stories feel rushed, as if you're expelling them from your mind. Please take your time because shorter chapters make for lack of details, depth, and emotion.
    Other than that, you're doing a good job on both stories. I'm very curious as to what will happen later on, but I will be patient enough to wait.
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  • From ANON - Linneh on October 16, 2008
    Woow ;) I don't know which fic I like more, the light or the dark one. I say both of them have their appeal ! I'm so sorry about your hand, I hope you'll be better soon!
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  • From Shalengreh on October 16, 2008
    more please
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  • From ANON - maddie50 on October 16, 2008
    Eek. What a place to leave the end of the chapter. Hermione must have been hit with something other than the death spell. That is my theory. Poor Tonks, though. Bellatrix is a powerful bitch.
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