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Reviews for Hephaestus

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From callistianstar on November 24, 2008
    I certainly feel sympathy for Harry's situation, his compassionate side compelling him to be near Draco and him losing sight and hope of a healthy and unconditional relationship.

    However, I did think it was wrong of him to conjure a mirror. Of course, Scorpius is a sweetheart, and even came to the brilliant conclusions that while he's been hurt, he's still able to function as well as he always did, but if Draco didn't want Scorpius to see himself, then Harry shouldn't have enforced it. Although this is the best way to get Draco to accept that Scorpius should be told of his condition, it would have been nice if Harry could have "lectured" him, and then perhaps Scorpius would be given a mirror. But I dunno.

    It is amazing how you are developing this. Although Harry's use of the word monster and glamours make many startling points, it is good that Draco should understand that he can't be forgiven for such acts with an apology after three years of bitterness. It was sad to read how Draco jumped away with Harry's "timed" glamours. Even moreso when Draco looked at Harry, who was talking to Scorpius, and thought that Harry didn't act repulsed ONLY because Harry must be used to his own reflection. I mean, it is true in some respects perhaps if Scorpius was an adult, but I can't imagine feeling anything but compassion for an injured two-year old. To think so little of the compassion of one Harry Potter, is sad.

    I look forward to this healing time for the pair and Scorpius and how Draco is able to take his newest revelations to use in this short time he's being given to make things right. Wonderful wonderful job.
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  • From ANON - Luvdonite on November 24, 2008
    Scorpius is so strong for such a little boy. I'm glad that it gave Harry the strength to finally see that maybe things might not work with Draco because of his inability to see past his own "perfect" nose. great writing as always.
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  • From Slytherdor on November 24, 2008
    By the time I reached the end of this Chapter, the tears were running down my face.
    I sincerely hope that Draco gets his head outta his arse and wises up before he loses Harry forever.
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  • From Myraa on November 24, 2008
    My opinion, that has got to be the strongest chapter of this story. And my favourite, at least for now.

    Can I scream 'FINALLY?!'

    Harry had to do it. It was something that must be done. He had to make a point, and that was the only way to get Draco to understand. I must say, eventhough it hurt him - BRILLIANT point, Harry. And just GOD, FINALLY. I'm so relieved. It doesn't matter that for now Draco still would flinch away from the sight of Scorpius and Harry. For now. What matters is that he understood at last. And from there, he could work on something. I hope he doesn't let me down.

    This chapter was also very touching. I had tears in my eyes as usual. First, when Draco wept in Harry's arms. And then when Harry cried for Scorpius, and finally when Harry walked away selflessly, as he always. I actually expected that kind of reaction from Scorpius, seeing how he could accept Harry. He's a smart kid. I'm so proud of him, really proud. I could definitely see why Harry cried.

    I absolutely can't wait for the next chapter! Although honestly speaking, I'm quite sad that this one is finishing soon. I don't want to let this go just yet. XD I've never been this excited for a story in quite a long time! Figures, that the last fanfiction I got crazy over was also written by you. Hahaha.

    Please add me to your update list, if you will! (
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  • From Dezra on November 23, 2008
    Another great chapter. I am looking forward to how Draco will react to his son. His son is a smart brave boy who Draco should be so proud of...if he can get past his disformaties.

    Duh! I know the e-mail addresses are hidden and still forgot to add it to my review. Sorry about that.
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  • From ANON - Ladynight on November 23, 2008
    A lovely chapter! So Draco's finally seeing the light eh? Poor Harry he needs hugs or a shag either works.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on November 23, 2008
    I'm very moved by all of this. Harry's words at the end were really poignant and need to be internalized by everyone in a relationship. Everyone deserves what he's demanding, and I'm so glad Draco finally sees that. My heart broke a little when Harry took the glamour off and Draco struggled only to go to the other side of the room. How will he get past that, even if is heart and head does, his instinct to repel the unsightly seems so ingrained. I'm kinda hoping Draco has to live with Scorpius and Harry in their imperfection for a long while before they are healed again. That sounds cruel, but I think it's the only way he can really work past this shallow need for perfections around him. I LOVED Scorpius...children are so resilient and wise in their simplicity. This seems like a divine intervention of sorts, even though it's tragic that it had to happen to Draco's son. Harry's musings about feeling obligated to stay and sad at the possibilities that life offered made me really sad. No one should have to live in obligation, there are ways he can be there for them but put up boundaries for himself. But, hopefully, Draco will make it so he doesn't have to do that.

    Loved this: Yes, there was a good reason that his mouth and eyes had been left undamaged, Draco thought. They were the conduits of the real beauty he still possessed.

    I always can pick out a line or several in anything you write that really makes me smile. Great update...I can't wait to see how Draco let's Harry know that he understands now.
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  • From ANON - k on November 23, 2008
    I can't believe I cried again. It's just so sad. I love Scorpius' personality.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on November 23, 2008
    If Draco will inadvertently show little signs that he doesn't think or love Scorpius the same way, then I shudder to think what kind of affect that will have on a perceptive kid like Scorpius.
    Good chapter!
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  • From ANON - ilovecats on November 22, 2008
    I love this story, if you have chance could i be informed if you update please?
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  • From ANON - yun on November 22, 2008
    poor scorpius! he's too young to have to go through all those trauma. he'll have harry with him, but what if draco took too long a time to come to term with scorpius condition? it's impressive, the way harry took charge of things so naturally, and for him to be draco's pillar of strength given the sudden panick situation that arose just moments after he decided for an ultimatum the next day. the bright side is hopefully harry's motivation for finding the miraculous cure be doubled many times over (coz he's hero for the good of others thingy?).
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  • From ANON - wyldcat on November 22, 2008
    I have to say that this is a particularly heart wrenching fic. Draco is a bit selfish and he is so repulsed by Harry's deformity that I wonder how he will deal with Scorpius. I wonder if it will be Scorpius' scars that allow Draco to see past Harry's. Can't wait for an update.
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  • From ANON - qwerty on November 21, 2008
    Jesus Christ. Of course Draco would be tested by a marred Scorpius. But he can't be that cruel to turn Scorpius away... right?
    Ugh, what an emotional mess. Perhaps now Draco will understand that real beauty is inner beauty? (cheesy as hell but whatever)
    Keep going!
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  • From lolafalola on November 21, 2008
    I just stumbled across this and began reading it as I've read several of your other works. And all I can say is: Wow!

    I do like how Draco is the master of denial and thinks that obviously everyone else must not be seeing things in the correct perspective. I also like how he has come around enough to fantasize about a life with Harry wherein Harry still carries the scars he now has and not the pre-tortured Harry.

    I can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you for writing this. -- L
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  • From dracoharry4life on November 21, 2008
    Maybe in treating Scorpios, they may find ways to at least help harry, like with his bad leg or take enough of the scaring away that you can see some of his old self peeking through. One good thing came out od Draco and Harry's seperation. They have Scorpios.
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