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Reviews for Refashioning Affection

By : SarahRae
  • From chickaboo on November 20, 2008
    Sexual tension. Don't you just love it? lol
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  • From LaBibliographe on November 17, 2008

    Oh, I never mind Lucius trying to appeal to Hermione. All of my stories have him doing just that. He may be arrogant, status-conscious, and manipulative, but he knows a good thing when he sees it. Lucius being Lucius, he wants it and goes about getting it
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  • From jaimelee on November 16, 2008
    Excellent story so far... I wish Hermione would own up to the fact that there's an attraction there. Please update soon! This story is so intruiging.
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  • From wishywashy on November 16, 2008
    i love it.
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  • From Utopia on November 16, 2008

    Business, my arse!

    Is ANYONE else going to turn up to annoy Lucius?! lol!

    Hahahaha! Arse of marble! lol! *sing-song-voice* Ron's got a boyfriend, Ron's got a boyfriend...

    "Tainted smoke"... made from a certain plant perhaps? Next she'll be growing particularly magic mushrooms!

    Oh dear... he thinks he's hearing things... or not.


    Poor sod, working for the blooming government. lol.

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  • From chickaboo on November 13, 2008
    Oh Hermione. Silly girl. Well, at least she didn't say "never" right? lol Just "think". The great thing about thinking is you can always think something else. Yep. Okay I'm done. Great update, I can't wait to see how Lucius goes about changing her mind.
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  • From LaBibliographe on November 13, 2008
    Chapter 6: Oooh, Lucius is so tuned in to Herione
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  • From Utopia on November 13, 2008

    He wants to wrap her hair around his.... what? *giggle*

    I'm singing "I've got you under my skin" at the moment in my head! lol!

    Babel is one of those establishments where you can take a book, but you have to leave one in its place if you do. Places like that have some of the oddest titles you've ever seen - and people leave little messages in the books, like mini reviews and the date!

    Whoa! Lucius is jumping the gun a bit, isn't he! He wants to propose? Is that from an ancient sense of duty - a sort of 'properness' and propriety about it? I guess he's from a branch of society who are marry first, ask questions later.

    Behind every successful man is a brilliant woman... and Lucius would probably be unstoppable with Hermione backing him up!

    What's a Graham cracker?

    Awwww. I think Lucius might just be 'the one'.
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  • From Utopia on November 13, 2008

    The three sisters - is that referring to Macbeth?

    Hermione is one of those people who is married to her work - and it means that a spouse is 'the other man' in her life. A lot of men would be uncomfortable with that. A lot of men are also uncomfortable with a smarter woman who is more successful than they are - Hermione isn't going to have much luck.

    Babel is that a bit like the babel fish of Hitchhicker's guide? The fish that used brain waves to translate speech? we have a local equivalent - its called the Book Cafe.

    A casual Snape is still kept in character!

    Hermione has always championed the underdog, Lucius has a chance!

    Draco calling Hermione 'mummy' would be a VERY scary thought! lol!

    Stop. The. Press. Lucius blushes! *gobsmacked face*

    Again, brilliant work!
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  • From Utopia on November 13, 2008

    Slytherins will take advantage of any opportunity! lol!

    Wooo! I'm not the only one to ram my pen into my hair! lol! And it is nice to see Hermione using a fountain pen, I don't know how they manage with quills! A fountain pen is essentially a metal quill - not to mention it has its own ink source! Coloured ink is fun! When I was at school our house colours were red, yellow, green and purple - and my chemistry teacher was head of the Potents (purple) and he used to mark all his books with a purple fountain pen! I don't leave the house for uni without my fountain pen - I hate biro!

    My mum is an accountant, and when she got a new job she realised that her predecessor had put off writing the end of financial year report! She had about a fortnight to get it done! I think how cross she was is testiment to how someone who used to do your job can leave an utter mess for you to wade through!

    I wouldn't want to read Hermione's diary! She probably spends more time running around after everyone else - rather than actually doing any research!

    Hermione's office sounds homely - her collection of random knicknacks has a lot of memories - and she's no doubt got quite a collection of her blankets there too!

    Is she still using her school satchel? I can see it being patched up and battered, probably with those iron-on patches that you can buy in the touristy places. she probably doesn't look the part of Department head though - she sounds to be dressed comfortable - rather than the 'power dressing' that most women in high-flying jobs go for. And she's got her satchel, rather than a fancy briefcase too.

    Old age, my Daddy's older than him! lol!

    I make those 'happy noises' over all sorts of stuff, lol! The first cup of tea of the day, a really interesting article in a journal, a bit of information I didn't know before... my other half complains that he doesn't get as many happy noises as other stuff! lol!

    Awwwwwww! Lucius has got a crush! There's no other word for it! I wonder if he ever had crushes on people while he was in school? I bet he didn't let anyone get emotionally close until after Harry and co brought down Voldie! Gryffindors have their hearts on their sleeves, the Slytherins hide it away so it can't get hurt.

