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Reviews for The Affair

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From LaBibliographe on November 18, 2008
    Chapter 8: The chasm is widening for Hermione and Ron. Looks like Lucius might be filling that chasm in. I don
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  • From KellyJCR on November 18, 2008
    Wow you need to thank your friend for guilting you into an update! Itseems that Hermiones new job is going to help her more with her life and less in her marriage, although alot of the blame lies with Ron. Lucius seems so lost it is truely heartbreaking. I don't think you have Narcissa ever coming around to forgive him, but, things are never perfect. It just makes the story more realistic. Well done!!
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  • From voraciousreader on November 18, 2008
    Excellently written. You've evoked the harm that silence does in a relationship to perfection. Just one little thing: When she says 'I just don't have the palette for it, I suppose'--it's 'palate' for things like wine; 'palette' is the little board that artists use to mix paints.
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  • From Ithilwen on November 18, 2008
    Oh things are blossoming now.. I just think they don't see it yet, just look at his last words. And yes, Ron is a foolish man not to notice. The first "date" or unofficial date it might be called hehe. Can't wait for more!

    And I hear you about the person they cast as Narcissa. I feel the same way!
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  • From on November 18, 2008
    I thought I was going to read with one eye and a great deal of aprehension. So far...both eyes and I'm impressed, it is quite a telling story. You are building up your tale brilliantly and I'm reading along with anticipation of how things are going to play out. Thanks! Some things are too close to home, and I empathise with both characters (Lucius more than Hermione in some aspects - I have a cold controlling spouse). I've miscarried twice and my second daughter is a surviving twin (it is funny/strange how many things people can have in common, eh?).
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  • From ANON - Stephanie on November 17, 2008
    Aww, poor Hermione. I know how she feels, trying to be intimate, and not feeling anything. I also know how Ron feels, I've been on that side too. Its all very sad.
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  • From ANON - nightqueen on November 17, 2008
    Again I must say you have a way with words. These two chapters show the awakening of both Lucius and Hermione as if from a long tortured sleep. Neither of their spouses have found away to truly communicate with them. They seem more inclined to pass judgment and dig deeper into the misery of their circumstances, instead of trying to fight their way back into the light and back to each other. I absolutely love it so far and can
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  • From carha on November 17, 2008
    I can see how these "go together". Great update hun, and definately looking forward to your next one. This is a very moving story and I was very happy to hear that it has a happy ending. I'm a junkie for the sappy stories with happy endings. To me it's not finished if the ending is right. But you never let me down in that area. I am sorry to hear you lost children, thats never easy to deal with. I lost a brother, but thankfully in my case I was too young to realize it. My mother never got over it fully. No mother should have to bury their child, and I pray every day I never have to do that to my 2 little boys.

    Anyway, very realistic hun, you're doing great as usual!
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  • From LaBibliographe on November 17, 2008

    Chapters 1-7: When I read your warnings, I admit I was hesitant. I
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  • From on November 17, 2008
    I love this story so far!!!! I am just wondering who will make the first move..... My money is on Mr. Yummy Yummy Malfoy...... I am just biting my nails waiting for the next chapter.... Hopefully by the time you update they won't be too bloody!!!
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  • From LadyVoldemort87 on November 17, 2008
    LMAO Go Lucius! You reject Frosty the Snow Bitch!!!!

    And poor 'Mione...Having Ron on her like that...*tuts* I feel sorry for him but he makes me sick.

    Two great chapters again my love I enjoyed them immensely!

    Much love!

    Vic x
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  • From KellyJCR on November 17, 2008
    Narcissa is quite the bitch isn't she. I love that Lucius is finally getting the upperhand in that situation, and I call it a situation because it stopped being a relationship ages ago. What exactly was causing Hermiones reaction to Ron? Was it the drinking or his earlier behavior. I would assume that if you were trying right your life these things would be welcome but, I was always the type move on and distance myself right away so I don't know from whence I speak. As to your comments on the review board you are unbelievably amazing. To have all those things happen to you in your life and your not angry or bitter and still have a wicked sense of humor is nothing short of a miracle. I'm glad your little one was better than you expected and a blood disorder isn't great but, it is better than the alternative. I myself am waiting for the results of the MRI and hoping it is not cancer so please keep your fingers crossed. Can't wait for more stories and Well done!!!!!
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  • From AriaDragoncrest on November 17, 2008
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  • From FifteenStitches on November 17, 2008
    Oh my goodness, I LOVE THIS STORY!!! You had me from hello. I cried twice already. I'm pregnant with twins so it really hit me hard, especially when I read your author's notes. I just wish the chapters were longer so I have more to absorb, but they look like they're growing in size as the story goes on so I can't wait. Some fluff soon? Pwetty pwease?
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  • From HermioneMalfoFan on November 17, 2008
    Oh, this is one of the most honest stories I have ever read! I love it!

    Don't worry about people thinking that you're promoting affairs. I cannot see that in this story at all. It's the sad story about couples drifting apart - something that happens quiet often sadly. And in this case it's even more understandable. I don't even want to imagine how horrible it must feel to experience the death of a child. It's the hardest thing that can happen to a parent.

    Okay, we already know where this will lead, but I am still very curious about the twists and turns it will take! I think that you did a good job with your story and that you're describing the situation they are all in in a very sensible way. I can feel for Ron, too, even if he's (unintentionally) hurting Hermione. It was his baby, too...

    I don't have as much sympathy for Narcissa, though. Bitch that one! ;-)
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