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Reviews for Discombobulated

By : LuciTM
  • From on January 12, 2009
    *ggg* I like the idea. Sounds like there are some fun and confusing times ahead for all of Hogwarts. Just make sure you *do* continue this soon; no fair to stop before there's even been a tiny bit of smut. ; ) You got my email, so could you send me a note when you update, please? I'd appreciate it. ^^
    - k.
    PS: I'd nearly not read it, because of 'chapter one': If you explain so exhaustively that this is your first attempt and make it sound like you are expecting people to want to flame you - well, I for one don't feel motivated to read it...
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  • From CiraArana on November 26, 2008
    Since won't let me reply to reviews, I'll just have to answer you this way, right? ^-^

    So, thanks for reviewing my Drabble Collection and yes, it's all right if you want to use one of them as a prompt. I've got two conditions though: give my drabble credit, and tell me once you post. ^-^ I'd love to read what you made of it.

    Oh, and so that this review has at least some review character: that's an interesting premisis for your fic. Should be interesting to see what happens next.

    Oh, and given that you have listed SS/HP/DM under pairings, I'll add your fic to the snarco_archive (one big, long list of links to all fics that include Harry, Draco and Severus in any kind of relationship). If that's okay with you?

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  • From Riskyangel on November 14, 2008
    I think you did very well on this. As I have told you before, HP fanfics aren't my thing, but I like where this is going. Probably because I stay in a state of being discombobulated.

    You kept your characters very true to their characteristics that J.K. Rowling does. Which is hard to do when every character has many different dimensions to their personal selves. I may also have a soft spot for this story because in the first chapter it involves Luna, and I adore Luna's character.

    All in all I think you kept well to character profiling, and yet your writing style was still you own.

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  • From thrnbrooke on November 13, 2008
    Oh tooo cute! Sooo need chapter 2!!!
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