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Reviews for Hephaestus

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Dezra on December 04, 2008

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  • From thrnbrooke on December 04, 2008
    Oh wow! I sooo need chapter 9! I'm sooo proud of Draco!
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  • From callistianstar on December 04, 2008
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  • From ANON - Ladynight on December 03, 2008
    Yay for the Dwarves(Sp?) they rock and Draco is still a fool. As if Harry would endanger a child.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on December 03, 2008
    I think Scorpius is more aware than Draco would like, because even Scorpius realized Draco's obsession with beauty (as seen by the "I know Daddy would want my face to be healed but..." statement).
    So there's absolutely no hope for Harry then? Even though Dwarf magic didn't cause Harry's injuries, do you think that they could still help?
    Great chapter! Keep going!

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  • From thrnbrooke on December 01, 2008
    Sooooo need chapter 8!!!
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  • From ANON - yun on December 01, 2008
    just glad that scorpius was still too young he hadn't catch the feaphobic from his malfoy relatives. if he already had, then he had to endure the physical pain + disabilities topped with the additional self-fearing thoughts in obvious path leading to the destructive self-hating emotions, that stays longer and deeper within, incurable. draco tried, hard enough to me, so i'll be cheering for all 3 of them. thank you for the chapter!
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on November 30, 2008
    Awwww!! I'm tearing up here. I really hope that Draco learns how to love Harry. I loved how Draco stood up to his family, it was about time. And I love how you had Harry block Lucius and lay the proverbial smack down on him. I was worried that Lucius would really start some shit about the dwarves but I'm glad that got nipped in the bud. Loving Scorpius, and I think he's gonna be good for both Harry and Draco. I really like the part where you had Draco understand that he doesn't have to be a perfect father and say the right things all the time, that it's going to take practice and he can learn from Harry how to be better at this. Because really, people can't change overnight. It's one of the best things about this story; Draco isn't all of a sudden transformed and sees the light, his struggle is real and his old thoughts about beauty still remain, but he's trying and that's really the meat of it when it comes to love isn't it? This has actually made me sorta sad for Scorpius. The intelligence enhancing spells really are embedded and I wonder if it alters who he is...its sort of a tragedy really. Anyway, I really like the way they're able to talk and say things without saying them explicitly. They really do know each other and I can't wait to see what the next step is in their relationship. GREAT update, as always : )
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  • From ANON - AyaDarkHunter on November 30, 2008
    I am so happy to see Draco making strides to come to terms with his intolerance. A thing's value lies within itself, not in the container it is carried in. I am hopeful that since Draco has been able to make such strides for his son, in time he will also be able to accept Harry and, more importantly, accept his love for Harry. I think that deep down inside Draco isn't so much truly concerned about Harry's appearance as he is about what it says about HIM that he could be attracted to and in love with someone so damaged and imperfect. What does that make him? And rather than deal with it, he ran away and used his revulsion as a convienient excuse to do so. Decades of Malfoy brainwashing--Hell on Wheels! Can't wait for your next chapters!
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  • From callistianstar on November 30, 2008
    Yes, Draco definitely did good this chapter. It is sad that he had to confront his parents in front of Harry, as they are his parents, and although this version of them seems less forgiving, they seem to care for Draco a great deal all the same. Although, they must have been rather happy and satisfied once Harry had been scared and Draco had told them about the separation.

    Despite this, this was truly a heart warming chapter. I don't think I held too much hope for a real relationship between H/D until this chapter, as before I was just settling for a pleasant closure for the pair. It was lovely how you approached Draco's acceptance of his son's looks, especially with Scorpius' reaction. I was worried when Harry stepped up and asked Draco if he thought his son was still beautiful, but I hope that he only did so because he had faith that Draco would think Scorpius was, and not to question indignantly about something that should be obviously affirmative. But as you say, this direct approach has forced him to deal with the reality, and quite beautifully he is thinking such wonderful thoughts because of these forced encounters. I really love that you had Draco allow himself the space to take everything one step at a time, mistakes allowed.

    Last thing, I really adored Scorpius and Harry's connection in this chapter and Draco's later joining to form a united front and a comforting environment. Wonderful job with this chapter. It really made me allow myself to hope for a happy ending to oppositely match the story's beginning.
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  • From ANON - Ladynight on November 29, 2008
    Lovely chapter, Is it wrong that I wanted to smack the elder Malfoys? Personally I want to see their reactions when Harry and Draco eventually get together.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on November 29, 2008
    Wow. Draco really made strides in this chapter. It gives me hope for him that he can fully accept what has happened, not only to Scorpius but also to Harry.
    Great chapter!
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  • From Myraa on November 29, 2008
    Yaaay! It's funny how I check your page at least three times a day. XD Anyways, finally, a chapter that doesn't make me bawl like a baby. I'm forgiving Draco little by little. I know it's very difficult for him, but he's trying. I loved it when he stood up agaisnt his parents whom he had depend on the time before and after (scarred) Harry. And how he showed to Scorpius and let him know how much Draco still love him despite the accident. I can't decide which makes me happier, Draco accepting Scorpius, or Draco trying to work things out with Harry. This is probably Draco's first without a concrete plan. For a Malfoy like him, that would definitely put him in an uncomfortable position, but who knows, maybe he will go through this without one, or maybe he will find a plan that works just fine. Either way, I'm looking forward for the next two chapters (How can I not? Hahaha). Ah and the part when Harry was so proud of Draco made me love him even more if that's even possible. He's got such a great heart. It hurts sometimes, though. Great chapter! It was er, nice to the heart for once. XD

    Thank you for adding me to the list!
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  • From Slytherdor on November 29, 2008
    OMG! Had this chapter been any more heart-warming, I might have sobbed my poor heart out.
    lol ;)

    Although I have to admit that I am really looking forward to seeing where you take this!
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  • From Buumkin on November 25, 2008
    Freakin. Awesome. Story. Sorry this story just sucked my face in for like an hour. Good job. Fascinating and intruiging and just plain happiness. Well angst too but you know what I mean...
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