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Reviews for Hephaestus

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From callistianstar on November 16, 2008
    *whistles* When you said Draco will have to "go through rather than up," he certainly did. If I understood your comment correctly, they both really went for the jugular by the end. I panicked for a second when he brought the paper and pen. He wasn't at all intending to go to the newspapers was he? Did he just want to write it down to make sure he received closure? I really think Draco should be trying or should have tried to do some of the research himself, by himself. It has been so long, and even though Harry refused from the beginning, getting Harry's hopes up or trying to is really cruel to someone as resigned as Harry is. Especially if it doesn't work. And especially since Draco said Harry can stay only "while" they researched. Although this time, this end and cutting remark by Harry really destroyed alot, since Draco's main problem was not being worth it enough for Harry to wear a glamour. That the wizarding world, and Ginny, and being a hero was worth getting scars but Draco wasn't worth it to get together to heal those scars. I am a little surprised at Harry for admitting that he researched with Hermione about cures, while he refused Draco earlier. But with something as traumatizing as all of this it is understandable on some levels.

    And that's another thing. I'm prepared to read without blinking [figuratively speaking] most torture as featured on SAW and other related movies [although I cringe alot]. But the idea of burning Harry's flesh, folding it/cooling it, I'm horrified. It was probably good for Harry to not be thinking of protecting Draco from the truth, but he probably wasn't expecting Draco to understand so much of the situation so quickly. If indeed he knows that Draco learned a few things.

    ^^ As for the beginning, of course, that Draco wishes that he refused Narcissa and Lucius for those intelligence enhancing spells, he is also admitting that Scorpius is right. :) That was really powerful, though, that Draco recognized Scorpius' glare to be his own, as turned on Harry. Love this story too much. I look forward to seeing how maturely Draco reacts to that statement. Had Harry made it before telling Draco the story of the torture, I doubt I could count on Draco to not react maturely, but I hope he does. Even if his main fear was solidified in that sentence. That he wasn't worth it.
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  • From ANON - Luvdonite on November 16, 2008
    this story is awesome. and I do get where Draco is coming from. though im too conflicted to pick sides.
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  • From Myraa on November 16, 2008
    Damnit, that was so sad. Damnit, Draco, I wish he would just STOP already. Seriously, even I had to flinch at his words and thoughts. Imagine being Harry. I wish he would listen to Scorpius, his childish opinions could do wonders. Scorpius was so entertaining, by the way. So clueless, so cute.

    The last scene was brilliantly written. I especially loved it when Harry put on the glamours for a while. And how his words felt so genuine, so sad, that even Draco HAD to at least acknowledge the truth of his words. Again, I say, I could understand where Draco's coming from, especially him being the person he is. His emotions, Harry's as well were so real, their frustrations and everything. I'm LOVING this story so MUCH.
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  • From ANON - SlytherinPrincess19 on November 15, 2008
    Wow.. This story is kinda heartbreaking. I can admit I shed a few tears.
    I just hope it works out for everyone in the end.

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  • From slashslut on November 14, 2008
    oh god, WHY does draco insist on being such a complete and utter idiot? sigh, i know part of his reaction is fueled by denial, hurt and anger over the situation and is lashing out but sheesh, HOW can he think that asking harry to hid himself is OK????? this chapter tore me about: sad for harry and pissing mad at draco. *deep breath*
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  • From on November 14, 2008
    These kinds of stories make me depressed. T.T It's so well written that it appears to be almost like a memoir instead of a fanfiction. Lovely story, heartbreaking, a soul touching.

    Can I ask you something? Who is the seme and who is the uke in this story? I'd hate to keep on going and find out that the wrong person (for me at least) is the top and not the bottom. I'm picky like that, no offense.
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  • From ANON - yun on November 14, 2008
    draco wanted for his side of the story be heard and understood, by harry. so he still care. and i find it funny how scorpius made the sweets eaten for the day be made as "memorial marking" for an event. seems like to little kids, it was the only thing that make one particular day special and distinct. it's just too cute of them. and thank you for the chapter!
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  • From dracoharry4life on November 14, 2008
    All Draco can think of is how this all effected him. He doesn't really love Harry. He is in love with the "idea" or "ilusion" of Harry. He loves what he thinks Harry should look like and be. If he really loved Harry he wouldhave tried to look at things from Harry's point of view. But he never did and still don't. At least Harry tries to see it from Draco's side. And what he sees is that Draco can't stand how he looks and would be ashamed to be with him. Draco only wants Harry as he looked before. And actually, it seems as though Draco wasn't really all that happy and in lovewith him even then. It was the same then as it is now, to Draco the world is all about Draco. Draco will only change if Draco's little world is altered as Harry's was. If he had an accident, that resulted in say a long scar down the side of his face, that can't be removed, maybe it would give him something to think on.
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  • From thrnbrooke on November 14, 2008
    Oh poor Harry!!! That was soooo heartbreaking! I need chapter 4!!!
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  • From ANON - Ladynight on November 13, 2008
    I must admit I adore Scorpius in this chapter. He totally has that little kid 'the whole world revoles around me and my needs' thing going on. Not to mention that brutally complete honesty too. I still feel that Draco needs to be slaped badly.
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  • From callistianstar on November 13, 2008
    Wow. Intense chapter. That was a damned good exit. As for the beginning scene. Although I had felt that Harry's metal dancing was a good thing for him, it is no wonder that he hasn't got closure. He needs to and does force Draco out of his mind completely to concentrate when he's working. And I'm sure he hasn't taken a vacation in awhile.

