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Reviews for The Affair

By : soldiersgirl0709
  • From LadyofClunn on November 17, 2008
    Heartbreaking and definitely tissue-consuming but as always great quality writing! Sometimes a great tragedy makes a relationship stronger, sometimes it damages beyond repair and it is better to part ways before both hurt each other so badly that it becomes truly unbearable.

    You are doing a great job of portraying their situations and evolving emotions.
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  • From churchill24 on November 17, 2008
    I like how you're writing this story and it's seems real to me almost espeaciley the first chapter. So i do know how it's feel to lose a child and having everyone tip toe around you. The only difference is that i had a husband and we each help the other to get through. Sorry about that sad tip but other then that the story seems good so far cant wait for more.
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  • From slygriff21 on November 17, 2008
    This is a great story so far and I can't wait to read more. Update again and soon.

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  • From helenesnape on November 17, 2008
    Chapter 6

    Oooo...Ron, the selfish bastard! Yet another reason why I don't sail the HG/RW ship...I ALWAYS see Ron as a self-centered prat who is only looking out for 'number one'. She initiated conversation about their respective days, and he lost interest in what she was saying when the focus was no longer on him. Then he gets all pissy when she wouldn't have sex with him. They haven't even had a real conversation since Oliver died and he's wanting to coerce her into having sex. And the fact that he felt the need to be drunk to do it irks me even more.

    Chapter 7

    Narcissa...what can I say about her? She's just as selfish as Ron! She's only with Lucius for what he can provide her with monetarily. She doesn't love him anymore and she could give a damn if that reality hurts his feelings. "Wifely duties, generously offering herself"...SNERK Lucius would get more response from a corpse's wifely duties. He's definitely better off with his good book until Hermione can be the one to provide him comfort in the bedroom.

    Looking forward to future chapters!
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  • From rosebud360 on November 17, 2008
    What a great way to start the week! I was prepared with my box of tissues, and I needed them. But it was cathartic for me. I feel so deeply for all the characters, well except for Narcissa. She's a nasty "bit of fluff", and I'm glad you pointed out that she isn't completely blameless. Their last dinner table conversation was so funny. I also find myself wishing that Draco and Lucius would become closer. But it's just a teensy little wish. I don't care how long this story takes, I'm with you all the way.
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  • From Cliobella on November 17, 2008
    Oh, Honey, I'm so very sorry for your loss of your babies. This story must be unbelievably difficult for you, thank you for sharing it with us. I can't believe how real you make your characters seem in such a short time. I love that Lucy is putting the Ice Queen in her place, but my heart is breaking a bit for Ron. He is a bit thick, but he does have a good heart. I hope he will find peace and happiness. ((HUGS)) Clio

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  • From ANON - morgana on November 17, 2008
    wow... just wow. I know that material like this can be very difficult for some people. The hardest thing I ever did was my clinicals during nursing school when a mother lost her child. I think it is something that no one can explain the pain of until they live through it. No matter how much training I recieved until I had to help parents through it , it was always an intelectual thing. I applaud your strength to write about such ameaty subject. As ussuall stunning job.
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  • From LadyBlueEyes on November 17, 2008

    This is such a moving story! And it breaks my heart at what Hermione must go thru and how Narcissa treats Lucius.

    I cannot wait to see these two lost souls come together and be whole again!! ;-)

    Love and Hugs...

    Lady B*
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  • From jaimelee on November 17, 2008
    Lovely two additional chapters since yesterday. Thank you! I can't wait until Lucius and Hermione get together. And WOW!! 30 chapters. I'm going to be very happy for the next little while... Thank you! I just hope you don't have any cliffhangers built in there!!
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  • From LuciTM on November 17, 2008
    @ chapters 6 and 7.

    loved the contrast in the rejections.
    Lucius' was pretty funny while Hermione's... wasn't.
    And while I hate to see Hermione suffering, it was very well done.

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  • From Ithilwen on November 17, 2008
    Oh a new story from you!

    And I'm hooked already. Well I found this one at the 5th posted chapter! But didn't have time to review..

    I don't like Narcissa.. I hope she vanishes or something. He really should leave her!
    And Ron, Not too sure about him.

    I really hope they find some peace together. The main pair.

    Can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From Gertie on November 17, 2008
    Weird as it sounds, I feel impatient for Hermione and Lucius to dump their respective spouses and get on with being together. I know much more has to transpire for that to happen, but I just want to see them happy. It
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  • From Gertie on November 17, 2008
    Even though I was warned, almost immediately I was crying. The tone of this story is so different from anything else I
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  • From helenesnape on November 17, 2008
    I LOVE THIS! I know it's going to be a hard road to travel, reading it with all the character emotions involved...a lost child, lost loves, the discovery of new friendships. I'm very excited to see how this will all play out.

    Looking forward to your next update! (Tuesday, right?)
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  • From ANON - Stephanie on November 17, 2008
    Oh wow wow wow!
    This is fantastic!
    Very sad, but very realistic, and just the right pace.
    I'm so glad you have started this story, because I am having my tonsills out next week, so I will be holed up at home. But at least I will have this to read!

    I feel sorry for Ron, I think he is a fantastic character, and I hope he gets a happy ending too.
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