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Reviews for Only Time

By : GammaOrionis
  • From happybunny on November 27, 2008
    Awww! I'm delightful?

    *Sigh* Lucius wouldn't be Lucius if he didn't constantly try to protect himself. And think how much shorter all our LMHG fics would be. But obviously, he doesn't have a problem suffering physical injury for Hermione.

    No! You ruined Lucius' face! Fix it, right now! Right now, I say!

    Oh, goody, a new Patronus. Looked up hippocampus, pretty!

    And now it's Hermione's turn to wait for Lucius to wake up. Nice symmetry.

    I'm sorry about all the exclamation marks, but I'm currently disguised as a fangirl. I can't risk anyone discovering my true self...
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  • From ANON - Ashley on November 27, 2008
    lol you review whore! This I did not expect so I will give you that. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving...sadly my Grandma passed away Wednesday night :-(
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  • From ANON - yuri on November 27, 2008
    i am not going to cry.. even if this stora, is tearing my heart out, and making me want to cry. i am not going to cry..
    gooosh, you write saooooo gooooood!
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  • From vampgrl23 on November 24, 2008
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  • From ANON - Jade on November 24, 2008
    Hi. WOW...I'm hooked on your story. Well both of them actually. That was evil! How could you stop right there!? This is one of the reasons I don't normally read WIP's (I'm not a patient person). but I fell in love with a Muddy Secret and I wanted more. I love your Lucius (both of them). I love the other version Lucius more than this one (I love the bad 'I'm the boss' guys). But this one is sweet and it's a really nice change. You're an amazing writer. Keep it up and I hope your medical problems get solved. Take it from someone who also had to deal with lots of different types of specialists; more is not always better. More confuses the hell out of you and costs tons of blood. Your blood. Well, it was actually my blood but you get the point. Another piece of advice is to make sure that all of your doctors on one the same page. The last thing you want is to have one doctor to test you for something that another doctor proved that you already don't have. I know that doesn't seem like a big problem, but it is. Especially when that test is a biopsy that comes with a three day stay in the hospital, a surgeon, and a bill that you have to pay. So good luck with your hospital adventures and I can't wait until you update.
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  • From Citten on November 24, 2008
    THIS BETTER BE A FREAKEN JOKE OR I MAY JUST HAVE TO KILL YOU!!! cause that is just a horable cliffy!!!!! other than you ending authors note i am loving the story! :) i love that all who love lucius are getting annoyied with him for dragging his feet. so will our sleeping beauty wake up (she better darm it!)
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  • From ANON - Apple on November 24, 2008
    OMG OMG OMG!!! Hermione... Please wake up and don't leave poor Lucius....

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  • From Heidi191976 on November 24, 2008
    This was a wonderful chapter. I hope that Hermione does wake up from his kiss and then decides that she wants to stay with him forever. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - maddie50 on November 24, 2008
    Those last two chapters were very moving. Draco needed to hear what great lengths his father has gone to try to make him happy and earn his love. Lucius seems like such a lonely person and he loves Hermione so much. I hope Hermione can hear his words.
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  • From bournespeed on November 24, 2008
    Am loving this please update soon, I hate cliffies but could see this one coming a mile off ;o))
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  • From Lauriurix on November 24, 2008

    u're killing me woman xD

    u gottta update as soon as u can, really!!! =D

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  • From ANON - Ashley on November 23, 2008
    *kicks rocks* mean evil cliffies! Was great but still....*pouts...even with a smile* love the update!!! Have you been to a neurologist? Or even had your brainwaves looked at while you were sleeping? The brain does marvelous things while we are sleeping and that might give you an answer...I should know as I study anatomy and neurology from time to time (I have no desire to actually work in that field, it just fascinates me). Hope you get better....have you tried Topemax?
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  • From asmysoulwanders on November 23, 2008
    I so love this story and I cant wait for the update!
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  • From jessirose85 on November 23, 2008
    Oh he did it!! I hope she wakes up xxxx

    Beautifully written
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  • From ANON - blufalcon on November 23, 2008
    Just know that both of your stories are the best !!!! Poor Lucius even if he was being selfish, he has his reasons for it. Haha at the end of this chapter you have me bouncing around in my seat thinking of what could happen for them both !!!! Also I'm sorry to hear about your health. I hope the docs are doing everything they can to get you well again. Best of luck with that. Other then that awesome stories so far !!!!
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