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Reviews for Lights of Questionable Faith

By : GammaOrionis
  • From Lauriurix on October 16, 2008
    hahaah loved Lucius n how he behaved :D lol


    sorry about ur hand :S hope it all goes well :)

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  • From Heidi191976 on October 16, 2008
    Excellent. I can't wait for the next chapter to see what happens.
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  • From ANON - Linneh on October 16, 2008
    Wonderful as always ;) How many chapters are there? ;) Looking forward to the next update! Its nice to see that you update regularly!
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  • From Shalengreh on October 16, 2008
    when i read the first chapter of this one i didnt like it....and i wasnt going to continue it....i was just planning on reading 'only time'....but then i went back for chapter two and three....and now this one also seems good....bravo for doing good work
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  • From ANON - maddie50 on October 16, 2008
    I'm sorry to hear about your wrists. It does sound like carpal tunnel. As for your roommate, . . .

    The new chapter: Everyone is pissed off, but the Malfoys. Well, Draco is probably puzzled. I wonder how Narcissa died? Hermione had such great affection for Lucius, even if she didn't want to, and she has seen what he has gone through in life and how much he loves her; does she really no longer hold any affection for him?
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  • From TheSlytherinPrincess on October 15, 2008
    Erm...not that Lucius isn't completely hot when he's being all bad-guy and everything, but I have to ask: Does he still love Hermione after what happened? He's not actually going to hurt her, is he?
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  • From andarte on October 15, 2008
    You are such a tease. lol
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  • From voraciousreader on October 15, 2008
    Lucius is truly ruthless in this version, that's for certain. Sexy either way, though. Wonder how long he had his lawyer looking for that law? Please tell me she's going to make his life hell--free his elves, burn his dinner, starch his shorts?
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  • From ANON - maddie50 on October 15, 2008
    Subtle differences. If I understand correctly, Lucius waited 10 years before he opened his letter from Hermione because he wanted to avenge her. However, I got the impression at the end of chapter 2 that Hermione was older. How much time has passed for her since her return from the past?
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  • From catysmom1028 on October 14, 2008
    I like it. Please udpate soon.

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  • From Lauriurix on October 14, 2008
    love it =D
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  • From ANON - firefairy on October 14, 2008
    I absolutely love theses fan fictions i have read both versions and will continue to do so as long as you continue to update them!
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  • From ANON - HermioneMalfoyFan on October 14, 2008
    Ohhh... I knew it! I just knew I would love this story! Really, how can you possibly do this to me. It destroyed him! He would have loved her so much... And at the same time he's so stupid! So, so stupid! Why didn't he open that freaking letter earlier! Arrrgh, people make me so angry! Even those who don't exist! It drives me insane. Really, you will be death of me with this story. If you don't get them together at the end I will certainly die of a heart attac!
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  • From Heidi191976 on October 13, 2008
    Excellent. I look forward to reading more.
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  • From ANON - Linneh on October 13, 2008
    Yeah I've noticed you have two sequels! I am reading them both, enjoying this one so far! Update soon ;) it makes me curious
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