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Reviews for The Affair

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From sassenach on November 21, 2008
    Love the tension!! Another great chapter - thanks! Oh, and by the way - how did you like twilight the movie? Have you read all the books?
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  • From voraciousreader on November 21, 2008
    Sometimes being honorable just flat out sucks!
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  • From ANON - Lana on November 20, 2008
    Wow... You were right in the need to have tissues ready. Especially after this last chapter. I do hope you post more soon as I enjoy all of your stories and have read them several times each.

    Keep writing and I will keep reading. :)
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  • From ANON - Utopia, just not logged in on November 20, 2008
    I'm crying my heart out here. It's pure agony on the screen! It's heartbreaking, and I really don't understand it. I'm not a mother, and I honestly don't think I have a maternal bone in my body... but it still has my chest tight and my eyes wet.

    I don't know how you did it, after everything you went through in real life... I get the impression that Hermione is a bit 'watered down' so the emotions aren't quite as violent for the readers, I've no idea how you managed with your own grief!

    My parents told me how bad it was when I was born 9 weeks early at 3lb3oz and had to fight for every breath while my Mum was in intensive care with pre-eclampsia. My Dad had long auburn hair at the time - and it went snow white in three days because of the stress, then it all fell out and grew back the original colour again... listening to THEIR stories of my birth are bad enough, Mum gets really emotional and Dad goes really quiet. My first photo is when I'm 10 minutes old and you can't see me for all the wires and tubes connecting me to all the machines keeping me alive. There was a little boy in the incubator next to me, he was 2lb2oz, even earlier than I was... one day when Dad came to visit me (after visiting Mum) the little boy wasn't there and his incubator was disinfected. We presume he didn't make it. It was touch and go 21 years ago at 9 weeks early... but they wouldn't batter an eyelid at keeping a baby born at 21 weeks alive now. Its amazing how technology has advanced.

    Yeah, it could have been a completely different story in our family if the trainee midwife hadn't made a mess of taking my Mum's blood pressure and asked the senior midwife to take it and double check... the double checking revealed my Mum's blood pressure was rediculously high and approaching deadly (even higher than what the trainee had said). I was born within the hour of that diagnosis.

    All my love, and remember that there's three who did make it - and how wonderful they are.

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  • From LaBibliographe on November 20, 2008
    Chapter 9: This chapter was a turning point. In Hermione
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  • From slygriff21 on November 20, 2008
    Wow, okay I'm totally addicted to this story now. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Please update again and soon! I love your fics and can't wait to read more!

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  • From on November 20, 2008
    Raw, painful and brilliant. Thanks.
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  • From LadyVoldemort87 on November 20, 2008
    I completely forgot to log out of other pen name when I reviewed last time.

    This chapter was heartbreaking, and I cried when she went to visit Oliver. Lucius was so thoughtful that's its hard to believe what he once was. A sexy Deatheater. Ooops, not sexy. Evil. I ment evil. Didn't I? Oh well *snorts*

    Yes woman, you are going to see Twilight and I weep. Weep and weep and weep. I hope your happy, because I'm not. No I'm not and not even my Carlisle, Emmett and Edward smut can save me. *sigh*

    It's a good job I love you.

    LOL, I had the strangest vision of Luci in a top hat and tails when he was waiting for 'Mione with the teddy.

    Enjoy your time with my Eddie, and Emmett, but most of all think of me when Alice hops down from the branch and mutters "Hey Bella!" I'll be at home crying. Tears of sadness while I lick my calender picture of Carlisle, because I can't see or have the real thing. Nor can I have Luci *sniffs*

    With eternal love that will last forever a twilight *sniggers*

    Vic x

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  • From sassenach on November 19, 2008
    loved this chapter. It tore at my heart, though. Beautiful writing. How many chapters will there be in all? I'm also going to a midnight showing of Twilight- I'm really excited. Hope you have a great time, too! And can't wait to see what happens in the next update!
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  • From ANON - Nightqueen on November 19, 2008
    OMG!! Thank goodness I had a box of tissues next to my bed. This was such a sad but beautifully written chapter. Absolutely fabulous story.
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  • From tambrathegreat on November 19, 2008
    Oh, and I'm a groomer. There was some dog terminology in one of your chapters that was incorrect. Hounds bay when excited, not yelp. Yelping connotes pain to a dog person. You also misnamed your spaniels. They are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, people who own them call them Cavs. They really were never bred for hunting. They are a breed developed in King Charles court to be lap dogs and to set at his feet. He was quite fond of them. They may have hunted at the time, but the are no longer considered a hunting breed. Lucius might have some terriers. They are used in hunting and are quite good a bringing prey to ground. Fox terriers, West Highland White Terriers, Lakeland Terriers and Airedales would be good dogs for him, although they do like to mix it up with each other.

    Okay, I know you don't really care, but I thought I might impart useless information for your further edification. Sorry. I can't help myself sometimes. T
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  • From tambrathegreat on November 19, 2008
    Chapters 1-9

    Wow, that's all I can say. The thought of these two lonely people reaching out to each other is just wrenching to me. I loved the way you wove their pain together in the first chapters, and the way they opened up. It was as if the words were yanked from them, rather than them having a normal conversation. They needed each other.

    I didn't once think the story condoned adultery. It is a story about the end of relationships as well as the beginning of one. Sometimes things happen that aren't neat and tied up. Of course, it would be better for them to wait, but it's not what they need at the moment.

    I am not a fan of angst for angst sake. This story is not angsty in the teenaged sense. It is a thoughtful look at what could cause two people to be drawn to each other, despite the bond they share with others. I love this, and I actually think this is the best story that you have written so far. (Yes, I have read them all, even if I don't review all of them.)

    Great job.
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  • From ElvisJesse on November 19, 2008
    This was so sad!! It shows the strength of a great author when they can make readers weep after reading words on a page.
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  • From jessirose85 on November 19, 2008
    I hope Ron really is working late or he's not finding comfort in someone else xxx

    I am glad Hermione has a great friend in Lucius xxx
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  • From KellyJCR on November 19, 2008
    I really don't see how you are going to get these two together in 30 chapters. I see the feelings and the wants more and more in each chapter but, I really don't see either of them making the necessary moves to be together. I am almost wanting to yell out what needs to happen between them but, alas they are not real and they can't hear me. So here I sit a little fustrated but patienly waiting for the next update. The MRI was negative but, she has a cyst that may be causing her vision problem so I hope this gets resolved quickly thanks for you kind words. Til next time well done!!!
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