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Reviews for The Affair

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From KellyJCR on November 23, 2008
    You are driving me crazy with the yearning these two have for each other. I fear that Lucius not be able to keep this much of a secret once anyone looks at him with Hermione it will be blatently what his intentions are. I like the depth you gave Draco in this chapter. He seems to want what is best for his parents but has no idea about what has been going on and for how long. Maybe Lucius has a bigger ally in Draco thatn he thinks. The torture you put me through while I wait is so worth the chapters you put up. I can't wait to see if Ron really has a mistress and what force will bring an end to the platonic part of their relationship. Well done!!!!
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  • From voraciousreader on November 23, 2008
    You know, it would be a nice twist if Draco were the one to arrange for the separation of his parents so they could both get a better life than the one they currently have. Give her a settlement and an old estate and turn her loose--free range frozen turkey! Aren't most Slytherins known for their realistic attitude?
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  • From HermioneMalfoFan on November 23, 2008
    To be honest, everybody NOT getting that this is not about cheating must not be reading the same story I am reading!

    Your characterisation of each and every person in the story (even Ron and Narcissa, being secondary characters) is great. They are so human in their suffering and their wish for company and warmth. I appreciate very much the fact that you don't point the finger. Neither at Lucius and Hermione for having an "improper" relationship (building), nor at Ron or Narcissa for trying to deal what happened in their relationships in their own way.

    Many people forget that there are always two people in a relationship and that it is seldom possible to lay the blame on one person only when it doesn't work out. It's hard to accept, but my experience with couples splitting up usually each partner had at least a little part in the situation leading to the break up. What's even worse are relationships where nobody did anything wrong, and both tried very hard... That often ends with more hurt than other relationships, because neither wants to see when it just doesn't work anymore.

    Anyways... Lovely story, it makes my heart ache for both of them. By the way... Is it Hermione or Narcissa (walking in on them) saying the last sentence? Well, I guess I will know when the next chapter is up! Thanks for sharing this story with us!
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  • From ICKYintimidation on November 23, 2008
    oh my god...
    this story is absolutely incredible!!!
    there is so much emotion... so much depth to it... i SO can't wait to read the next chapter.
    i love your lucius stories more than anything i have ever read on any fan fiction site... and this story has made my horrible horrible weekend, much much better!!!
    thank you so much for sharing your stories... you're amazingly talented!!!
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  • From ANON - Nightqueen on November 22, 2008
    I never believed that ron and Hermione were a good pairing, I could never wrap my mind around them as a couple. I always thought that he was less strong emotionally than Hermione. I truly felt badly for them both at the beginning of the chapter. Once again I had to grab for the tissue box. then in the next instant the temp went up and I could feel the sexual tension between Lucius and Hermione. That kiss was intoxicating. I know they are both married to others but I can't help wanting to see them together! They really are one of my favorite couples. can't wait for chapter 11.
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  • From on November 22, 2008
    I want to shout "get out of my head" but that is just crazy talk. Brilliant fic, thanks for the update. Have a great weekened.
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  • From tambrathegreat on November 21, 2008
    The scene with Ron was just heartbreaking. I'm still crying. I hate that he can't seem to cope at all with his loss. It happens all too often with greif, but if he were to get counseling, he would see that his reactions are normal.

    It seems like both Hermione and Lucius are just going through the motions of what they think their life is, and not really living. I loved that Lucius apologised for kissing Hermione and then told the truth about his feelings.

    This story seems real and is very affecting. Good job.

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  • From TriniMinx on November 21, 2008
    Just read chpt. 10.
    Guess what? I finished my thesis! Whoohoo! It's edited and everything, now it's just to take it to kinko's to get it binded like a book. I'm excited!

    You know, this is the most angsty, not humor-filled story I ever read from you. Not that I read a lot of your stories, I've read at least 1/3 of them...but still. This is different. It's depressing.

    What's the rest of it going to be like? How long do you think it will be? Will Lucius and Hermione leave their spouses and live happily ever after?
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  • From carha on November 21, 2008
    Woot! A kiss! Now we are getting somewhere. Too bad Ron couldn't be a stronger person, but then we wouldn't have a Lumione fic now would we? So it all works out in the end. Great chapter hun, and most definately looking forward to the next one!
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  • From gtbioteach on November 21, 2008
    What a powerful chapter. I actually find myself feeling very sorry for Ron. To not even be able to acknowledge your son - wow. The moment between Hermione and Lucius was very sweet. Looking forward to more.

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  • From MariaTeresaQuintanar on November 21, 2008
    I can't help but to sigh heavily after reading that. It's heartbreaking. Excellent chapter. It showed the disintegration of the marriage perfectly. In a case like theirs it was no ones fault, but I have to admit the childish side of me still wants to blame Ron. Good going and update when you can.
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  • From LadyofClunn on November 21, 2008
    Sometimes it's so hard to go against what feels good and do what's right. I wonder how long it will take Ron and/or Narcissa to do something that will make them cave...

    I enjoy this story greatly!

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  • From LadyVoldemort87 on November 21, 2008
    Oh my god. They kissed!!!!!!!

    I knew Hermione would be the one to fight it, poor Lucius, send him home to mama, and I will kiss it all away.

    28 sleeps till Twilight!

    Love ya!

    Vic x
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  • From KellyJCR on November 21, 2008
    Thank you! I was wondering when this sort of thing would happen. I applaud Hermione for trying to keep things on the up and up but, a girl can only take so much and things will start to snowball I'm sure. I know this is a taboo subject being an affair an all but, both haven't been in a real marriage for a long time. I do not condone affairs as I have been married and faithful for over 11 years. However when marriages start to fall apart and those in said marriages are not willing to try and get help things like this do happen. I know that it was mentioned that Hermione talked to Ron about marriage conseling and he refused, the effort must be joint or it simply will not work. On the other hand can we really see Lucius and Narcissa in sessions I think not. As usual can't wait for more. Well done!!!!!!
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  • From crssmnc on November 21, 2008
    Thank you for getting this out before you went to work. This story is just sooooo goooood. But of course everything you write is fantastic.
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