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Reviews for A Decandant Way to Celebrate a Decade

By : SavineSnape
  • From chickaboo on March 20, 2009
    This is fantastic! I can't wait for more!!
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  • From scarletwitchextreme on March 19, 2009
    yummy, absolutely yummy. I love the history of the story 10 years together I love it
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  • From catysmom1028 on March 19, 2009
    I like it. Please update soon.
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  • From Sampdoria on March 19, 2009
    Hot hot hot!!! I just love stories where Hermione get both Severus and Lucius, and you are doing it so well:-))
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  • From slygriff21 on March 18, 2009
    Great story. I never would have thought to write a MLC as a threesome. Hmmm, now I'm getting ideas. LOL.

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  • From Sampdoria on November 13, 2008
    Wonderful, I just love stories where Hermione gets both Severus and Lucius (or Severus and Remus, or Remus and Sirius:-)) I look forward to read more!
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  • From voraciousreader on November 12, 2008
    Woo-Hoo! My favorite trio! I wish there were more of these out there. I can hardly wait for the next chapter.
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