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Reviews for Hephaestus

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From myniephoenix on November 10, 2008
    The son is awesome! keep it up and update soon!
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  • From on November 10, 2008
    I'm intrigued and needing more of this delightful tale.
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on November 09, 2008
    Oh, this is deep! This isn't about vanity....not really. This is about Draco's fear of himself...some ugliness within him, some scarring on his soul...his self concept of who he is, who he's supposed to be that somehow, Harry's outward scarring will draw attention, or underscore his own ugliness. Or something along those lines. This is really really good stuff. Draco's musings about Scorpio say a whole LOT! The fact that Harry recognizes Scorpius as Draco's son immediately but Draco doesn't see himself in Scorpius unless he's sleeping tells me that Scorpius has become a symbol of the beauty and perfection inwardly and outwardly that Draco has always hoped for but never thought he achieved. I'm so glad Harry wants Draco still and is there to make him face his ugliness...the ugliness of rejecting a lover for his scars and whatever deep seated ugliness lies beneath the mask Draco has crafted for himself. Just when I didn't think you could out do yourself....anxiously awaiting the next bit. You rock!
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  • From ANON - Graballz on November 09, 2008
    Oh my god, Lom, what a start!!! This is amazing!!! And the Harry/Scorpius interaction was absolutely priceless!!! Good for Scorpius, even though he's only being the innocent child that he is and doesn't really know better, but it was still amazingly constructed and presented! And Harry's reaction to Draco's reaction (to step back and then limp away) was breathtaking!!!

    You are without a doubt one of (if not THE) most creative writer here. Metal-Dancers? Who comes up with that? It's like Psyche-Diving or Mind-Healing!!! You're amazing! And I'll be looking forward to hearing more about the torture too...because I'm twisted. LOL Awesome job!
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  • From ANON - qwerty on November 09, 2008
    Very intriguing story. I'm eager to see what you do with this.
    Great chapter!
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  • From semesei on November 09, 2008
    love the story. just one question will harry late got to the muggle world and get plastic surgery after draco accepts him back. If before then would mess up you plot , just idea
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  • From ANON - yun on November 09, 2008
    thank you for the new chapter. so scorpius knew harry potter already? did draco read him stories of harry's heroic at night? i'm just curious about the one who made harry's being known to the boy. thank you again, author.
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  • From ANON - AvidReader on November 09, 2008
    Fucking bastard!!! I HATE DRACO MALFOY IN THIS STORY! AND I CANT BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE MAKING THIS STORY HARRY/DRACO. This ASSHOLE has to do a lot of groveling to get back in my good books!! SHITFACEsdgafagdfjgoaijdfolajwdfoijasfsdfsdfjaoifghoajasd
    so fucking pissed off.
    And please give Harry some fucking backbone!!! He's soo much better than that Malfoy turd. Couldnt you make him have another boyfriend somewhere? show that he's moved on??!?! Its a good story no doubt, otherwise it wouldnt have raised such passion in me. Cant wait for an update so I can bash Dracoturd some more. *stupidblondponce*
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  • From SoftObsidian74 on November 09, 2008
    So, you got me again. What a devastatingly intriguing premise. I love scarred up Harry...and of course powerful!Harry is my kink, so this just makes him that much more interesting. I have to admit, I'm torn. I understand Harry's need to live an authentic life and desire to know that those around him are authentic as well. That's what we all want. But then there's the other part of me, the part that wants to be loved and have the security of companionship, that's screaming at Harry: "Just fucking glamour it!" Because I think that if most Muggles had access to magical glamours to cover up their scars and imperfections they'd use it. It's like free plastic surgery! lol. So I don't totally think Harry is a sympathetic martyr of Draco's vanity. After all, Harry LIKES being a martyr, we all know that. So a part of me is thinking, get over yourself and meet your lover halfway, but then we have Draco. He's being Draco...a self absorbed vain snooty asshole. His words to Harry were so cruel in their bluntness, but at least Harry can't say he wasn't "keeping it real". Who wants to be in a relationship with someone just because they pity you? So again, I find myself torn. I'm glad that you gave them quite a bit of history together because for me, that humanizes Draco and shows that he has had to make some sacrifices for Harry's love in the past. Standing up to his parents, friends, and the press is no small feat to do for love, and I hope that Harry knows that. Maybe that's why he cares about reconciliation or maybe Harry wants another shot? I can't tell, but I do know that this is an awesome premise and I can't see where you take it. OK, saving Ch. 2 for tomorrow night. Feels good to be reading you again : )
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  • From thrnbrooke on November 09, 2008
    Oh Draco is being stupid!!! I sooo need chapter 3!!!
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  • From callistianstar on November 09, 2008
    Nice continuance. Forgive the length of this review. I really love this story! :) When I said "repulsed," the thing that irritated me was simply that Harry was in physical pain on top of having to deal with the social and self-confidence issues surrounding his scarring, and Draco only focused on the shallower aspects. Now that you've entered Ginny into the story, I couldn't help but think that had Harry's body been more like Ginny's Draco would have reacted better. Despite the fact that Ginny appears to be in more pain. To be honest, I can understand Draco leaving Harry. I would hope that I would act and think differently in this situation, but I'm not sure of my own maturity. I just dislike how he justifies it all, and especially the conotations and other words chosen like monster. And in this chapter to say that he must of had it coming to him, was such a very disgusting way to think. Unfortunately, bad things happen to very good people too. Although, I quite liked that it sounded like Draco felt guilty for his behavior in the beginning of this chapter, wanting Harry to forgive him. By the way, Scorpius is just darling. :) So much for the terrible-twos.

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  • From gentlenightrain on November 09, 2008
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  • From ANON - Ladynight on November 08, 2008
    I love draco's little boy! (can't spell his name) I really don't like draco in this story, he an arrogant ass. I want to cry for poor harry.
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  • From slashslut on November 08, 2008
    wow, definitely a plot that ive never read before. very clever! please add me to you email update list:
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  • From Myraa on November 05, 2008
    This is one of the stories I've been wanting to read for quite some time, but nobody has ever written something like this before. Well, at least not the ones I came across with. Believe me, I've been searching. Usually, it's Draco's scarred (but never so badly) and Harry's the one who would accept him with no difficulties. But - that's Harry. We all know he's got a huge, kind heart.

    In this case, though, it's Harry's who is TERRIBLY scarred, and it's Draco who will have to face it. Naturally, he used the easy way out and just ran away, like he did for three years already. But he probably haven't realized that the distance he'd set between them only managed to let him NOT think about it and that way, he didn't have to deal with his feelings. In a way, he still probably haven't had to truly deal with his emotions just yet.

    I'm angry at Draco for being so bitterly shallow, but that's who Draco is, we all know. While I CAN understand that, the way he rejected Harry and calling him 'monster' was really too freaking harsh. For that, I hope he'd learn it the hard way. Now that he'd be within range with Harry again, I believe his denied feelings for Harry will, after heavy denials and frustrations, start to struggle with the ugly part inside him who refused to accept anything but beauty. Draco will take the long road and learn that beauty isn't everything. That someone like Harry, with a strong, beautiful heart would only walk in his life once in a lifetime. It's definitely going to be hard. But that's the best thing about this kind of story, really, because nobody is perfect. And we humans learn from our mistakes.

    Still, I feel the most for Harry. For all his strong facade, he must be hurting inside. At least he is for what Draco did to him, if not for his disfigured physical. That said, I'm so amazed at his endurance and will to accept things and live on! That's the Harry Potter I love!

    Can't wait for more! Thank you for writing this.
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