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Reviews for Lights of Questionable Faith

By : GammaOrionis
  • From Lauriurix on November 16, 2008
    oohhh im more than happy with it :D

    it was great n the way Lucius was asking her for a kiss and Hermione not giving it to him :P was such a tease lol :D

    nice :D lets see where this leads too ;)
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  • From Heidi191976 on November 16, 2008
    This was a wonderful chapter. I am glad that Hermione finally realized that Lucius is the same as he was in the past, but I think he blew it by mentioning the sheet. It seems like she is going to hate him again. Patiently waiting for the next chapter.
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  • From HermioneMalfoFan on November 16, 2008
    Yay... Lemons! I like the way you wrote this chapter!

    She can still see the boy he once was, that's a good signe for their relationship. I don't think she could really love him if the boy in him had completely died.

    As for hating people you once loved: You're certainly right, one action doesn't erase the feelings you have. But a chain of actions can make it impossible to love somebody and will eventually lead to hate the person. Although you might still regrett what happened to the two of you. But I think that they are a long way from that (luckily!). They will get through it, at least if Lucius is ready to make enough concessions!

    Oh, he only got what he was asking for at the end. He really had it coming! I mean honestly, what woman wants the sheets of her first time paraded before everyone? Uhhh. But then, that is soooo Lucius!
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  • From ANON - Flowerchild on November 16, 2008
    I really hope that smack wa the sound of Hermione slapping him! Oooh, he's a sneaky fellow! Loving this story so far, can't wait for Lucius to get his! *Hands cookie*
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  • From vampgrl23 on November 15, 2008
    LOVED IT!!!!! Who smacked who? What happened?! PLEASE update soon!!!
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  • From Citten on November 15, 2008
    i think he deserved that. :) i cant wait to see his reation to that! :) well i all i have to say is that i totally could of had that be longer! :)
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  • From ANON - happybunny on November 15, 2008
    Wonderful chapter! I really liked the significance you gave the kiss. It caused a great build-up of tension during the course of the chapter and showed how Hermione differentiates "Malfoy" from "Lucius."

    I hope your health improves. I think I remember you mentioning problems with your hands/arms too. I've had tendinitis, and it sucks not being able to write or use doorknobs, etc.
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  • From HildaMalfoy on November 15, 2008
    OMG! Did she just slap him? Oh my he was so close to getting her to understand him but he had to ruin it! Dammit! The smutty action was very good! Loved all of it!

    The plot bunny has finally written the Dramione chapter as he was too busy caring for me when I was ill. He wrote you an email as well, so have a looksie.

    *hugs* Get better soon!
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  • From voraciousreader on November 15, 2008
    Well, she found HER Lucius again, but she still has to deal with the layers time has added, I guess. I just hope they can find some common ground soon, or they will both be miserable in spite of the love.
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  • From HermioneMalfoFan on November 12, 2008
    Uhh... I thought I already reviewed this ages ago! Good thing I went back and checked it. Happended several times lately that I thought I had reviewed and it turned out I was mistaken!

    I knew she would put on some resistance as soon as the spell wore off! Well, who wouldn't, I ask you. I still think Lucius should be ashamed that he didn't give her the choice to marry him. Okay, he seems to have serious psychological problems, but that doesn't make the situation better for Hermione. Quite the contrary actually.

    It still is not completely by choice that she sleeps with him... But I can live with what's happening. I still think that the bounding circle might not have such an effect when there are no feelings involved at all. Maybe it just amplifies the positive feelings somebody might have about ones spouse? Maybe you might want to clarify the effect of the circle in a later chapter (even if it's not the one I assumed).

    Also I am wondering about Ron's (and to a lesser extend Harry's) reaction to the sheets...
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  • From ANON - kisa on November 07, 2008
    Love the story!!! cant wait till the next update. i have a question about chapter 8... the part that goes....

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  • From ANON - maddie50 on November 07, 2008
    For being a bit off his rocker, Lucius was very patient with Hermione.
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  • From Rosamund on November 07, 2008
    Great new chapter!!!
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  • From vampgrl23 on November 06, 2008
    Oh gosh! PLEASE!!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!! SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - KMK on November 06, 2008
    lol the "have me love me" made em think of labyrinth when jareth says "I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave. " but anyways lol i like the story so far very good...

    keep up the great work!
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