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Reviews for Only Time

By : GammaOrionis
  • From ANON - Avanell on October 16, 2008
    Good job thus far...which version is this? I'm on pain meds, too, so can't tell :) I just picked one. HOpe you're doing better and can't wait for more. I love Bellatrix, too...have a black and grey striped kitten I named after her. And man, is she a demon witch!!!
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  • From TheSlytherinPrincess on October 15, 2008
    Okay... How exactly is Lucius going to bring her back from this? (I'm not saying he (or someone) won't...we all know he's awesome enough to do it ^_^). I'm just curious, that's all. I'm very anxious to find out how this little "problem" shall be solved...*ponders*
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  • From jessirose85 on October 15, 2008
    Beautiful sequel so far xxxxxxx 10/10
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  • From Heidi191976 on October 15, 2008
    This was great. It was sad that Tonks got killed, but at least Hermione didn't. I do hope that she will be alright, though. I can't wait for the next one.
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  • From andarte on October 15, 2008
    Lucius isn't Lucius without at least a little insanity going. Awww... Hermione is the sweet one this chapter. lol
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  • From ANON - Ashley on October 15, 2008
    Sorry to hear about your hand. I was just diagnosed with having what I call retarded blood cells. they explode in my body for no reason and cause my muscle to far I've had them in my right thigh and right lung...I just worry if it will occur in my head or heart :-(

    As for the story....LOVE THE DETAILS! and yes I almost cried as you give the IDEA that Hermione dies but at the same time not quite. You're a great writer chica and I hope you get better soon. Do you know what you have?
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  • From ANON - maddie50 on October 15, 2008
    Ah, you have been busy. So you are writing two scenarios for the sequel. I can understand how Lucius would think that Hermione was killed by his father. So this is the good guy story. I am hooked. I love Enya, especially that song.
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  • From catysmom1028 on October 14, 2008
    I like it. Please udpate soon.

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  • From Lauriurix on October 14, 2008
    oh i already read the other story i just havent commented on it :D lol

    at first i was eh? did she make a mistake but no :D my bad

    im enjoying both stories, so plz keep us udpated :D
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  • From ANON - Linneh on October 14, 2008
    Its a pity your chapters are so short ! :(
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  • From Heidi191976 on October 14, 2008
    A great chapter. I can't wait for the next one.
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  • From ANON - Ashley on October 14, 2008
    YEAH!!! UPDATES ARE GOOD! You do realize I check here many times a day to see if you have updated :-) Please excuse my bad grammar as it is 4 AM and I've been up since 6 AM!
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  • From ANON - HermioneMalfoyFan on October 14, 2008
    Uhhh... That was nice. I am wondering what your dark fic will bring for us? I will go and read it right away! But I think my soft heart will prefer the light one, although I cannot exclude that my head will not prefere the other one. Wicked thing, that! And what a cliffy you left us with! Why did she jump? Must be quiet high from the Gryffindor tower...

    Bad news the thing with the medication. I completely understand that you hate blood tests. I cannot look when they take it. Although I know that it doesn't hurt (much), and I never had a bad experience... Still readin from the library, no way to save my old laptop. That's why I am not loged in. Hope to have a new computer in two weeks latest...
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  • From voraciousreader on October 14, 2008
    The song is an old favorite of mine, although my roommates called it 'depressing' at he time. Good pick for this story, though. So Lucius was a spy before he brought Severus in? or were they both trying to avenge Hermione's 'death'?
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  • From andarte on October 13, 2008
    Aww... I don't entirely know what to make of this sweet, good Lucius. Still, its very intriguing.
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