    You should see some of my books! I've got really explicit smut hidden behind text books at home! lol! My mum would have a fit if she knew some of the stuff I read! lol! My head LIVES in the gutter!

    The plot thickens! Again, it was fast paced and really good!

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  • From Utopia on November 13, 2008

    I didn't think the Burrow could get any more irregular! wow!

    Is Ron Bi or gay? The way Hermione was talking suggests he is bisexual. Does Molly know, and is she listening in to find out who her youngest son might be bringing for Sunday lunch?

    So, this Moira is an actual secretary - ie. a Personal Assistant sort of person (typing, filing, answerin the floo, etc.)?

    Draco's on the 'Sports Council' - so he's probably one step down from Department head. (Two down from the minister in the power stepy-thingy-pyramidy-thing).

    Nice to see Draco almost childish - his childhood was ruined, so it is comforting to see him acting like a bit of a brat.

    So, I presume from your wording that Molly has been pushing Ron into telling her what's happening in his private life.

    Ooooh, so, Lucius just works for the department, and Hermione runs it - so Lucius is actually below Hermione on the food chain! He's therefore a Minister of State for some sort of specialist role within the department... hmm, why isn't he on top? Or is it that his expertise is in only one area - and Hermione knows about a heck of a lot more? Or is it that he can't be arsed to be the top dog and responsible for so many people?

    Shagging your secretary at work is appalling!

    So, Ginny and Harry are...? What's going on between them? are they seeing other people? Are they committed but just not actually seeing each other? Have they been together, then split up before getting back together in the future? I'm really confused by that.

    Molly is happy being a housewife - Hermione would rather be locked in Azkaban. I think Molly thinks that everyone shares her opinion of what a witch's 'career' should be - and Hermione doesn't want to know. Molly means well - but I'd have throttled her by now! Settle down? She's 25 and doesn't want to settle down - Molly is going to push too far and lose her from the brood at this rate!

    I like her collecting blankets; we have a rug from Tunisia that is woven in such a way that it changes colour depending on where the light hits it - and the colours get darker as the day goes on as the sun sets! In the morning it's really bright, and in the evening it gets dim. They're called magic carpets and I think they're silk. It looks brilliant hung on the wall! I've also stolen a blanket my parents were given as a wedding present some 28 years ago - its a Hudson Bay (made in Wakefield, but only available to buy from the Hudson Bay Company in Canada) - it keeps me nice and warm during the nights in dreary cold Derbyshire! lol!

    Another good chapter! Again, it was nice and fast paced, flowed really well and light-hearted.

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  • From Utopia on November 13, 2008

    Heck, if she's got a mantelpiece, does that mean she has her own fire - and thus her own personal connection to the floo network? Although, the head of a department would probably need their own connection.

    Why does the Ministry of Magic have a board of Governors? I thought it was only schools that had them! The ministry isn't a school - I think you've got your wires crossed.

    The British Government at number 10 has levels of "importance" and power: you've got the Prime Minister at the top; the the Departmental ministers (also called secretaries of state); then the ministers of state - who aren't secretaries of state (they work for the departmental ministers - and they generally have specific jobs to do and their own titles), and then there's the junior ministers (who are parliamentary secretaries)...

    Current British list:

    Above in English (that will make sense even to us Brits)

    (Don't we complicate matters over here? lol!)

    So, I think Hermione is a Departmental minister. That would put her under Kingsley, but above everyone else. So, Lucius is a 'Governor' (which doesn't exist in British politics); is he in the same boat as Hermione - a departmental minister? Or is he a high ranking Minister of state? I can't see Lucius working UNDER anyone he didn't have to. I think your use of the term 'Governor' is a bit Yank for the situation.

    Anyway... back to the fic.

    Hasn't Lucius got nice manners when he's not trying to kill her! lol!

    Can I hug Harry too? I like hugs.

    Can I make a request? New speaker, new line, with a line inbetween? I know you're trying to create paragraphs of conversation (and changing paragraph as the topic changes) - but it clumps it all together too much. Split the dialogue up with a line between each new speaker, it makes it easier to follow a conversation.

    So, Molly sets the twins on people who don't turn up for tea? lol! I don't think I'd argue with her when she sends Fred and George after you!

    RDD? What's the RDD? You can't throw an acronym at us and not tell us what it is in long hand, duckie. RDD could mean anything.

    Oooh, Firefox! firefox is brilliant, it really is a lot better than explorer!

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  • From Utopia on November 13, 2008
    Is this a re-write of another fic? Or am I just getting a d
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  • From coopershawk on November 13, 2008
    It's a very enjoyable read. Thanks for writing it.
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  • From Gertie on November 13, 2008
    I just love how bad Lucius has it for Hermoine. Poor sucker! This story is very sweet and I'm excited to see what happens. Draco really does need a smack to the head once in a while. I'd love to see Hermoine do it too.
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