    The next scene, I'll admit I really like how you introduced Draco's point of view this time around. Although he communicated it badly at the end, I can understand Draco being upset at Harry for caring about everyone else, being a hero for the wizarding world, but not doing a "favor" for him. Although I completely disagree with the glamour as a favor, I can understand why Draco would want and cling to hope that a second opinion would change everything.

    Oh. And I know it is a bit silly but I like Grishnazk! Maybe I cling to characters that are generally unloved or undergo hardships, but his words to Harry about being bitter about how others treat and see creatures really tugged at my heartstrings. Its even more heartwarming to note that Harry would act like that whether or not he, himself, was an outcast for being so disfigured. Really cool in contrast to Draco's sniping about his distaste for creatures. By the way, what did he mean by "remember the forms."? Sorry. And one other thing: when Draco was happy about hearing about Ginny in the paper, was he happy that Harry had found someone at first [so he could be rid of him] or happy that Ginny is getting married? Or happy about their break-up? I wasn't sure. Not really a big deal, but...

    Maybe I shouldn't have, but I found it hilarious when Draco called it an adult "courtesy" by not staring at Harry, since truly the only reason he's not staring isn't for Harry's benefit, but to soothe his own stomach so that he doesn't throw up. Harry values openness. I doubt that he is focusing so much on forgiving Scorpius for his openness, than he is for Draco's disgust. Funnier still when Draco washed his hands after finding that Scorpius touched Harry. ^^ Is his son impure now? ^^ I dunno, but it would have been different had you wrote that he washed Scorpius' hands or something. Although it does same something that Draco didn't get angry at Scorpius for chirping away at truths.

    By the way, the small description of Harry's tortue gave me more than just a small shiver. I hope to keep getting these small tidbits, since reading the entire ordeal will be...a bit horryfying.

    That last bit was amazing though. Harry putting a glamour on, and then saying his reasons so plainly for leaving ("
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on November 13, 2008
    Yay!! The truth is out. Thank goodness for children...out of the mouth of babes, they say...although I will say, I'm horrified that Harry used such language in Scorpius's presence, but at least he was probably too young to really understand and absorb it, and I'm sure he's heard far worse from Draco. So wow, some of this really is about vanity then, Draco keeps the picture of his perfect Harry in his drawer and heart, but I'm so happy to hear that he's realized that no matter what's happened between them and to Harry's appearance, his heart still is with Harry. Big revelation, now what will he do about it? Poor Harry, having to endure Draco's cruelty. After hearing his rationale for keeping the glamour, I'm less inclined now to blame Harry's martyr syndrome. Harry's starting to sound real grown! Years of loving Draco and being tortured and disfigured probably aged him. I hope Draco heard what he was saying and go after his man. How will he reconcile his prejudice against all that is not perfect with his love for Harry. That will be something of a struggle and I can't wait to see how you have him work through that....he has to work through it, right? Please tell me there's a happy ending : ) GREAT update...I love this story : )

    OMG and ROFL@ this line: It was always a conceit of Harry
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  • From gentlenightrain on November 13, 2008
    I love your Scorpius. *heartheart*
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  • From slashslut on November 13, 2008
    oh so sad, poor harry:( i hope he finds someone else instead of waiting around for draco to stop being such as arse . . .
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  • From BetaB on November 10, 2008
    As always: I love your story. I kind of understand Draco, in his case it would be a lie to stay with Harry. He only accepts perfection especially outwardly perfection. Scorpius is so typically child: "I should not be with you, but you look interesting, you are nice, you feed me: I like you" without prejudices. A great story with a fitting title. Keep going!
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