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Reviews for Hephaestus

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Severus1snape on August 06, 2015
    made me cry!
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  • From Darkless on June 02, 2009
    Very good. I'ts always rough to have to rethink previous conceptions and prejudices. Draco and Harry didn't think that Draco could get past Harry's deformities; mostly because of Draco's original aversion.

    You walked that through to it's conclusion very, very well. It's just too bad that something tragic had to open Draco's eyes that not all beauty is visual, especially when the heart is invested. Great story.
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  • From Jan on January 15, 2009
    Not the ending I was expecting, but a great ending nonetheless ^_^

    Great work

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  • From TheQueenAnne on December 30, 2008
    So clever! So sweet! And I actually understood Draco's thought process! That was fabulous!
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  • From Rokkis on December 12, 2008
    A very lovely H/D fic! And for once something down to earth. Love isn't always perfect and easy, sometimes one has to work for it. And I really thought you did this beautifully in this fic!

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  • From ANON - kari on December 09, 2008
    wow.....great story with a great ending
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  • From thrnbrooke on December 06, 2008
    I am sooo going to miss this!!! One day you just have to revisit this world again!!!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on December 06, 2008
    Awesome ending to a really moving story! I loved the progression of their relationship and their own personal epiphanies that got them there. Draco's insights into why he pushed Harry away really were deep.The whole bit with Draco flirting with Harry was so freaking cute and HOT! By the time they got to it, it felt like exhaling. LOL@Scorpius finding them in bed together and Ginny sending Doxies. hehe. Once again, you've written a story that really is beautiful and full of the real complexities of relationships and human nature. Thanks once again for brilliant story : )
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on December 06, 2008
    @ch. 8. OMG!! I love you! There was so much hope in this chapter, I almost cried when Scorpius went into the fire with the Dwarf. So awesome that a child wouldn't have the vanity to chose the utility of his limb over repairing his face! This was just awesome writing. But I don't understand why they can't give it another go for his face...maybe not all of it, but just try? lol. Ah, there goes my vanity talking. I love the pure emotion radiating from Draco in this chapter. I was giggling so hard at Harry pitying the Hogwarts professors who would teach Scorpius and then Draco thinks the same, haha! Looking forward to seeing how you wrap this up : )
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  • From ANON - yun on December 05, 2008
    thank you very much for sharing this brilliant piece of art with us. it ended very naturally; like scorpius intruding to show his fathers his new toy. like they're too nervous for their second first time, they forgot to set up silencing charms. a first "normal" morning to mark the beginning of more normal mornings (and more fulfilling nights) for the happy little family. Lomonaaeren, thanks many lots to you we got to read Hephaestus! much, much so!
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  • From ANON - Ladynight on December 04, 2008
    I really like this story and I'm kinda sad to see it end. The ending was reall good though.
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  • From Myraa on December 04, 2008
    A beautiful ending to an amazing story. I feel depressed now that it's all over, but the feeling kind of mixed with how happy I am at the ending. I'm so proud of Draco. I loved how he really pushed and how he fought his own mind, I loved Harry's strength, I loved Scorpius, I loved Ginny (Yes, the Ginny in this story was awesome!), I loved Ron and Hermione, I loved everything about this story!

    And I'm so glad you didn't find a cure for Harry. I wanted him to stay that way, the whole purpose for this story. It's about acceptance. Harry's, Draco's and Scorpius's.

    Millions of thanks for writing and sharing this. The last chapter can be added to one of the many celebrations I have now, having just finished my final examination after a full trying and suffering month. XD

    Thank you! I bow to your writing skill, Lomonaaeren.
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  • From callistianstar on December 04, 2008
    I never cry when reading. Ever. Perhaps I don't allow my mind to conjure up an imaginative image that would make me cry, but I swear I almost did for this.

    I admit, when I saw you updated, I was fricken happy. I was like "heck yes!" when you posted another one for this story in a row. So I felt quite cheated [as I forgot the length you detailed for this story] when you said it was the last chapter. But this fricken made me happy.

    I think the best bit out of all of it [and so much of it was good] for me was Draco helping Harry with his leg. That was my major problem with Draco from the first chapter, that Harry was in pain, and THAT should have been the first cure persued.

    I think it was good that you decided to not revolve this last chapter around Draco's search for a cure, which is what I was expecting. This was beautiful.

    Another thing I loved was how you brought the sigil's back in the story and how you described Draco's thoughts on how Harry must form the patterns, not with a former idea of what they would be, but forming them as he makes them and allowing them to just become whatever they will. I thought it was very complimenting to the first scene of Harry and Hermione, and how Hermione wished Harry would strive for the ideal [so he wouldn't get hurt]. It was amazing to follow this all with Harry and Draco learning and growing from their relationship.

    I hadn't expected the sigils to react to Draco once hardened. That was really interesting.

    I laughed so hard when Harry asked Draco "if he was okay." It should be sad that Harry wouldn't want to consider aloud that it was sexual, but I found Draco's frustration to be hilarious.

    I had been worred as I read on that in this chapter the story would end on a note where I wouldn't be sure if Draco would eventually leave Harry after no cure was found, a sort of "hope for the future, you never know" kind of ending, but while I know that this might not be a 'sure' thing, I love that you ended it differently. You left us, appropriately with the present, instead of looking towards the future looming.

    This was a beautiful chapter. I absolutely loved it. Gorgeous story. Definitely one of my favorites of yours.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on December 04, 2008
    That was an awesome story! Great job!
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  • From Myraa on December 04, 2008
    Thank youuuuuuuuuuu. Thank you for finding a cure for Scorpius. Though not perfect, it's more than enough. I feel so happy for all three of them.

    Anyways, I loved the embarassed!Draco moments, XD! Sweet, cute, AND funny. I'm so bloody glad they finally decided on trying.
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