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Reviews for The Affair

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From ANON - Ashley on December 03, 2008
    Awww that chapter almost made me cry because of the sweetness!!! I hope you and your children get better! The stomach flu has hit here HARD as well. I found this article in between reading the two chapters and I thought you would enjoy reading it as made me laugh and love Jason Isaacs even more.
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  • From tsorg on December 03, 2008
    Okay, I just caught up with your story.... I'm delighted that they are finding joy with one another but the little voice in my head is saying, "where is this going to go, it can't end well.... sigh." What the heck is Ron doing with the majority of his day and why doesn't Hermione seem too interested in finding out? She loves him but doesn't know if she's in love with him.... does Ron still love her? Draco loves his dad, that's obvious, he was looking for that spark to come back into his father but thinks it's just sex and nothing more between them and Narcissa isn't so dense that she can't sense she's somehow losing her husband, does she care if she loses him? I know she doesn't want the money train to disappear.

    I'm totally hooked to your story and romantic that I am, I want a happy ending... I don't do the bad/sad endings anymore since my son was diagnosed with cancer. Maybe that's why I initially found this site, something to lose myself in. You are as always writing an excellent story, I look forward to your next update!
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  • From smmz79 on December 03, 2008
    a very romantic chap but a very sad one as well.... poor lucius and hermione they are forced to live half a life bc they can not fully admit their love for each other... great chap... can not wait to read more... i hope you get feeling better.... :-)
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  • From smmz79 on December 03, 2008
    hmm so draco is observant... of course lucius and hermione are lost in their own little world... so he does not think that luccius will fall in love with her well i think that they are definitely heading that way.... great chap... i like that hermione can make him squirm
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  • From ANON - Karen on December 03, 2008
    Another awesome chapter! While I don't agree with affairs, you have written a story where my heart goes out to Hermione and Lucius. I just hope that you eventually write that Hermione realizes that she is hurting Ron more by living the charade instead of asking for divorce.

    As for your health, I completely understand. My five children, mother-in-law and myself all got it this past week while we were staying in a hotel. One child would get it, then another, then back to the first child, etc. Now that we are back home, we are starting to get over it, but now my husband (back at the hotel for work) has it!

    I look forward to the next update of this wonderful story!
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  • From ANON - ZukoRocks30 on December 03, 2008
    So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. :-( Stomach flu--yikes! God's blessings on you for a quick recovery.
    "The Affair"! You certainly have written it in a way that makes it seem very plausible for Lucius and Hermione to find comfort and more in each other's arms. Ron needs to get a grip. I wonder why his family had not helped him to get passed his grief? Narcissa--now she's a piece of work! If I were married to Lucius, I sure wouldn't want to just "service" him once a month for "his needs"!
    It's obvious that Lucius and Hermione love each other. You really have me curious how this will work out for the two of them...if it can! I sense a little "Romeo and Juliet"-ness to the story, that this was doomed from the start.
    Anyway, keep up the good work! :-) I am always anxious everyday for a possible new chapter!
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  • From KellyJCR on December 03, 2008
    This is brutal. Its killing me and I'm not involved in the relationship. I want so badly for them to have what Lucius proposed. That just the thing though isn't it. To have it all would mean they would have to sacrafice it all. It really puts a price of need on your desires. How bad do you want what you desire, what is the cost, and is it really worth it all in the end. Lucius has already has his answer however Hermione in her rightiousness will fight this tooth and nail. Will she come around? Only you as our knowledgable author has the answer and we must be patient as the facts unfold. I hope the plague that has descended on your house passes soon. The stomach flu is the most vile of illnesses and I hate it when the kids pass it around our house like a party favor. Can't wiat for more. Well done!!!!
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  • From KellyJCR on December 03, 2008
    Weather he wants to or not Lucius will be the one to give them away. He is so taken with her he doesn't realise that it shows in his every look,touch and word he gives. I fear that if Narcissa is ever in the same room as the two of them that the jig will be up. I never thought Hermione would be better at sheilding her emotions than Lucius, funny how things work out. You are killing me with the secrecy surrounding Ron and his disappearances. I guess we will have to wait it out. Looking forward to more and loving every minute of the story. Well done!!!
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  • From ANON - Voracious reader on December 03, 2008
    While I realize that Draco loves his mother, could you please let him find out that she isn't as in need of his protection as he believes? Perhaps she can decide to allow him an amicable divorce with a large settlement, just to get her out of the way? But I do admit I like the way you've kept Draco in character.
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  • From LadyVoldemort87 on December 03, 2008
    I'm so caught up in this story! Really dear heart, I think without a doubt, hands down your best Lucius story to date.

    I can't help but love it, Making Love Out Of Nothing At All is playing in my head everytime I read this.

    Looking forward to more!


    Dr. Daddy

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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on December 02, 2008
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From SFPANTHER on December 02, 2008
    I love this story. Please email me with updates.
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  • From ANON - maddie50 on December 02, 2008
    I am relieved that Hermione has reconciled with her feelings. I do believe she and Ron should confront the disaster that is their marriage, but at least this way each of them are leading separate lives and apparently receiving the attention they need from someone else. I have seen this before and heard of this happening when a child dies. The effect upon the couple is devastating and can be insurmountable for some. Your author's note relates such tragedy. My heart goes out to them.
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  • From ANON - maddie50 on December 02, 2008
    A very clever gift idea. P.S. Ron's a dick head.
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  • From ANON - maddie50 on December 02, 2008
    What possible excuse could Ron have for being gone for three days? I imagine Harry is feeling the pull of being man in the middle of his two friends, although it appears he is being loyal to Ron and possibly lying for him. I can understand the level of Hermione's guilt on a moral level. However, in the state her marriage is in it seems she is over-reacting. Perhaps it is just the fact she sees the "death" of her marriage with the consummation of her tryst with Lucius.
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